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Everything posted by Lima

  1. AI Russia on steroids. it looks like they've opened up mass production of Kamchatka-class space BBs.
  2. From my observations, mines work fine for AI. Playing for Spain, I mined every port in the Caribbean, the Canary Islands and Cadiz. When the US AI transfer ships from Pensacola to the east coast, its ships receive damage from a minefield in Havana. I don't think it should have happened if they had stayed near the shore, but in general it's OK. Also, the AI once sent 1 cruiser to my shores, it took damage coming close to Cadiz. When the AI ships are just staying something in the Eastern North America region they don't take damage from mines, as it should be. However, for the player...I will simply add to what you have described that my ships were damaged by Austrian mines when a group of 1BB 1CA 2 CL 6DD minesweepers was near Valencia. Mines are broken. I'm not saying that mines need to be removed or that they should cause little damage. Mines are not a joke. I just want their mechanics to be clear and that they can be countered with the proper resources.
  3. Spain 1900 V2. No, it's really very funny. If I don't provoke the USA, they won't fight with me. But Austria-Hungary really wants to fight. I mean, it's obvious that they don't need me, their fleet is off the coasts of France and Italy. However, relations with them are constantly falling and it is impossible to raise them. It's the same with Russia. I don't even know what's more pointless.
  4. I reached 30k VP for the first time in this beta and finally the US offered peace. For another 5 turns after the conclusion of peace, someone blockaded me (all this time I had more tonnage). Then finally the blockade was broken. SPain won, despite all the possible bugs.
  5. Blocade bug I guess The French have left my shores to fight with Britain and within 9 turns I have more tonnage but I am still in the blockade. When I played for Russia, one turn of Japan's tonnage advantage was enough to lift the blockade. Also, the US has already lost more than 200 ships, I have 23,000 VP against 5,000 (and that is with 250 free VP every turn), but there are no peace offers.
  6. Yes, great idea, we need a report on the removed mines. Something like "With the help of God and the Virgin Mary our 20 DDs managed to remove two mines. We also managed to clear 99 mines with the bodies of our ships, 10 DDs 4 CL 2BB lost, 9999 crew died".
  7. I'm probably among the few who think that the game needs a mine system and it's potentially interesting. The problem is that in the current state it does not work at all. I've been checking it for a couple of hours and I can say the following: 1. The entire task force takes a lot of damage from mines, even with a large (twice as many as ordinary ships) number of minesweepers in the task force. 2. A task force can take damage while in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. Okay, I get it, they hit the radius of the port with mines. But then there are two questions - how did the whole task force go to this port, it's just a damn island, there's nothing there. And also why the minesweepers could not ensure the safe passage of the group when there are so many of them. In reality, there have never been so many minesweepers. 3. Yes, I see enemy mines disappear when my ships take damage. However, a minelayer can stand in the port and place them eternally. I think the game needs an order for the task force "Please don't go to the mines". So that the ships do not enter the zone full of mines, but simply move from one point to another in the most dense formation. I mean, if they're moving across the Pacific Ocean, why would they go to this mined island. Unless I order it, of course.
  8. Let's say I want to lift the blockade that the French have arranged for me. The problem is that I can't. Why? Well... This magic negates all my efforts to enter the war with France.
  9. Oh, right, they are hiding in the Black Sea from Kamchatka.
  10. Me: oh no, VP bug, what should I do, oh no, the enemy is catching up Wild Kamchatka appears Although there is still +250 VP bug and most likely I will lose the war. But Kamchatka's help is welcome. And yes, one more bug - I was finally taken into the blockade. The problem is...Well, you saw what happened to the US Navy, right? It looks like the French are blocking me under the flag of the US. They are allies of the US, but they are not at war with me. There's nothing I can do.
