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Everything posted by Lima

  1. @jw62 It is just wrong. In the current state of the game. To install mk2 I need to make a refit, but the weighting of my ships at sea with some new devices happens instantly. It is inconsistent. We can say that this is logistics, for example, we do not produce old radio stations etc. Well, somehow we still produce all these shells of 20 different calibers for different versions of guns. Also, the captured ships are changing, which I can't even refit.
  2. Weight shenanigans II Brand new design, 1900/1900 1898/1900 actually
  3. Designer bug - a gas turbine engine do not use boiler, but is it so? Let's choose turbines with natural boilers. Then choose gas turbines. Now. Let's go back to the turbines, choose balanced boilers and then choose gas turbines again. -100% boiler weight, but as you can see, balanced boilers affects on weight and engine efficiency. Edit: the same bug applies to diesels. It's just not so noticeable because of their high efficiency.
  4. It depends very much on AI designs. I've had a lot of battles with doomfleet, but only the British and French have caused problems. Other countries have very bad BBs.
  5. For all her suffering, P-31 receives magical repair. One day I will understand how the magic teleport to the port works. I have TF with "Low" priority which return to the port after a couple of scratches and TF with "Very high" which remain at sea with 50% damage. But anyway. Battle 64% damage - everything is "fine" Also a very old problem. The ship did not receive damage in this battle, there is nothing to give points for. TF returned to the port and P-31 is definitely fine. Yes, it's right after the fight. You can check the date. Mines
  6. Absolutely. This bug is easy to check, try it yourself. It is VERY old. As for mines, every turn I get reports on the destruction of dozens of Spanish and American submarines, and nothing else. It is absolutely safe to release ships in this area (I own all of North Africa). There is only one minelayer left in Corsica.
  7. Bug with random engine damage after the battle was cured, but the bug with random damage to the hull was not. This thing has been present for a very long time. Finally I have a crystal clear example. Here is everything that we love so much. Well, it seems that on the 6th(!!!) turn my ships were finally able to sink one Spanish submarine. However, one of my cruisers was damaged (HOW). I didn't take a screenshot, but there was 10% damage to the hull. I separated her from the group and sent her to the nearest port. Of course, she ran into an enemy TF. Which stands in the same position as my entire large TF. But they were very busy resting after they finally heroically sank one submarine (you know, it's not easy to sink a submarine with 400mm guns). I took the fight and what we see is that the hull received another 10% damage out of nowhere. Okay. The enemy decided to run away, I destroyed 4 old cruisers without taking damage. The destroyer retreated. I expected that on the next turn I would attack the destroyer again, and take damage out of nowhere. However, something happened that happens very rarely - my cruiser returned to her task force (I didn't move this TF). Surprisingly, this TF had no battles in June. However... After a battle in which my ship wasn't even scratched, she received new damage out of nowhere. And so it happens with every damaged ship. Please fix it, just like the engines were fixed. This is a very old bug.
  8. These countries are dead, they are no more. Also, please let us know if you can continue playing. I see an English TF at sea, this can lead to endless loading on "Update mission".
  9. My main problem is probably the reason why you like it. It's too easy. I want a challenge. And AI is simply not able to control doomstack either at the tactical or strategic level. At the strategic level, AI does not update ships in the fleet, which means there will be a bunch of old ships. Also, AI doomfleet has huge problems with fuel/mines/submarines. If their home is attacked, doomfleet does't pay attention to it. At the tactical level, AI cannot control a large number of ships, it just feels like a beating and not a battle. Often it just doesn't make sense. Look at these 60 Japanese destroyers. In case of war, I'll just sweep them away with a couple of battleships equipped with radar. If they were operating in small groups, against which my destroyers would be directed, it would be much more difficult. I want to see major battleship battles, not the destruction of a crowd of small ships. I had several battles with doomstacks where large lines of battleships fought (37 italian BBs), it was a lot of fun.
  10. Are you guys using depth charges? We just blast at the sea and hit them with sinking shells. Measurement of ammunition Battle (yes, they didn't sink this submarine) As you can see, not much has been spent. However, it was only one submarine. And on this one submarine, a battleship with an unpronounceable name spent 15% of her ammunition (and could not sink sub, unfortunately).
  11. Ah yes, THIS. I forgot to mention THIS bug. So, ships consume ammunition of all types in battles with submarines. It seems that all submarines carry the spirit of RN Evangelista Torricelli (and also of SMS Seydlitz).
  12. My ships left the shipyard with 2,400 tons of displacement. Then something happened and they became 2436t. I can fix it very easily - I just need to click "Refit". Ships will even displace less. Why are technologies that add weight applied to the operating ship instantly (some of my ships have not seen the port for years, as it happened), and those that reduce it - after refit? It is just wrong. If you're doing something to my ship, tell me about it. Again, this refit in 1928 was 2,400 tons of displacement. I did absolutely nothing with these ships, but at some point their displacement increased. Even with those ships that have been at sea for years. I don't touch the priorities of technology, let everything develop as it is supposed to. So everything is fine with hull/boiler technologies. And it can be seen, if I refit, if I get less displacement than 2400.
