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Posts posted by Leviathan

  1. If you do experiment with a much closer view I would somehow restrict feedback from testers on the topic until they get 25-50 battles with it. Otherwise, the knee-jerk reaction would really skew the feedback as it would be a large adjustment for most. I can only imagine the amount of accidental ramming in the beginning.

    • Like 3
  2. I am still voting mainly for Bonhome Richard, but between amsterdam and the rattlesnake, rattlesnake all the way!!! If you vote for Rattlesnake you will get cookies!

    Seeing that the Bonhomme Richard is in 11th place you could change your vote to the Rattlesnake and receive a cookie :D

    • Like 2
  3. It will happen eventually and will definitely happen before the game is officially released. It has already happened to those of us who started before sea trials.

  4. Right now avatars are definitely not of any importance. However, when I think about the open world aspect of this game having an avatar could be useful. Often in MMO's certain areas will serve as hubs for people to meet and interact in the open world. I surmise this will be possible without avatars but it would certainly be easier with one instead of everyone sitting on ships chatting in an area.

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  5. Snagged this from the Russian forum


    Вести с подзабытого чемпионата кораблей.

    Прошло 483 тура (голосов)

    В первом раунде было 423

    Главное сегодняшнее событие - Кристиан наш Седьмой догнал

    идущего на третьем месте Indefatigable



    Amsterdam (1748, Dutch 42-gun indiaman) - 95

    2 Rattlesnake (1780, American 20-gun corvette) - 82

    3-4 HMS Indefatigable (1784, British 64-gun ship) - 58 

    3-4 Christian VII (1767, Danish 90-gun ship) - 58

    Téméraire-class (1784, French 74-gun ship) - 36

    HMS Agamemnon (1781, British 64-gun ship) - 35

    7-8 USS Independence (1814, American 54-gun ship) - 31

    7-8 Wasa (1778, Swedish 60-gun ship) - 31

    Océan-class (1788, French 118-gun ship) - 25

    10 USS Bonhomme Richard (1765, American 42-gun frigate) - 13

    11 Hermione (1779, French 32-gun frigate) - 12

    12 Amazon-class (1773, British 32-gun frigate) - 7


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