  11. RNG damage after battle. Maybe Poseidon is to blame for this, or Kamchatka... After the previous battle, a mission appeared in which the enemy, as it were, finishes off my ships. However, the ships were not at all in the same condition in which they finished the previous battle (and it was finished after the expiration of time). It is clear that this is the red state of the ships, however, in my previous screenshot there was not a single red CA. Also, none of my ships had engine damage at the end of the battle (three CL received this damage and they are at the bottom). But what surprises me even more is this enemy BB. You can also look at the previous screenshot, there was not a single red BB. This one is almost sunk. But In the last battle, I took off only about a third of this battleship hp + 1 engine (just look at the screenshot, she is green there).
  12. 22k dead crew and 2k VP. I would say that this is acceptable, but they have 250 free points every turn.
  13. Well, I was able to start a war with the US. And experience is frustrating. First, they keep 90% of their fleet in the doomstack. Second, they get free +250 victory points every turn without doing anything. Third, when I manage to sink their ships, I get some crumbs. I mean, I understand that they have more than a hundred ships, but the loss of a battleship is definitely not just 100 points. I am sure that if I attack their entire fleet and sink dozens of ships, I will also get not very much and their +250 free points will cover it all. But I'll do it anyway. If I don't write anymore, it means that I died in this clusterhello kitty.
  14. I think the enemy should pay more for the complete destruction of their fleet, but this is not critical. Meanwhile the US is still doing nothing. You can also notice the Russian-Japanese war, it's very funny. For the first few months nothing happened, then Russia transferred all fleet to the Black Sea, Japan regularly come to them and loses battles. I think it's good that AI can find a way to fight, but I don't understand why a stronger Russian fleet isn't coming to Japan.
  15. An archetypal example of a cowardly AI, 2 BB are fleeing from 1CA and 1CL. Fools, we Spaniards will catch up with them and tear them to pieces. There is one observation - at the beginning of this battle, when I gave AI control of the ships, they began to move in the opposite direction from the enemy. I mean, for my ships it's logical, but for the enemy? Also, there are no torpedoes on my ships.
  16. Can't start a war message №99999. Started playing as SPain. What I expected: a hard war with the US. What I got: these Austrians, I hate them, let's fight them for nothing. Meanwhile, relations with the US decrease to 99 every turn and then return to 94.
  17. Thank you for your work. Can you explain this point in more detail? Should ships take damage from mines while being away from ports? Is it possible to remove enemy mines with the help of minesweepers?
  18. I really don't understand how VP are awarded. One destroyed transport is almost equal to a destroyed BB with an escort. Something is clearly wrong here.
  19. I think I've come up with names for my three new BBs: USS Repair, USS Refit and USS Recommission.
  20. I am the USA, fought with Japan. I finally managed to bring the game to a peace agreement. When offering peace, I chose "Fight to the end" option, however, peace was still concluded. I was not offered any territories (that is very bad for the US).
  21. The problem with AI retreating is that it is inconsistent. At the moment I have Japan campaign where the AI is constantly running away, even in such a ridiculous as 2CA 1CL vs 2BB 1CA 2Cl. But at the same time, I have the US campaign, where the enemy almost always takes the fight, except in the most unfavorable situations. Another problem is that it is the US and it is difficult to start a war and conduct it with supply system. Hotfix update: it looks like it will be easier to start a war now, AI responds to a large fleet.
  22. Magnificent, frozen turrets bug is gone. I checked in a big battle.
  23. In my last campaign, the AI ran away in every battle, and in three-quarters of the battles it had the advantage. For example, 1CA 3DD vs 1BB 1CA 2CL, 1CA 1 CL 2DD vs 2CA 2CL 3DD, 1CA 1DD vs 1CA 1 CL 2DD. I believe that in missions with a description "An enemy task force block our path" or "An overwhelming task force approach offensively" the enemy should't run away. A long chase does't bring any pleasure and spends an incredible amount of time. I'm not even talking about the fact that the player is obliged to build all the ships at top speed, but even an advantage of 1-2 knots means a very long chase. It turns out that most of the battles are carried out by my DDs.
  24. Yeah. The US campaign is so incredible frustrating. In fact, it is necessary to seize ports from Spain, but how to declare war on them with the help of this diplomacy?
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