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Posts posted by Leviathan

  1. When the game is released I think an instance for new players to go through a tutorial would be appropriate.


    Once they've registered they could be loaded into an empy sea and given on-screen directions for rudder, sails, and so on to get the hang of it. Perhaps load them first with a fore-and-aft rigged ship and then a square rig so they understand the basics of each. Afterward, it could send them through a small mission or target range to allow them to practice their gunnery. They could stay here, by themselves with some AI, for as long as they see fit or when they log out before entering the game.


    I could also see these instances being given to players as they move from one ship class to another. However, I think everything else should be limited to the Open World with no instances for group training regardless if anyone is in a society/clan/guild or not.

  2. Another thing I have noticed is that Ball doesn't seem to cause too many crew casualties, even when you double shot at close range into the hull. Perhaps something that is being gauged atm by the devs.

    Fire some up the stern and see what happens to the crew. Crew loss from stern damage may be a tad OP currently. Firing directly into the side of the hull doesn't kill many crew at the moment. The good thing is the devs are always watching, listening, and adusting.

  3. It is an interesting idea Maturin and worth discussing.


    I just think that if the devs do consider the idea it needs to be approached from a gameplay perspective strictly. Normally i'm all for realism but if this concept is taken too far it could break the current dynamics between the different ship classes and throw everything out of balance (I know this isn't your intention). At the same time if the effects are too minimal then there is no point in adding them at all. It will be a tricky thing to balance taking into account all the different ship types and combat scenarios possible to avoid situations like I described above.


    What about stuns in the form of visual disruption? Perhaps some screen shaking that intensifies with the amount of shot being taken? No idea if that would kill FPS though. It may be a terrible idea but figured i'd throw it out there.

  4. AP514 - Did you try selecting a different window size from the dropdown menu on the login screen? You can also drag the screen and resize but it has to be done on the login or the lobby screen. I made the mistake before of dragging it too far so when the next time I logged on it bumped me up to the next screen size which caused the entire lower section to be cut off. I didn't notice it until I was in battle and couldn't change crew focus or ammo types.


    I apologize if this was obvious and you already tried it. It happened to me so I figured i'd throw it out there just in case.

  5. I'm concerned about scenarios where it's 2v1 like two Constitutions against a Bellona or Victory. Right now it's possible to defeat the 2 Constitutions if you manage the situation correctly but lose if you don't.


    In this stun scenario the Bellona could be stunned by the first Constitution and then stunned again by the fire from the second. By then the first would have had enough time to reload and maneuver to again stun the Bellona. I think many times this would result in an almost impossible and frustrating situation for the single ship. One of the Constitutions may get stunned but it could recover while the other is engaging the Bellona. For the most part they could maneuver to avoid taking a 60% hit when working in tandem.


    I'm not discounting the entire idea, but I don't like the thought of the scenario above.



    Such short term stuns are a great idea, but will create a "first shot" problem. In most cases a player (especially a rookie) will not recover making the rest of the combat unimportant time sink. This will make players a lot more cautious. And increase combat distance. 


    For the raking fire only - this might be a good idea, but needs to be tested.

    This it would definltely do. I'd imagine the majority of battles would be reduced to long distance and chain shot with little diversity.

  6. This is one of my original designs for a pirate flag in the spirit of historical pirate flags but with a twist, I would love to have in game(disregard watermark):


    I think this would look much better without the lower pair of arms but that's subjective of course. Still a very nice job.



    I would like the possibility of custom designs but i'm not holding my breath for it. I'd take some new ships and open world first.

  7. If any changes do come to tacking I personally don't want to see it made so easy that it's fail-safe for even the newest of players. Of course they will struggle at the beginning but they will learn just like everyone else has to. I still think people should be able to get stuck in irons if they initiate a tack with improper control and speed leaving them vulnerable until they free themselves.


    Since there are no magic skills in this game (which I am very happy about) we need the controls such as aiming and sailing to maintain focus on player skill and not water them down too much. They need to require enough skill that those who put the effort in can separate themselves from those who don't. If everything is made so simple and friendly that you can't fail, then the gap between players who put in the time and new/casual players is significantly lessened. The result would be that matches would turn into a crap-shoot as practically everyone would be even with no incentive to get better.

    • Like 6
  8. We promised in the beginning of this year and we will make it happen. We plan to actively use community created content - we just need more time to finalize specs. With the onset of Unity 5 this could be further delayed, but not by much. 

    I was wondering if you were going to make the jump to 5. Hopefully we get some more visual goodness from the new version.

  9. I'm almost positive that the developers said this was not implemented and would not be implemented as it was too minimal or something of that effect.




    Here's the old topic and the admins response to it





    It won't be in game. It is a perfect undetectable trolling tool and there is no way to protect players against it.

  10. Welcome ETF


    Keep in mind everything at this point is for testing combat, getting feedback on ships, searching for bugs and is not a complete game. However, even at this point the game (combat) is a lot of fun. The game is realistic but it is not a full simulator. It does reward tactics and teamwork but right now there is no command system. It's a little more hands-on than some as you must aim and fire your guns manually while controling the yards etc. I think you'll be pleased.

  11. "Rattlesnake" privateer 1780


    Massachusetts Privateer Ship Rattlesnake was designed by John Peck of Boston, Massachusetts, and probably built at Plymouth in 1780.1 She was very lightly built and had no wales, and was reputedly very fast. Rattlesnake appeared as a miniature frigate, with detached quarterdeck and forecastle. She may have had gangways and/or gratings extending from the quarterdeck to the forecastle. These would have been removed in action. Rattlesnake measured 89'3" on the deck, 74'11" on the keel, 22'4" in beam, with a depth in the hold of 8'10 1⁄2" and measured 199 tons.2



    I think this ship would be a blast and would fit between the brig and surprise











    • Like 8
  12. If it were to continue the way to easily eliminate it during alpha is to put the damage on the guy shooting, not his teammate.

    So, broadside a teammate? Great, that's about 1,000 points of damage that you just inflicted on yourself with no damage points added to you total.

    Seems right :D

    I can just imagine the amount of confused looks wondering who is firing on them at the same time they are firing. It may take many battles for them to catch on lol.

  13. I do think it's a necessary evil and gives another tactic option. Once the open world is available it won't be as much of an issue as you can simply sail off if you wish. Also, I don't think it's quite as effective as it once was in the larger ships. The Victory takes no damage even from another Victory unless you are in moderate range.

    • Like 2
  14. I like the separated repairs idea.

    On the topic of masts, I think is cool that finally is here. I don't think is specially overdone either (and I say this after having been reduced to a big canoe with guns some times now). However I think it's a bit binary at the moment. I've seen whole masts falling down under heavy fire, but I've not seen any portion of the masts going away. It's either losing a whole mast, or nothing. You can't lose a topgallant (not that I've seen at least) while the rest of the mast remains there....

    I can't say in this build, but in previous builds you could just lose your topgallant or masts in sections. I've had it done and done it to a few others in the past.

  15. If you repeatedly hit the same are of the sails it won't do any damage or as much. The masts broke much too often in previous builds, but I do feel strongly that there should be some chance that they break. Currently I don't think there is any chance as I haven't seen a mast drop in a month.

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