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 Whats with the crazy long storms that not only dont seem to end but they also reduce visibility to zero,, dont get me wrong, I actually crew a real life square rigged ship as a voulenteer,, but honestly its a game,, and hours long storms make the game a bit unplayable,, 

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I love storms !


I like to see more foggy weather without storm.


Question for moderator or developers;

Is storm coded as global or local ? (If Bad Weather is present at Charleston, would the same weather be present at Brunswick)

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Too bad lightning hasn't be coded too.


I'm assuming that there different level of storm, you should be more likely to encounter caterogy 3 storm by the cap horn.

I'm currently stuck in one for about 1 hrs, I just don't know if I'm sailing away as fast as I can would get me out of it... 

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Love the storm but now its more of ..oh look another 45 min storm where i cant see any thing....time to alt tab for a bit.

I see no problem here. If you can't function during a storm, I think they are working right.

Does it make it more difficult? Yes.

Does it make it un-playable? Hell no.

Alt tab if you like, I like the immersion the storms bring and I don't have all day to alt tab until I get perfect arcade style sailing conditions.

I love the storms too, I think it's a bit much to give up just because storm though.

(Not trying to dog you, if you got the time for all that, that's cool, I'd hate to see storms ever removed or reduced their intensity. If anything I'd love to see more intense storms. Storms that would push you into islands and rocks and sink you or flip you, some real storms.)

Storms are local and as far as I can tell, they don't move. I have sailed into a storm that was sitting over Mort for a good long while and even sailed back out of it again later on.

Edited by PrewashedYeti
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Yes running aground and mast/Sail damage would be great, what about taking water too... Just a little.


I played most of the day for the past two days, stoms seems to occured always in the evening for me, after 18:00 EDT.

Wind mechanics needs re-work, it should be random not just turning in circle non stop.

During the day, sunny sky, no fog  nor rough sea  :unsure:

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