  13. Weight shenanigans This problem mostly occurs on my old ships, but also on some new ones. Well, here's the first refit (1928) of my destroyer from 1921. Overweight. Obviously, when I saved this design in 1928, it wasn't there. But let's continue, it's time to refit this destroyer. Overweight is cured by simply pressing "Refit" button. Let's save it as it is. Wow, she managed to lose even more weight. Cost has also increased slightly. I can't say the exact year when it started, but probably somewhere from 1932-1933. The funny thing is that my already built ships also change weight. I didn't do anything with the destroyer, but out of 2400 it began to displace 2436. Yes, I don't remember exactly when it happened, because there are a lot of Warhammer-style wars here. Edit: yes, I think it happened at the end of 1932-1933. BC refit of 1932. *Click* cured. This problem is typical for all refits of 1928 and 1932, as well as for some new ships. I think it's something to do with technology.
  14. Unusual AI behaviour+ doomstacks. Japan and Spain goes berserk, Japan builds only DDs + subs and SPain only BBs + subs. I can understand Japan, but SPain...ugh.
  15. Mines. I think it's known that the AI on the campaign map just doesn't care about mines. Okay, but AI is also not very good at creating minesweepers. In addition to the previous ship, here is a British destroyer from the 1930s. No mine hunter at all. I think AI should prioritize minesweeping equipment.
  16. Submarines require a lot of polishing. My typical TF consists of 1BB/BC 2 CA and 10DD (mines paranoia). I have an overkill of destroyers, but I feel calmer this way. However, when this task force is attacked by a sub, sub almost always survives. Even if (and mostly) this is an early submarine. I expect a submarine from the 1910s to be destroyed by my DDs with depth charges 4/5/6 (and all CA too). We are not talking about an attack on a convoy, this is an attack by one submarine on a TF. In reality, this is a death sentence in 99% cases. However, in 90% of cases, the submarine gets damaged and leaves. Very often if auto-resolve manage to sink a submarine, one of my destroyers gets damaged. And that's the problem. Every turn, enemy submarines attack my TF. I get almost no points for damage to submarines, and I get little for sinking, too. However, if my TF engages in a battle with a submarine, it cannot fight the enemy on this turn. So there are a lot of TF in the endgame that just don't do anything. I tried to assemble groups simply from a lot of DDs for ASW - the same result. However, noticed a very strange trend. A fleet of a large number of ships is very bad at fighting submarines. And 1-2 destroyers sink submarines well enough. The same applies to AI. I posted here how 40 Japanese destroyers were attacked by 2 of my submarines. Thanks to the death spirale bug, It went on for many turns. My submarines didn't take damage until the last attack, when there was only one Japanese destroyer left, which sank one submarine and damaged another. This is what this destroyer looks like. Depth charges 1. My submarines were ocean-going 3. Another bug: you may notice overweight. It wasn't here when I first got this destroyer (in 1927, now 1936). There will be more details about this. Summing up the submarines Inconsistent effectiveness of ASW. Not enough VP for submarines Bugs
  17. You can do something as ridiculous as this. Yes, even such a problematic hull can be "balanced". But at what cost? This is obviously not correct, these components should not be there. And I don't want to play with such a terrible-looking ship (hello CL). AI tries to make ships look like historical ones and very often it turns out 100 fore weight offset.
  18. I want to add that engine efficiency is very important now because of fuel consumption, a ship with poor engine efficiency requires stops on the map (AI does not know what it is). And I see a lot of ships with a "fore weight offset", this often happens on those hulls that are difficult even for a player to balance. Also look at this beauty.
  19. Designer report - one big offset and two minor problems I don't usually make light cruisers, but here I decided to make one. And immediately regretted it. Russia only have this modern CL hull, and it's just a nightmare. Making this thing beautiful and combat-ready is just incredibly difficult (fore weight offset hello). On the hulls of other nations, it is possible to place 4 guns of the main caliber without any problems + secondaries + torpedos. Yes, I know that Italy and France have such a hull, but they also have other hulls. Also, 152mm guns weigh less than 127mm guns (all mk5) Advanced mines V weighs nothing
  20. For a long time, most of my fleet looks like this. I just want to have different common names for different classes (CA-1/DD-1) since at the moment I'm confused in this pile of "P". I'll finish a couple more wars and rename all this mess. Since I'm not too good at naming the Russian fleet, I'll make half of the fleet Spanish and Italian.
  21. I can say for myself and for Italy/France, we are stable 1-2-3 by GDP growth. Of course, wars and the number of transports affect this value.
  22. Interesting. Here is my data (1890-1932). Don't pay attention to the stronk Russian Empire, it's me. Germany and Austria are under blockade. As far as I understand, at the very beginning of the game, each country receives a certain GDP growth coefficient and it does not change much over time. In this case, I had the highest coefficient, Italy had the second. On a long road, the results are very visible (I also try not to fight for a long time).
  23. That's the thing, Germany don't have any problems in the economy. In fact, they are the fourth power in the world (economically). But Germany has "behind" technology and I see it in every campaign. Because of the constant wars with me, Japan is in a terrible condition ($ GDP at 1932), however, Japan has "average" technology and pretty good designs. Just like with Germany, I haven't been at war with Italy for a very long time (the last war was in 1897-1900). Italy does not have a single pro-dreadnought in the fleet, there were only a few old cruisers. The new ships are not bad. After the complete destruction of its fleet, Germany has built new ships, and they are simply terrible. These are dreadnoughts with mk1 guns, slow cruisers and just incredibly bad destroyers. All these ships are very cheap, you can't even get a lot of VP for them. For example, here's how many points are given for the German fleet And for the Austrian (they also has "behind" technology).
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