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You guys have been so quiet for a while..


Well, heard you tried to ambush one of his Danish-Norwegian kings loyal citizens today.... But you have not told us so I will.


For God and country! Keep coming! :)


Edited by Herminator
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Well... It proved several things....


1. Even 7 vs 1, you still bring AI fleet with you into battles.

2. Even with 7 vs 1, if our 1 call reinforcements, you cant handle an AI fleet.

3. Even with 7 vs 1, if our 1 call reinforcements, you will run and hide.

4. You do only attack when you greatly outnumber us, and even then you don't always win ;)


5. That you are actually cowards with big mouths, and a sensational need to get some sort of accept from someone. Well you won't find it in Danish-Norwegian waters ;)

Edited by Herminator
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Well... It proved several things....

1. Even 7 vs 1, you still bring AI fleet with you into battles.

2. Even with 7 vs 1, if our 1 call reinforcements, you cant handle an AI fleet.

3. Even with 7 vs 1, if our 1 call reinforcements, you will run and hide.

4. You do only attack when you greatly outnumber us, and even then you don't always win ;)

5. That you are actually cowards with big mouths, and a sensational need to get some sort of accept from someone. Well you won't find it in Danish-Norwegian waters ;)

1. He was one of our new members and we had no knowledge of the AI fleet.

2. Everyone was under orders to ignore AI until the Trincomalee was demasted, unfortunately this meant taking hits because we were there for PvP.

3. We never "run and hide" we disengage like your raiding fleet did, staying in a battle you can't win isn't bravery it's stupidity.

4. You guys also only attack when you have an advantage in BR or numbers. We however have engaged a Victory + 3rd rate + renommee with 3 Renommee's, and a St Pavel with 4. Any smart captain picks his fights wisely, why should this be a mark against anyone?

5. I don't think my clan has any cowards in it, we fight against a far stronger opponent with better ships in whatever we can, and when we have victories with those odds we of course let others know of our success.

So sure you won a small victory after a solid 5+ days of defeats and frustration, but we won't be making a treaty simply because we lose a few times ;)

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So sure you won a small victory after a solid 5+ days of defeats and frustration, but we won't be making a treaty simply because we lose a few times ;)

5+ days of defeats and frustration? I have nothing against y'all bickering here on the forums, thinking one or the other is better than others- But at least keep it truthful. Three-four nights ago DRUNK lost at vieques for example- I know that for a fact, and if you doubt me you can ask Reiwok, he was in the battle as well. So yeah- That doesn't seem like 5+ days of defeats and frustrations, certainly not so to me.

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5+ days of defeats and frustration? I have nothing against y'all bickering here on the forums, thinking one or the other is better than others- But at least keep it truthful. Three-four nights ago DRUNK lost at vieques for example- I know that for a fact, and if you doubt me you can ask Reiwok, he was in the battle as well. So yeah- That doesn't seem like 5+ days of defeats and frustrations, certainly not so to me.



Well sometimes you win, and sometimes you lose...thats PvP. And sometimes you have to disengage a combat.

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If we wanted, we would destroy AI-fleet without any problems, but the Trinco (player) could escape. We ran a risk and we lost. This situation is normal for PvP players, but it is a great victory for players who hunt AI-fleets near Viques whole day without a break ;) And I congratulate you on it.

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1. He was one of our new members and we had no knowledge of the AI fleet.

2. Everyone was under orders to ignore AI until the Trincomalee was demasted, unfortunately this meant taking hits because we were there for PvP.

3. We never "run and hide" we disengage like your raiding fleet did, staying in a battle you can't win isn't bravery it's stupidity.

4. You guys also only attack when you have an advantage in BR or numbers. We however have engaged a Victory + 3rd rate + renommee with 3 Renommee's, and a St Pavel with 4. Any smart captain picks his fights wisely, why should this be a mark against anyone?

5. I don't think my clan has any cowards in it, we fight against a far stronger opponent with better ships in whatever we can, and when we have victories with those odds we of course let others know of our success.

