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Discount great idea, But Y are the Dev's not on the servers helping PPL

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Gday All,


I mean really y are the Dev's not in there 24hrs a day helping the new ppl that come in, jumping between the servers. Discount great idea but you have too follow through help the new players make them feel welcome. 

They just gave you money and they have friends, who will give you more money. I am sure the old hands are helping out, but I really think you should be in the game pushing, up selling and perhaps getting more players at the same time.



Just a thought.

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Well the reasons the devs arent doing it is because 1. they are working on the game and cant spend all day in help chat. 2. they also have their own lives, cant have the devs sit on the server 24/7 answering questions.

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Well the reasons the devs arent doing it is because 1. they are working on the game and cant spend all day in help chat. 2. they also have their own lives, cant have the devs sit on the server 24/7 answering questions.

Pffff, don't be silly. Game Developers don't sleep, they maintain their energy levels with Pot Noodle (is there a Ukrainian equivalent?) and Red Bull to remain awake for months at a time. Neither do we have social lives.

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Well the reasons the devs arent doing it is because 1. they are working on the game and cant spend all day in help chat. 2. they also have their own lives, cant have the devs sit on the server 24/7 answering questions.


Good to see yet another proactive and positive player coming and speaking for the Devs. 


Sheesh buddy be a little Eskimo and stay cool instead of attacking some one who just throwing a idea out there to help bring numbers up.

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The players are very helpful and there's a lot of knowledge to be shared. Ask away in Global and Nation chats ( and even add Help channel ) and ask questions. We had a lot of people yesterday evening asking things and most got away with good answers and very good tips.

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Good to see yet another proactive and positive player coming and speaking for the Devs. 


Sheesh buddy be a little Eskimo and stay cool instead of attacking some one who just throwing a idea out there to help bring numbers up.

How shall he respond then?

"Yes ofcourse they shall sit on the server at all time"


There is bunch of players which already respond to question in both global, help and nation chat.


Normally when someone come up with an idea there is several steps to be taken, first step the point where something light the idea for you, second step is to think thru does this affect something else and how would that then be and how does this help, then you write up the suggestion.


Olavdeng2 didnt attack you in anyway but gave you a direct response on why it wouldnt work.

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Help channel is FULL of kind people willing to answer 'enthusiastically' any question (as well as stupid ones) posed. Help channel was the only source I needed when I first started to play NA.  It's all a new player needs.

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