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Posts posted by Leviathan

  1. It fits fine between the Surprise and the Constitution. It won't turn as well as the Surprise as it's a good bit larger but it will batter it with it's larger guns. It does turn faster than the Constitution however. I used the Trincomalee earlier with another Surprise and Brig to defeat a Constitution and a Surprise.

  2. I don't mind the current UI that we have for testing and think it's okay as is. It really doesn't take anything away from the game in my opinion. It will be nice for everyone here to try it once the sea trials start to see how they feel after some hands-on experience. In theory it would be interesting to rely solely on visual cues but as stated many don't have the greatest rigs and highest graphics to see them.


    Another thought that crossed my mind today was hacking. I really hope we never see that kind of foolishness in this game but I know it's possible with any game. I've played a few games in the past that were plagued by hacking where people did extreme amounts of damage or went into 'god' mode and didn't take any damage. For this reason alone I think being able to see the enemy health bar would help police some of this activity or at least allow it to be reported. With the UI you should see that their ship isn't taking any damage and that something isn't quite right. However, without the UI their invincibility could go unnoticed for a period of time and their victories chalked up to real skill. 

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  3. Again, it's based on a percentage if I remember correctly but perhaps the developers can say for certain. Sometimes you may get demasted twice in a battle which would be the extreme end of things. On the other end of the spectrum you may go 10 battles and never lose a single mast.


    Even during the larger 25v25 AI/player fleet battles not that many masts were lost. Of course there were some but it wasn't like a timber company moved in and started logging masts off ships.


    If you're in a Cutter and take a broadside from a Victory through your sails your chances of losing a mast is probably significantly higher.

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  4. In the game any time a mast is hit directly there is a chance for it to break. It's a very low percentage maybe around 10% if I remember correctly. It's not that common of an occurence and doesn't happen with every shot into the sails, but it's enough to make the battles dynamic.


    As for repairs, yes they are much faster than in real life, but this is also a game. For the sake of gameplay the repairs have to be faster than possible in real life just to keep the match alive. Keep in mind all of this can still be tweaked based on feedback in the future patch and at the developers discretion.

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  5. I understand what you are saying. However, this exact system was pretty effective on pirates online. It was probably the thing that kept that game alive for as long as it did. Granted that game had very arcade sailing physics and combat, but many people played the game just to PvP with fellow crews or attack npc fleets. Several ships were full with gunners and people on repair or running back and forth to do both.


    I agree that for this to be effective the avcom and sword fighting would have to be as good as the sailing. It can't be an after thought as it was in potbs. Hopefully blackwake can fill this roll and further their development to do so.


    Lastly, I think Naval Action is fine as it is. The sailing and gunnery system is unique to this game. I've always been a bit of a solo captain and this allows me to be in control of every aspect. The gunnery system is by far my favorite part of the game.

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  6. I don't see how this could work in NA at this point since there are no avatars, but I do feel this is an often neglected element that these games beg for.

    The ability to sail with a real player crew is something that i've only seen in a few games such as Pirates of the Caribbean Online, ArcheAge, and now Blackwake in the future.


    It's a very unique element and to me seems perfect for this type of game. It encourages teamwork and makes you work as a crew to survive and prevail. For instance, instead of hitting a button to repair, the repair work would have to be completed by players patching holes and pumping water. Also, like in Blackwake, those players can manually load and fire cannons. Then once the enemy is disabled you could board the enemy ship as a crew to try and capture it.


    Obviously, you could never require a full crew of real players to run a ship as it would be impossible in anything larger than a Cutter due to the amount of crew required. You could however allow 10-20 spots for real players and designate that only the top deck can be fired by the crew, otherwise they would sit dormant. The remainder of the decks would still be controlled by the captain as it is now. The bonus of the crew then being that without them the amount of firing guns is reduced and you can't repair your ship.

    You wouldn't want to attack a ship while solo only to get boarded and face a full player crew by yourself. This natural dependency of captain and crew would get people working together and make for some very interesting gameplay.

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