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Civil War Tester
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Everything posted by R.E.B.Blunt

  1. I have had the same issue but do not think its a bug I thought if a unit uses too much Morale and Condition and get totally exhausted they will rest next battle and not fight. So of course you would not see them. This is what I thought anyway, I could be wrong.
  2. Are the reinforcements triggered only by "pre-defined random time's" or do they trigger when you cross a certain point on the map as well? Because I have noticed if the Rebels on the first day camp on Herr's Ridge and do not move forward. It can delay the Union Reinforcements. But soon as you approach the next line of hills where the Union starts the game the Union reinforcements will trigger. But this will not affect the Rebels because their reinforcements will come after a certain period of time no matter what. Am I just imagining things?
  3. Just finished a game on Offensive AI. I was Union. My first battle I was able to hold all VP's and even pressed the attack after Rebels became exhausted to capture Herr's Ridge. Four Brigades against my 6 Brigades plus Skirmishers and Cavalry = no contest. Repeated charges with Cavalry and constant fire from the Skirmishers until 1st Corps appeared. Moved the Skirmishers to flanking positions and the rebels could do nothing but fallback. (No idea why people say Confederates get the upper hand on first day. I seem to be able to do just fine). The second battle I allowed the confederates to capture all the VP's except Cemetery Ridge from which I fell back to on purpose. I did not engage any Brigades and allowed my units to fully rest. The third battle the rebels attacked south and west towards the Round Top hills. I never allowed them close. I intercepted the Rebels before they got close. Brought half my cannons to the front line and the other half camped on top of the Hills. Set up multiple lines of defense. When rebels attacked I fell back behind leap frogging my Brigades behind one an other. This drained the enemy of Morale and Conditioning before they could even get close. The fourth battle I decided to attack the Rebel center. The goal was Seminary Ridge. I pressed the attack. The rebels countered with Longstreets Corps. I fell back and brought up all of my Cannons. I placed them all in front of my battle line. In one giant line of Artillery. I let them pound the crap out of the center of the Rebel Army.After a while my guns began to rout from exhaustion, Then I did my leap frog technique and advanced my Brigades one after the other. Pressed the attack after the second Rebel assault pushed past the rebel cannons. Pushed them almost to the edge of the map before the game ended. It was very simple I had no close moments and I was in control the entire time. I won the game in a Major Victory. 12,000 Union Deaths: 19,000 Confederate Deaths give or take a few and the majority of the VP's captured. My conclusion. Though I find it lacking in challenge. No matter what the difficulty I play on the AI is very predictive. I would like to see the AI use the HOLD ability more often. They press the attack but still do not hold the ground. They just advance till they are exhausted and then fall back. If I can keep up the pressure I can push them back indefinitely. As well they are not careful in protecting their flanks and allow me to set up one or two Brigades on their flanks and engage in enfilade fire. This does not last long cause they will then soon run in terror. All said and done I love this game though! Can't wait for Multi-player. I Just hope you add more than 1v1. I wanna do some Team Battles. "Brigade, Support Arms" "Brigade, Fix Bayonets" "Brigade, Support Arms" "Brigade, Right Shoulder Shift" "Brigade, forward march" "Brigade, Port Arms" "Brigade, At the quickstep" "Brigade, CHARGE!!!!!!!!"
  4. I think if this were to ever come to fruition it would be better to stay away from Total War and just create a new Campaign mechanism from scratch. One idea that comes to mind is instead of having all your army march as one and enter the battle as one unit like they do in TW instead have them string out in line formation as they march long distances. Assign units Order of Battle 1,2,3,4,5,... So say just a couple brigades start the battle but as time progresses units arrive to support the army. Say you are at point A and you want to get to point B, 30 miles away. You could have a choice to march in single file down one road or railroad or your army would spread out and take multiple roads to point B instead of marching together to get there faster. This is how real armies would march and something lacking in ALL Totalwar games. Once you reach your destination you could have a choice to wait and gather troops in stealth and hope you are not discovered or launch a attack as soon as possible. Also a focus on Blockade runner ships from Europe containing Weapons and Clothing could be a huge boost to unit recruitment. Capturing enemy trade ships and bringing them to port could boost your ability to wage war. The problem for the south was not the amount of recruits they could muster but outfitting them with working weapons and gear. An emphasis could be not capturing and holding land. Instead destroying each sides ability to wage war. Burning of Cities, looting of goods, Destruction of Railroads. Escaping slaves as they were the South's only work force at the time could play huge roles. As I said in the previous post, Secret Societies could undermine each sides ability to enact laws or edicts. Assassinate people of rank. Destroy factories or ports with bombs. Hold populations in state of fear. Recruitment in enemy lands. Create men of loyalty. All things that could be taken into consideration. In the Western Theater it was more of a Bushwacker behind enemy line type ordeal. In states like Kansas, Missouri, Illinois, Ohio, Iowa though claimed to be Union states they had large populations sympathetic to the Rebel Cause. If units could reach these populations by traveling north with out getting caught they could then have recruits they could bring down south and turn into soldiers. Good source for recruits when populations in the Southern States are running dry. Also populations on the Frontier states came ready equipped with Guns and ammo. Being as it was a way of life for them to begin with.
