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Can t join a OW battle with grouped up team mates


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Hi All


this morning 10.10.16

we where in OW and me and my Mate where grouped up to do some contraband trader hunting

a trinco and a belle


we found a trader right outside Fort orange and where attacking the trader 

i tagged the contrabande  trader and went into battle with it after 20 seconds (200 vs 10)

my mate was in the circle 


but when i looked around 

i did not see my grouped up clan mate 


i asked him where he was, and told me: he has not entered the battle, and he could not even join the battle


so here is the problem he can not join a grouped up battle against a contraband trader brig in OW

within the 2 minute timer
( in the battle circle or on the battle circle)


the battle closes normally after 2 minutes 


my mate made a re log to see if the problem was fixed ,but it was not fixed after that

we made 4 f 11 reports to see for logs


we also tried is the other way around (tagging and joining) but  i did not solve the problem


hope to here from you all for some advice 



Edited by Thonys
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