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How to help ensure the success of Naval Action

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4 hours ago, Stroopwafel said:

Don't vote for an award unless it is truly deserved.   Using an award(insincerely)  to help the game gain more people is nothing more than a distasteful  form of shilling.  In it's current unfinished state, I would not nominate this game for any awards but reserve the right to do so in the future if it is improved.

The devs need some development cash - hence the paid EA and not free Beta by invitation. If you think its better to have no 'Age of Sail' MMO instead of NA, then be stubborn and don't support it.

What other Age of Sail MMO's are out there that are better than Naval Action? If you have a candidate I'd like to hear about it because I've been looking for one for years. I didn't get in on PotBS because I couldn't afford it at the time. For this niche and right now, this game is king as far as I'm concerned and well deserves an award - even in its unfinished state. If I'm wrong - educate me.

Edited by Angus McGregor
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4 hours ago, Stroopwafel said:

Don't vote for an award unless it is truly deserved.   Using an award(insincerely)  to help the game gain more people is nothing more than a distasteful  form of shilling.  In it's current unfinished state, I would not nominate this game for any awards but reserve the right to do so in the future if it is improved.


Edited by Angus McGregor
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Buying their other games also works in helping the devs :)

Ultimate General: Gettysburg was already in my posession before I bought Naval Action, and their new game Ultimate General: Civil War is a great title as well, lots of customisation of your army !

Edited by Kloothommel
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