  5. This would be a great idea. I think instead of city building you would have to focus on Brigade recruitment with maybe a General Promotion scheme to lead Armies. Maybe borrow from AGEod's American Civil war unit building scheme. You would have to take into account Army Supply when out of home territory. Would have to drain food supplies from enemy area's as you march through kinda like Sherman's March. Units in low supply would lose morale or organization faster during battle than those in good supply perhaps. You also would have to take into account Navy units. Ocean going and River. Both played a huge part in the American Civil War. Secret Societies could also throw in another element that people would love. Espionage, Diplomacy, Trade, Assassination, Bushwackers, Railroads, Laws and Edicts, Recruitment on both homeland and enemy land. Both the Slave element and Native American could be taken into account.
  6. After finishing the game on Defensive AI personality. This is my run down. Of course the game is still too easy, AI personality seemed to want to HOLD position far to long than it should of. This exhausted them and actually made it easier for me to rout them, with very little skill on my part. Simply putting a Brigade on their flank They would stand their ground when they should of obviously fallback. Letting me shoot the crap out of them, untill they are running like banshees screaming in horror. Once I would take the ground from them and set up my defensive line. They would try and launch counter attacks but it was futile. With no Morale or Conditioning they were mostly sacrificing their men to the UG:G Gods. Still issues with Cannons not firing in their line of sight when I click a target for them. Instead they like to rush like a tank. Forcing me to tell them to Halt. Not sure if this was on the the issues you were trying to fix the description you gave for the Quick fix was kinda vague. Going to keep trying different AI personalities. Hope this helps.
  7. Yes it is possible to rotate units already. Simply press down and hold the middle wheel on the mouse. Then Drag the mouse while the button is held down left or right to spin the Brigade accordingly.
  8. If the location were to hold a specific importance whether or not it has a VP on it would be irrelevant. If its a big hill I am going to put my Brigade and my cannons on it. Its as simple as that. If the enemy flanks me and makes my position unattainable, I can fall back and save my units to fight later. If the hill has a VP on it and the enemy flanks and makes my position unattainable, I would have to throw more units into the fray to defend a position that any real general in his right mind would fall back. I understand the point you are trying to prove. Just wish you could understand that there are some of us that do not need VP to tell us what is important and what is not. We are fully capable of discerning that information for ourselves.
  9. I would disagree with that statement. No idea what imho means, but I believe it would in fact bring more realism to the game. In the real American Civil War battles you think the Generals said "we need to capture that Hill with the Giant VP for 4000 points"? Instead battles would either be Static (Meaning they fought battle line to battle line) or they would march their army and flank to force the enemy to another position or they would be killed. Battles were fought so one side would inflict more casualties on the other or force the enemy into retreat. Battles were not fought to gather Victory points. Having no VP's would allow battles that could be fought on any portion of the map. It would allow more variety. Generals could use different techniques to fight their battles rather than being forced to defend pre determined area's. Given the option to turn on or off the VP's I know I would turn them off sometimes, sometimes I would leave it on. Especially when Multiplayer is released.
  10. Oh trust me I agree with your statement. I was just growing tired of seeing all the different threads out there of everyone posting pretty much the same things; asking what they want, but on different threads (I am guilty of same thing). Asking for what we would want to make the game better and putting it in a POLL is more of constructive feedback so that once the Developers say "OK, we have worked out the bugs, the game is fully released. Oh look! The fans have already created a thread on what they would want us to work on next. Wait a second these are not bad ideas!" Hopefully the Devs do not take it wrong that we don't appreciate the work that is currently done. Cause we sure in the hell do. But instead say "Wow, these people really do care about this game!"
  11. Thats why we are hoping to have Modding available so people can create an endless amount of different Battles. Even mod it so you could have American Revolutionary War or War of 1812, Napoleonic wars even. Hell we could create a mod for the Indian wars in American Western theater. Custer's last stand anyone???
  12. I really like that idea. That is the premise of what I meant to say. You just worded it better. *Edited
  13. Determined is the most challenging of all the difficulties. AI will attack my weakness, and launch counter attacks if I repel them. Although AI cannons will charge straight into my lines usually firing one shot before I can rout them. Not all the AI guns will charge me. It is usually the Reinforcement Cannons that will charge, Guns the AI starts with will not charge. Cautious is the weakest of all the difficulties. AI will basically camp entire game. Allows me to flank them or even sometimes turning their flank to my battle line without me even trying. The AI will not close their gaps and allow me to press into the enemy line splitting their army and allow me to cut off and destroy without any counter attack on their behalf. Random is fun sometimes but soon as you find out what personality they are it is easy to counter accordingly. An idea would be for each battle you progress to, a different personality will fight the battle. That could beef up the challenge a bit. So you do not know what to expect from battle to battle.
