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out of gold = game over ?

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The major crew meat grinder is the Boarding system. It is not correctly implemented.


It only needs, at this stage, to be tweaked to use the crew numbered focused on boarding and make it work from there.


This will translate into effective historical setups. A frigate will have about 90 ( standard would be 48 marines plus officers and other crew ) or so men fighting for decks control instead of 350 which makes no sense at all and eats away the crew.


Plus Firepower is rarely used by the players ( for the reason I explain ahead )but it eats away Morale faster than it does to enemy crew numbers ... but it will bounce on the 1 morale and stays there for eternity which is really annoying sometimes.


So while I like the whole wind and position combat, and yes one has to pay for mistakes, the Boarding is where most crew is lost and needs revision really urgent.


I support keeping the costs as they are at the moment for the player ship and crew. NPC Fleet crews should pay double (!) if they are here to stay.


boarding really isnt as big a meat grinder as yall think it is. Myself and other clannies board all the time and can do 2 rear admiral fleets in an hour with 3 people just boarding. At most we suffer 200-250 crew loss. The upgrades you use for boarding and how you use attack and now musket volley will determine how well or how bad you do. Yes you loss more crew from boarding but if you are set up for it and know what your doing you will net 250-325k every single ship mission and if you do fleets right you can make 1mil + no problem.

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You are correct also, especially with a team versus a subpar opposition. Was referring to a 1v1 PvP scenario.


Sometimes I forget to measure the average scenario.


I do think the crew loss ratio is okay and also the price. Just calling the attention to the Boarding and a small tweak to it.

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You are correct also, especially with a team versus a subpar opposition. Was referring to a 1v1 PvP scenario.


Sometimes I forget to measure the average scenario.


I do think the crew loss ratio is okay and also the price. Just calling the attention to the Boarding and a small tweak to it.

that has not really changed much there is all about who has the better upgrades and better strat. I can still 1-3 shot a lot of player ships with all purple boarding upgrades even if they have blues only time i suffer any real crew loss is if they have better boarding and i have to play the defense game till i have better moral. You just need to do the right counter moves to kill moral faster and then crew loss will get smaller and smaller for you each turn. Its just a lot of people dont know the counter plays when they are boarding and that is what grinds peoples crew down

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I think I did not explain correctly before. The only tweak I see is needed and that can be controlled to an extent by the player, by maximizing or reducing focus amount is the amount of crew that will fight.


For example, a ship of 240 men has a specific Boarding focus number. That's the amount of sailors that will go into Boarding action already including any specific outfit like marines or other.


As we have all 240 participate in the fight. Is not correct :(


This simple thing would make for a more credible Boarding simulation, despite the mini game which I find okay'ish, and funnel the crew losses due to boarding.

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ahoy captains

i m playing the game for several month now . i like pvp best and try to grind the gold from missions.when the crew costs were inplemented i had saved 2,5 mio gold over the time.

after one week with crewcosts (sailing on 3drate or lower) all my savings are spent on crew.

some of u might say "your just a too bad player with low skill",which is kinda true .BUT does it really make sense to have a game where players can only be succsessfull if they win significantly more battles than they lose?

do the math !

i can only hope that this will be changed until final release ,but as is ,it means game over for me


Whatever PvP style your doing your using you have to change. If you have lost 2.5mil over the last 5days in crew your are simply slaughtering your own crew to much. I'm not even sure how you are doings this without boarding unless you are just going for a broadside lock Coronades slug fest each battle. In which case you are going to lose a ton of crew. 500k/day is a loss rate of a thousand crew a day!?? I don't know of anyone in my clan losing that much. Whatever you are doing is simply not how it's done.

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Two days ago I had 50k gold after several days of spending all that I had on conquest flags, repairs, etc. Yesterday, I dedicated my Naval Action time to grinding out gold so I could continue the battles later in the week. In one day, I made 5 million gold through trading, buying low in one port and selling high in the next. Every once in a while, you have to put your big boy/girl panties on and take some responsibility for your personal finances in the game just like you do in real life.

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Two days ago I had 50k gold after several days of spending all that I had on conquest flags, repairs, etc. Yesterday, I dedicated my Naval Action time to grinding out gold so I could continue the battles later in the week. In one day, I made 5 million gold through trading, buying low in one port and selling high in the next. Every once in a while, you have to put your big boy/girl panties on and take some responsibility for your personal finances in the game just like you do in real life.

Wait what ? These "kids" take responsibility for their actions in real life ?? Where lol.

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Whatever PvP style your doing your using you have to change. If you have lost 2.5mil over the last 5days in crew your are simply slaughtering your own crew to much. I'm not even sure how you are doings this without boarding unless you are just going for a broadside lock Coronades slug fest each battle. In which case you are going to lose a ton of crew. 500k/day is a loss rate of a thousand crew a day!?? I don't know of anyone in my clan losing that much. Whatever you are doing is simply not how it's done.

thats fairly easy ...get caught 2 times with a fully loaded indiaman,fight till the last bullit,...get mad try to find the guys in 3drate ...run ito a grp of 4 ...finally surrender with 150 crew...since it was the last life of the third i switch to constitution ,grp up with 2 others and run into an equal grp but they fight better and i dont wanna surrender in a teambattle ...aproximately 1700 crew gone in one afternoon :-)

Edited by elvismolotov
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thats fairly easy ...get caught 2 times with a fully loaded indiaman,fight till the last bullit,...get mad try to find the guys in 3drate ...run ito a grp of 4 ...finally surrender with 150 crew...since it was the last life of the third i switch to constitution ,grp up with 2 others and run into an equal grp but they fight better and i dont wanna surrender in a teambattle ...aproximately 1700 crew gone in one afternoon :-)

Lol ok i think youre doing it wrong. ;)

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Lost a Pavel to the British, including 800 crew and officer, when we ganked them 4 days ago. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=714848951

I recouped in 2 days and this morning made my first $1M trade run with Tobacco.


I could have spend my time whining on the forum, instead initiated Tobbies Tobacco Imperium ( http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/15026-pvp1-july-tobbies-tobacco-imperium/ )

Come join the fun, there is enough for everybody to go by. :D

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thats fairly easy ...get caught 2 times with a fully loaded indiaman,fight till the last bullit,...get mad try to find the guys in 3drate ...run ito a grp of 4 ...finally surrender with 150 crew...since it was the last life of the third i switch to constitution ,grp up with 2 others and run into an equal grp but they fight better and i dont wanna surrender in a teambattle ...aproximately 1700 crew gone in one afternoon :-)

LoL. Well that is a good point. But hardly the fault of game mechanics.

Seems more a failure of the chair to computer interface logic over emotion inverter.

Edited by Bach
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wouldnt it be good for the game if my gameplay would be affordable ? i m sure my opponents had fun that day :)

Lol im sure the did. They probably was looking over thier shoulders for the hidden camera.

Edited by Henry d'Esterre Darby
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