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Posts posted by Leviathan

  1. I finally got my 980 TI installed but forgot to update. At 1440 i'm getting around 80-90 fps in open world (over 100 if I zoom in to deck view) on ultra and higher in instances. If i turn on 4xAA i'm getting around 40-45 fps.



  2. Well at least it won't go to waste in the hands of the Americans and TDA. They'll likely throw it all overboard!!!  :D


    Tea is just wasted space that could otherwise be used for beer...and we love our beer.

    • Like 1
  3. Yes have AA on.Will try this session without it.Thanks for tip.





    With  AA off getting 76-85FPS in the open world.


    Looking for a lone TradeBrig to attack in my Lynx.Will post updated Battle instance FPS with AA off.




    Battle instance I got without AA 108-122 FPS.

    That sounds much more like it

  4. The ships that you are seeing are NPC ships. If you hail a player it will show their rank like "Ensign Bolitho" or "Commodore Leviathan" whereas an NPC won't show a rank when you hail it. The exception is once you are in a battle instance the NPCs will have generic ranks assigned to them.


    Every capital, English Harbour in this case, has NPC fleets that sit out in front for protection from ships of other nations. You can't join them while they sit there but if they would attack a passing player, or a player attacks them, you can click on the battle instance and join it to fight with them.

  5. Are you using the defualt Ultra settings or are you using 2x or 4x anti aliasing on top of that? 


    I recently finished a new build with a regular 980 and at 2560x1440 I was getting 55-60fps in the open world and 75-80 in battles. However, if I turned on 4x anti aliasing it would drop below 30 so I turned it off since it's really not needed at that resolution.


    I have an EVGA 980ti coming this week so I can update with my results to compare. 

  6. I loged off from OW while being on the ocean in a Navy Brig and came back 12h later. There was a battle result screen and I was in the (presumably) nearest neutral port without a ship. I tried the same with a Lynx then and this time I kept it (still transfered back to port). Is that a bug or a feature? Is there a penalty for loging of while not being in a port?

    It sounds like you were attacked (either player or NPC) and sunk after you logged off. You remain visible and susceptible to attack for 10 minutes after you log off on the open sea, so yes it pays to find a port before logging off.


    The Lynx is a starter ship with infinite lives so that's why you kept it the second time.

  7. I agree. In a game it's easy to sometimes lose the perspective of how big these ships are. I remember the first time seeing a Surpise in game and how massive it seemed compared to the ships like the Lynx, but after sailing everything for a while they tend to seem smaller.


    It's easy to forget how big the Constitution actually is as well



    • Like 2
  8. The link Tommy posted is correct. The game was taken down a week ago for maintenance and that notification posted. Please take a few moments to search the forums before making new topics for things such as this.

  9. I've had this happen as well. It seems that if everyone joins a battle within the first few moments it's fine. However, if someone joins the battle after it's been going for a while it freezes and kicks everyone out. You are returned to the open sea as you were before the battle started and get no credit for xp or gold. This has only been an issue the past day or two but it is definitely a massive issue right now.

  10. I think you may be confusing skill and strategy/teamwork. In WoWS there is no effect from wind on your maneuverability, heel, speed, or range of fire. Granted these things shouldn't affect a warship as it would tall ship but it also results in less variables to deal with in a combat scenario.


    You range of fire is only limited by your type of guns and you can sail in any direction without regard to the wind. This takes a massive amount of depth out of the combat compared to Naval Action. Yes, there is teamwork and strategy but because of the absence of these elements it is much more point and shoot based. I think that's what most people are arguing.

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