  14. This poll was not created by Game Labs or any of the developers. Instead it is a mere venue to show to the developers of UG:G what we the players of this game would want to make this game better and more realistic.
  15. That is actually NOT true. On the First day Ewell was given orders to take Culps hill, He thought the hill was unoccupied and with no haste walked up the hill to find Union Generals Wadsworth, later Candy and McDougall standing on top of the hill with well over 3k Union Soldiers. Retreating and almost being captured. At the bottom of the hill Confederates Began to chop down trees in case the Union Counter-attacked and built breast works. The Union was doing the same thing and were cutting down trees to build Breastworks on top of the hill. By the Second day Union had a very good Breastwork defensive line and the Confederates lost the initiative. The Picture is of Culps Hill on July 3rd done by Edwin Forbes *Edited
  16. This is to help the Developers know what we would want from this game. If you think of anything else I will add it later.
  17. What would you like added to Ultimate General: Gettysburg? You can delete your votes and recast votes as new options are added to Poll. Anything I missed? Edited: so you can have --- multiple choice Modding Wound/Kill General No Victory Points Historical Battle Limber Artillery Random AI Personality after each Battle Eliminate cavalry/videttes/skirmishers ability to TAKE VP locations Add After-Battle Report of Kill/Death ratio of each Brigade Brigades target more than just one enemy within their firing arc Dress Line left or right Full Civil War Campaign Partial Theater Campaign Switch sides after each Battle Adjustable speed variable (Slow, Normal, Fast) Give bonus to AI Morale and Condition for more difficulty Sandbox Mode, Scenario Generator Other Civil War Battles Combine all Skirmishers and Videttes into two Brigades
  18. Game is still crashing. It seems that the crash occurs when Both Confederates and Union are fighting close to edge of map. If I engage the enemy while they are still entering the map; or if I push them to the edge, If they go into Melee it crashes did this twice and happened both times. I love how for the most part Units stay exactly where we left them on the previous battle. Still some issues when you are close to a VP and the battle ends. The next battle your units are really far from their previous location. Still have slight problem with Artillery charging like tanks. Usually the AI will do this, cause me as Human I can put a halt to the Arty before it gets out of control. Would like to be able to Hold Arty and Click targets in line of sight with-out my Artillery moving around. I would also like to have the option to tell my Artillery to Auto target Infantry or Artillery. It is frustrating when Enemy is pressing the attack and my cannons want to shoot other cannons instead of Infantry and then when I click a target for them they start to roam around instead of firing. Difficulty is still very easy. Not too worried about this, figure when Multi-player comes out we will have all the difficulty we can handle. Would love to have the option to take VP's off and just play to kill the enemy. Prefer if it was a Non-stop 3 day battle with no breaks. I have not had any problems with routing units going through my lines. I think that may be fixed, GOOD JOB!!!
  19. I have found the real challenge is not beating the game. I can do it on hardest difficulty before end of second day, It's even faster to beat as Union than Confederate. But hardest part is trying to unlock all the different scenario's.
  20. I agree. You almost have to park your Brigades on a hill and pound the Union with your cannons. Try and take half the VP's without taking too much damage. Wait for the next battle and reinforcements from the north. It is much harder. Would be much easier if we could detach a regiment or two from your Brigades to hold off the Skirmishers while you mass your troops against the VP's. The way it is though, if you march against Seminary Ridge with your 4 Brigades you will rout without a doubt on Determined difficulty. Union just have too many units and too many cannons to launch a real attack. Can't tell you how many times I have had Archer Brigade rout from the entire battle cause he gets surrounded by skirmishers while defending my cannons, while my other 3 Brigades try and take Seminary.
  21. Hopefully the Developers allow Modding to the game and everything you guys ask for can be implemented.
  22. Ive done both. Western theater is a lot more Militia and Raider events which leaves a lot of le-way on what we can wear in our uniform. Eastern we usually wear our Richmond Depot 2 Jackets.
  23. 11th Mississippi, Company G Lamar Rifles, Davis Brigade
  24. I say give us all three days in one giant battle. Take out the VP's (VP's are for campers) and just let us kill each other to victory!!!
  25. I can beat the game on any of the difficulties with both Union and Confederate. I play on Determined Difficulty every time. It is the most challenging. That said, I do think it is easier to play as Union if you can survive till day two. They outnumber the Rebels and they have better Cannons. Holding the high ground is a added bonus. When playing as Rebels you have to murder the crap out of the Union in day one. You have to force them as far south as possible before they bring up the other 3 Corps with a total of 5 corps. If not they will just overwhelm you with sheer numbers.
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