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Posts posted by Leviathan

  1. With the current wave and shooting mechanics boats with less than 4 cannons are extremely hard to aim. By the time you spent you tracking shot guns you will have no loaded guns left. 

    Can't agree more with this statement. Even in moderate seas the aiming can be tricky with the small ships. Most of the time I end up 'estimating' range and firing a full broadside.

  2. Anyways...if smoke is a client side feature, couldnt it be modded for those that would want it?

    I think the thought with the smoke is that it's essential for everyone to have the same smoke to assure a level playing field. Since the smoke can obscure vision, at least briefly until it dissipates, it could lead to visual and accuracy advantages over other players. That's why a 'on/off' smoke feature would never work.


    I would like to see the smoke a little closer to what's in the videos, but the smoke we have now is pretty good. I can live with it and let the focus be on other aspects of the game.

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  3. If someone offered me and my development team 10 million for a console port you are damn sure i'd take it. I couldn't hold that against anyone. Ultimately, I want to see this game release but continue to grow with new content that has been discussed around the forums. The sailing model, combat, and graphics are great now. I simply want the game to expand and live up to it's ultimate potential on the pc. I play console as well, but for me I want the ultimate online sandbox in which I can battle others and sail the seas.

  4. The only issue I see with striking colors is if it means an automatic loss of your ship to the enemy. In real life striking colors is useful to spare the life of the crew but who is going to forfeit a hard-earned ship in the game to save the lives of their digital crew? Not I. It may work if it doesn't always result in a loss of ship but maybe cargo or currency to the winner. I would like to see the chance of fire and a rare explosion implemented.

  5. I'm still finishing Black Flag. I've had the game since last November but didn't get around to starting it until June lol. Graphically it's very impressive and the ocean and storms are nice. I do wish the sailing model was more realistic however.


    I rarely play POTBS anymore though I was a late starter to that game to begin with. Usually not much action when I get on so i'll end up sinking a few fleets with the Terror and log off.


    I've also been beta testing Archeage. Seems like a decent mmo though I need more time with it. I just wish it didn't have so many fantasy elements and cat people but that seems to appeal to the masses.

    I do like the fact that you can gather a crew of real players and engage in combat together on the same ship. That is always a unique element to me that makes you feel like a live crew. Sometimes when sailing your own ship it's easy to become distant in your own world. Pirates of the Caribbean online, though geared toward a younger crowd and not very realistic, had that element and it really made sailing enjoyable for everyone in the game. I've only seen a few other games in development that have this feature.

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