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American Cotton

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Ross L. Lamoreaux




Most of the hammocks from the CW period were made of canvas or hemp canvas according to the navy specifications. I have found no references to net-type hammocks for the military, but that's not to say there weren't any (I just haven't seen them). I'm not near my reference books, but I'll post the sizes of the two I've examined, as they are pretty similiar. There are references from period journals and diaries of some of them being made on board ship, which bodes with the practice of both navies to make equipment and clothing on board out of material paid for with ships funds or commutation money. This was an activity that I remember well some folks doing at the grand opening of the CW Naval Museum in Columbus. They really aren't too difficult to make with a little practice, as there are only two types of stitches visable in the originals that I viewed - the whip stitch and grommet stitch (the wrap around kind, not the buttonhole kind). They were made from a single piece of cotton duck or hemp canvas folded over on each end for the reinforcement of the grommets, and the grommets were corded for strength. I've seen several quality reproductions that were produced with small metal washers used to reinforce the grommets, which does indeed add strength but isn't necessarily period (a good tight stitching around the opening of the hole will cover them up well.


Canvas made




Cotton made <---



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It wouldnt create trade it would just create a power imbalance, giving US players better access to mods is unfair on everyone else.

I, for one, would quite like for each nation's resource to give that nation the ability to craft unique upgrades. Perhaps it's not the normal Extra Hammocks, but possibly it's an "Improved Hammocks" or something that both increase crew quantity and provides a morale bonus or something along those lines.


 A system like this would give each nation a unique flavor, in absence of nation-locked ships (E.g. only the US has access to the Constitution, Only UK has Surprise, Vic, Trinc, etc...) You could get the upgrades in other nations via trading, but it would be at a premium.

Edited by EricKilla
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I, for one, would quite like for each nation's resource to give that nation the ability to craft unique upgrades. Perhaps it's not the normal Extra Hammocks, but possibly it's an "Improved Hammocks" or something that both increase crew quantity and provides a morale bonus or something along those lines.


 A system like this would give each nation a unique flavor, in absence of nation-locked ships (E.g. only the US has access to the Constitution, Only UK has Surprise, Vic, Trinc, etc...) You could get the upgrades in other nations via trading, but it would be at a premium.




Also if AI traders were to populate free ports with nation-specific upgrade materials, it might induce some PVP with additional players visiting/trading.  And it might also flatten out that potential for lopsided advantages by any one nation.

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