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limitation of conquest

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In the last few days we saw 2 small nations getting seal clubbed from 2 sides and the lost around 30 ports in 2-3 days.

We also lost many players. From 2500 each day we had 2000 saturday and 2200 sunday.

My idea to prevent some players to trash smaller nations is a limitation of conquest/flags.

For example a nation can just buy 2-3 flags each day and 10 each week. The whole nation would have to choose their offensive wisely and it would put more strategy and tactical elements into this game. And not just overrun an outnumbered opponent within 2 days.

A nation would have to choose only important ports and save some flags to counter attack lost ports. If they decide to overrun a nation they would still need 4 days because of the limitation and they would not be able to counter any lost port.

A small nation will never be able to attack more than 2 ports a day but they would also never get attacked more than 2-3 times a day. So for the balance it would be good.

It also happened with spain before. It's way too much at the moment to handle for players with a regular life and gives hardcore players with much freetime an absolutely advantage.

And for those who want to make PvP battles there are still the small/large battles or you can meet somewhere and sink each other.

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I dont belive this solves anything and creates some problems:


1. you can easily grief this by having a clan member switch nation when you know there is going to be an attack and buy some fake flags to stop them from attacking


2. even if you dont get griefed by this if there are 3 different clans operating in 3 different theaters doing their own thing, you will run into situations where you cant do anything because another clan bought all the flags already.


3. if a nation is attacked by 2 nations(see france), they will only be able to take back half of the ports that they lost(the same thing happened to spain, getting attacked by multiple nations)



This is just my opinion though, i think limiting the amount of portbattles is good, but an artificial cap brings its own problems.

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From this topic:

I like it. In the meantime, we were theorizing about a system where capping too many ports in too short span of time (talking weeks or months, not nights) would stack up "debuffs" on your nation, making it harder to attack future ports (limiting BR, limiting slots) and defend newly acquired ports (less/weaker forts due to overstretching forces, less slots). The idea behind is to make it possible to roll over other nation - but with skill (winning an unfair fight) and not with numbers.

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I know there are some problems. You would have to talk to other clans about operations. And for such big operations you need the help of other clans so I don't see a problem with that.

And even if you attack a nation from 2 sides like it happened with france they could only get the half if their ports back yes. But the attacking nations would also not be able to counter any attack on their ports. So you still would have to choose your operations wisely.

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I know there are some problems. You would have to talk to other clans about operations. And for such big operations you need the help of other clans so I don't see a problem with that.

And even if you attack a nation from 2 sides like it happened with france they could only get the half if their ports back yes. But the attacking nations would also not be able to counter any attack on their ports. So you still would have to choose your operations wisely.

You say so, but the dutch on PVP1 as an example only have 1 front to worry about, the danes seem to also have only one front to worry about so the danish-dutch attack on the french would still easily happen.

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The game needs more to do than just conquest as well. I mean I fully agree that it needs systems that don't allow any one nation to simply win, but even a very well balanced open world conquest game like Planetside 2 which could sustain non-stop combat between thousands of players day and night kind of loses it's appeal after so many months of just trading bases back and forth. 

Edited by Aetrion
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Like I said in the other thread. Separate port raiding from port capture.


If you want to hold a port then the capturing party needs to have a large percentage of the attacking fleet stay in or near the port (or set up outposts there) for a good period of time after the battle or the port flips back after a day or so.


If the whole attacking fleet leaves after the battle why on earth would the population of a port switch allegiance?


This prevents the same 25 ships from rolling 3-4 ports in a single evening.

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Like I said in the other thread. Separate port raiding from port capture.


If you want to hold a port then the capturing party needs to have a large percentage of the attacking fleet stay in or near the port (or set up outposts there) for a good period of time after the battle or the port flips back after a day or so.


If the whole attacking fleet leaves after the battle why on earth would the population of a port switch allegiance?


This prevents the same 25 ships from rolling 3-4 ports in a single evening.

Presumably the 'flag' is actually a small group of invasion transports.

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You could just put new flags on a cool down timer nationally after any successful port capture.


Nation takes a port, the entire nation has to wait 12 hours to take another port.  Call it fortification time or something.


Then it's not subject to griefing by flag purchase, only "they took the wrong damb port" inter nation politics, which for a overly large populated nation should be one of the problems they have to deal with anyway.

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