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Rigging Quality

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I am not sure but...


We tested Rigging Quality, and I am not even sure if that is doing anything at all.  If there is a bonus, it is very small I think.


Someone knows how much faster your sails will be?  To raise/drop/turn?


It can be that it would need a small buff.




We tested by taking two ships right next to each other, and turning the sails, and raise&drop.  It was ~the same.


Maybe I have misunderstood something.  But if so what?


If I have not misunderstood anything, I think Rigging should definitely get a buff.

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All sails and Yard movements will be improved by a lot.


This is easily felt. For exemple, I use a snake brig with built in Rigging and slap Lightweight yards of Fine quality. At start of battle I am always at top sails while most of the enemy ships are still at mains and starting to raise the tops. For a Freebooter that is a life saver, no doubt about that especially if the tag was good on the enemy part.


Same with a Frigate and heavy frigates up to the consti.


No idea about the SOLs but I guess it is the same.


Turning the yards is also faster, but in here manual sail precision counts more than any bónus, they just respond faster to the turn.

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We had 2 frigates to test with.


Can someone else test this?  And verify that those are actually working?  Not bugged or anything.


Test in duel, so that you have 2 ships there, one with rigging and another without.






Speed gives you 1kn faster ship.  If Rigging gives you 0.1 seconds faster sails, it is garbage.


The same with Stiffness, it definitely needs a buff.  It is basically there just to make 50% from crafted ships to be ~garbage.

Edited by Cmdr RideZ
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Yes i noticed this but why?


My guess, my hunch, my guts, tell me it has to do with the ship itself, that each model may have some factor that determines more of this or more of that. I asked once for all crafters of the forum to drop their data from cross reference, but it is too much I guess. As I do not craft ships ( nor will I ) it's even harder for me to test that theory :)




Thanks for the rigging testing guys :) Highly appreciated.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Ok, something new to test...


Has someone tested the difference between,

A: Rigging + Ropes&Blocks

B: Ropes&Block


How these stack?

Or do these bug?






The truth is that if you are able to turn 10% faster your sails.  How much that benefits actually?  The sails are rather fast already, and the benefit is just when you change your sails, in way or other.  So it is far less than 10% to your turning rate, etc.


But 1st would like to know how those stack with the ropes & blocks.


Indeed, I am interested from the maneuverability, but as it seems to be hard to notice the benefits.  It makes you to ask, if things are actually WAI.

Edited by Cmdr RideZ
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They do stack.


Same as Crew Space and Extra Hammocks do.



And it is not about turn rate. It is about Manual control of the ship which is all about the player and not the ship.


I do not give up a good rigging control. It is a life saver and a death dealer.

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It is not about turn rate, but it is...


Additional maneuverability is gained only from period when the sails are actually turning. (Or raising/lowering).


Because you are able to turn your yards a bit faster manually -> You want to for example help you to change your course faster -> Turn faster.


Well, it is just 10% yard turn, then both ships are at maximum turn rate.  Are you really getting benefits from it?


Sure, accelerating from 0 speed to max speed.  Your sails will be up 10% faster, but when you have your sails up, both are accelerating equally fast.  So you wont reach the maximum speed 10% faster, but maybe 0.001% faster?


There are multiple places where you can actually use the sails, not only the ones I mentioned.



I have been reading also just that the rigging is faster, no other comments from the devs, and you cannot really see any hard values.  I kinda trust that those are faster and that the devs checked that the benefits are balanced with the rest of the trims.  But as from the field test, I do doubt that the benefits from the rigging are balanced with the rest.


I am actually just the one to write this post, had conversation about this with others.  Everyone seems to be doubting the real benefits.  So yes, would like to hear what the fellow captains think about this, or send a message to the devs to double check this.

Edited by Cmdr RideZ
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