So sure you won a small victory after a solid 5+ days of defeats and frustration, but we won't be making a treaty simply because we lose a few times ;)



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If we wanted, we would destroy AI-fleet without any problems, but the Trinco (player) could escape. We ran a risk and we lost. This situation is normal for PvP players, but it is a great victory for players who hunt AI-fleets near Viques whole day without a break ;) And I congratulate you on it.

If you have a more efficent way of getting up the ranks than hunting AIs, then by all means- Do let me know, I'll have you know however that I perform my fair share of PvP as well, and a loss is a loss regardless of how you might want to twist and bend it,- and if you lose once, then well- You're no longer on a win-streak.

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5+ days of defeats and frustration? I have nothing against y'all bickering here on the forums, thinking one or the other is better than others- But at least keep it truthful. Three-four nights ago DRUNK lost at vieques for example- I know that for a fact, and if you doubt me you can ask Reiwok, he was in the battle as well. So yeah- That doesn't seem like 5+ days of defeats and frustrations, certainly not so to me.

We'll simply make a new winning streak ;)

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If you have a more efficent way of getting up the ranks than hunting AIs, then by all means- Do let me know, I'll have you know however that I perform my fair share of PvP as well, and a loss is a loss regardless of how you might want to twist and bend it,- and if you lose once, then well- You're no longer on a win-streak.


of course AI hunting is better to gain ranks faster, but we are not in a hurry. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Today in Swedish waters a group of Danish consisting of 2 Surprise, 2 Frigates and a Bellona were hunting random Swedish ships around Island Harbour, they decided to drop anchor just outside Gustavia in hopes someone would take the bait, and of course we took it..The battle was slightly in our favour at the start, but was quickly won due to better positioning by the Swedish ships, the result was all 5th rates being sunk and the Bellona being captured. It was a Victory for Sweden and a message to any Danish or French who continue to enter our waters..





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You british guys are funny:


1) Your pocket pirate clan FTS takes 3 ports at Jamaica, then u take them back without any opposition. The reason behind this is simple - just setting up timers on them. But no, it's too simple! You create a "role-play" thread, claiming a major victory out of this bad joke. Basically it was brits "fighting" brits and you made it public. Huzzah indeed.

2) Your pocket swedish clan DRUNK makes a "battle" with your another pocket danish clan RNON. And once again u create a post about it. Clap-clap.


Do you really think this line of "diplomacy" gonna work? Sometimes I think that u guys just want to destroy the British faction this way. I'm not gonna stop you.     

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You british guys are funny:


1) Your pocket pirate clan FTS takes 3 ports at Jamaica, then u take them back without any opposition. The reason behind this is simple - just setting up timers on them. But no, it's too simple! You create a "role-play" thread, claiming a major victory out of this bad joke. Basically it was brits "fighting" brits and you made it public. Huzzah indeed.

2) Your pocket swedish clan DRUNK makes a "battle" with your another pocket danish clan RNON. And once again u create a post about it. Clap-clap.


Do you really think this line of "diplomacy" gonna work? Sometimes I think that u guys just want to destroy the British faction this way. I'm not gonna stop you.     

haha someone is salty ;)

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I'm sure you're familiar with the saying "The enemy of my enemy is my friend"? Well think of it that way, our enemies decided to form basically a coalition against Britain, so we naturally will help Britain fight against our enemies. We're in no way a British lapdog, but currently we have a mutual interest in this war against the aggressors..As you can see this form of diplomacy works much better than kicking down the door, and then after try and become friends. I can see no financial or diplomatic reason why you shouldn't be our number one enemy :P At least in our propaganda no AI was harmed ;)

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Well... It proved several things....


