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Assigning slots to port battle participants.


24 members have voted

  1. 1. Allow Flag carrier to pick n chose?

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The flag purchaser should be able to pick n chose which available ships are in battle slots, as he provided a substantial investment and assumes the majority o the risk.



This will allow him to better organize the battle, and help prevent potential abuse. 

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Would only help promote further secularizing within nations even more.

Why Pubs see conquest shows up with minimum size ship   tags along doesn't do much then get reward for helping.....  when a clan member who chiped in for the over all cost has to sit out and miss it.....that there already makes the clan hate the pubs even more.  with this system they should have a option to make it open to public once the flag carrier gets all the people he wants in first so that the people who help pay for a 600k flag can at least participate .

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It is a problem since people who contributed to buying the flag can get locked out. Still, every one should be able to participte in all facets of the game.

Perhaps the flag carrier could delegate 10 or 15 of the slots, with the rest open on the first come basis?

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It is a problem since people who contributed to buying the flag can get locked out. Still, every one should be able to participte in all facets of the game.

Perhaps the flag carrier could delegate 10 or 15 of the slots, with the rest open on the first come basis?

i can work with that....middle ground sort of speak...

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Let me add one thing.


There are a lot of ports with more than accessible Flag crafting prices. Lowest I saw was 75k. This gives any irregulars a good chance to have a mob fight without having to rest upon the shoulders of the more organized groups.


I think many folks don't realize this yet that they do not have necessarily to follow the crowd but can effectively gather a crowd themselves with as little as 75k.

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I think port battles should involve more ships. I've put it in another thread, make it a bit tournament like. Make three seperate battles of 25vs25, once the attackers or defenders BR drops below a certain number that side loses. Sunk, escaped, capped or surrendered ships are out of the PB. The remaining force will fight the final battle, 25vs25 (highest BR ships of both sides, so even the ones who are still afloat of the lost rounds can join in). Rounds could be more or less evened out.


This will:

1 - Make PB les frequent

2 - Give incentive to the players not sailing a 3rd rate to go to the PB anyways

3 - Will probably sink alot more 3rd rates, making the final battle probably alot more diverse (as both sides fielding 75 3rd rates will probably be not so frequent)

4 - Will probably replace a big part of the defending/attacking done outside the PB, wich is usualy gank or get ganked.

5 - This should also solve the problem of nog having a PB slot.

6 - Alot more tactics could be involved, like getting the bigger ships first etc.


Con's will be that smaller nations might have trouble fielding 75 ships.


I think this might make PB more intresting for everybody, and maybe alot less frequent.

Again some people think it is fine like it is, I just think it is missing something right now.

This might create some epic, diverse battles...




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Again, Port Battles will be tiered somehow and linked with Naval Bases which should redirect energies and planning of port battles. If you rummage through the last week admin posts you will find this info.


IIRC it will be the shallow, normal and deep ports with limits on the rates as we have with the addition of Normal wich is 4th rate upper limit.


Regarding the bigger numbers, this is always limited by technical factors but, as I said in another thread, there is no barrier to anyone planning a port battle. Anyone can organize and buy a flag. There is no need to be waiting for "someone else", so everyone can have fun. But that is a player side thing, not a mechanic thing, to fund port battles whatever mechanics are, money, resources, etc.

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I think capture flag should be removed from the game.


I think this system would make much more sense and much less exploitable if exploitable at all:


If one nation make an attack from La Habana to Mariel for example the defenders would have 30 mins in order to prepare the defense, every player who wants to participate in the battle should check in in the port where the attack starts and move to the battle from there. When the 30 mins ends the port battle would open and only the players who checked in would have access.  There would be no limit to the number of players who can check in.

That would force every player who wants to participate into the battle port to start the attack from the port where the attack was launched.

There would be unlimited attacks, so if one player buy the attack from one port that is far away from the port target in order to frustrate/trolling the attack another player could buy another attack from a closer port.

Every player would need to check in in any port where the attack was bought and start the attack from there.

That would avoid players logging off near the attacked city, players from the same faction putting the flag in combat on purpose, people purchasing flags in order to frustrate an attack etc, etc

The further away the attack is launched the more time the defenders would have to prepare the defense, you couln't make an attack that is more than 1 hour traveling.


I think the flag system is really exploitable, not good and not realistic at all, every attacker should move from the port where the attack is originated to the attacked port as in real life.

Edited by Wili
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