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boat disappeared


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04/09/2016 day today. before disconnecting the server, complete a mission with my victory, I got into Havana harbor and the server is disconnected, when I returned at 10:00 to connect my victory was not. please help. Thank you.

Have you sent in an f11 on it?

If you have not sent it in with the information you know about the ship. How many upgrade slots its, what kind of frame part, what kind of inbuilt upgrades and what kind of module you had on it (if you had any modules on it).

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this is not solving anything. so difficult is to return a boat that disappeared after the restart I am?


04/09/2016 day today. before disconnecting the server, complete a mission with my victory, I got into Havana harbor and the server is disconnected, when I returned at 10:00 to connect my victory was not. please help. Thank you.


If you dont have outpost in Havana, that destroye your ship...

this is not solving anything. so difficult is to return a boat that disappeared after the restart I am?
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