1. Even 7 vs 1, you still bring AI fleet with you into battles.


2. Even with 7 vs 1, if our 1 call reinforcements, you cant handle an AI fleet.

3. Even with 7 vs 1, if our 1 call reinforcements, you will run and hide.


4. You do only attack when you greatly outnumber us, and even then you don't always win ;)


5. That you are actually cowards with big mouths, and a sensational need to get some sort of accept from someone. Well you won't find it in Danish-Norwegian waters ;)

Ironical you need to outnumber a single nation 5-1 to be brave enough to fight. If you wouldn't have all this support you would be hiding in your caves.

You guys are also running when you don't have advantage.

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You british guys are funny:

1) Your pocket pirate clan FTS takes 3 ports at Jamaica, then u take them back without any opposition. The reason behind this is simple - just setting up timers on them. But no, it's too simple! You create a "role-play" thread, claiming a major victory out of this bad joke. Basically it was brits "fighting" brits and you made it public. Huzzah indeed.

2) Your pocket swedish clan DRUNK makes a "battle" with your another pocket danish clan RNON. And once again u create a post about it. Clap-clap.

Do you really think this line of "diplomacy" gonna work? Sometimes I think that u guys just want to destroy the British faction this way. I'm not gonna stop you.

lol you mad bro? But since I don't know those clans well what about the danes talking other nations into war with brits? What's wrong? Did you guys forget your cojones in Kopenhagen?

You think we are ruining a fraction while your actings causes the loss of playerbase? Very smart. Seriously.

Edited by CptEdwardKenway
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Ironical you need to outnumber a single nation 5-1 to be brave enough to fight. If you wouldn't have all this support you would be hiding in your caves.

You guys are also running when you don't have advantage.

When the disadvantage is clear, every smart people would run. So you can't insult on that.


Otherwever, when you are at 5 renomee built for speed just to get a lonely surprise. That is something you can talk about and not really be proud of.

DRUNKS are well know for being a rogue clan doubled with troll of category C (the one more boring than anything else after a few days.)

It's too bad Nation can't ban group of player from there nation because I'm pretty sur DRUNKS would have been put in Pirates at there place. Or maybe we should make a DRUNK nation just for theses guys. They kinda cute with there attempt to troll. :D



-Dixit a player who rushed in the pack of 15 british heavy ship with his surprise and 3 teammate! (Interception attempt of Gracias a Dios.)

Edited by KuroNyra
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Personally I can't see how someone can be called a troll for using the basic strategy of outnumbering the enemy, you trying to say that in a real war, a force that had a 5 ships would decline attacking just because the enemy only had 1 ship, I doubt it. The simple counter would simply be to avoid sailing alone.

P.S I know this is a game and not a real war, but still very basic strategy

Edited by Morey
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Personally I can't see how someone can be called a troll for using the basic strategy of outnumbering the enemy, you trying to say that in a real war, a force that had a 5 ships would decline attacking just because the enemy only had 1 ship, I doubt it. The simple counter would simply be to avoid sailing alone.

P.S I know this is a game and not a real war, but still very basic strategy

I'm not calling them trolls for what they do ingame.

While they do use what can be considered douchebag tactics, it's still valid tactic (sadly, no honor!!!)

I call them troll for there reaction in the forum, the picture they post sometime just to put oil in the fire. Still some are funny (damn dat 6 cutter vs a fleet. That one made my day and I needed it!)


I'll fight them if they come to me. But I do not like most of there action.

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I'm not calling them trolls for what they do ingame.

While they do use what can be considered douchebag tactics, it's still valid tactic (sadly, no honor!!!)

I call them troll for there reaction in the forum, the picture they post sometime just to put oil in the fire. Still some are funny (damn dat 6 cutter vs a fleet. That one made my day and I needed it!)


I'll fight them if they come to me. But I do not like most of there action.

Well, that's all your opinion, you're welcome to it and I respect it, as I'm sure the drunk lads do also. I've played with them and spent hours on their teamspeak. They're a joy to play with, so I do disagree with referring to their tactics as 'douchebag' tactics and that they have no honour. As for what is posted on the forums, I think they don't do a lot different than others, by reporting their successes every now and then, but their agenda is different to the mainstream so their going against the grain, and some obviously don't like it.

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