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Everything posted by Lima

  1. Great battle for FPS. Every sunk French ship means + FPS for us.
  2. The problem is that it's completely random. In my current campaign, I (Austria-Hungary) was taken into blockade by the British and...I get these 250 points. I also get 250 points over China, which I have never encountered. Very often the opponent received these 250 points. I wasn't in the blockade at the time (I mean, it's hard not to notice), and I don't miss missions.
  3. Nicholas 2 winning the war with UK, France, Spain and Japan with the help of Kamchatka alone
  4. I mean, I understand where this is coming from. If you have 20BBs, then losing 1-2 is not such a big deal. But if I completely destroy the enemy fleet, I should get a lot of points. It's completely unrealistic to wait for the enemy to build a few more ships that will bring me a lot of points.
  5. Just get ready for this bug to happen again. If it's +250VP for you, good. If not...here another problem appears - it is very difficult to start a battle with the help of task forces. You can send a lot of different ships to Russia, but they won't care and will get their +250VP.
  6. The reason is in the tension mechanics. Russia does not have neighboring ports with England/France/etc, but it constantly move ships through their waters. The result is war. We need to have some other ways to raise or drop the relationship. However, I should say that Russia is likely to be a warmonger for a very long time. It need to be configured so that it do not constantly transfer the fleet around the world. This problem is also very noticeable on Austria-Hungary.
  7. A brief summary of VP problems Critical bugs Random distribution of 250 points as soon as the war begins. You can be in a blockade and get points, you can win crushingly, and your opponent will get points. Sometimes you can completely win the war and the government will say that you are losing (I think this is due to this thing on the top left). Room for improvment This thing is in the upper left corner with the number of points. I understand that it has remained from previous versions, but now its informativeness is very low (not even considering that points count after the end of the war). Just a ridiculously small number of points for destroying the enemy. Yes, I know that the number of points depends on how many ships the enemy has in total. But this means that in order to get any good territory, you always need to completely destroy the enemy fleet 2-3 times. To get the Philippines, I had to sink about 200 Spanish ships. Okay, it wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't... Special thanks - RNG peace agreement. I said I don't need peace. Why? Because I need to sink 100 more ships to score more points and get Panama. Yes, the entire US fleet was not enough. And on the next turn - peace agreement. Here, a special prize, Alaska. A huge amount of time is wasted, we need to start all over again. I also had a lot of reverse situations - for example, Italy with 0 ships rejected the peace agreement 5 times, which was proposed by Italy itself.
  8. When you click the "make peace" button on the next turn the war can continue and vice versa. It pisses me off so much. Sorry, but I have to destroy the enemy fleet three times to get a lot of points. I've been reporting this since the moment the peace agreements appeared in the game, but nothing has changed. Edit: Awesome, the opponent has 250 free points again.
  9. Yes, super bullets are still a thing. Sometimes I notice how my ship gets a huge number of hits in a few seconds, and then not a single shell hits ship for minutes.
  10. Lima


    Yes, something has to be done about it. In the current iteration, it's just frustrating RNG. I never build more ships than I need and use all the ships. But I'm already tired of the huge signature at the bottom saying "This ship is terrible". Refits do not affect in any way. I have ships that have already undergone six refits and they are still as bad. I want this feature to be part of the gameplay, not RNG. For example, the first dreadnought built is likely to be full of defects. And the more innovative the ship is, the more problems there should be. But when the seventieth destroyer of the series is under construction, she should not have any problems.
  11. These two really want to create the Balkan Sea.
  12. This is beyond ridiculous. Well, it's already 10(!) turns while I'm trying to catch the German fleet, which goes back and forth along the Suez Canal. They have more than 100 ships. I have task forces at every exit from the channel (YES, I have DDs and CLs, a lot of them). They do what they want, I can't fight them. In general, it is very difficult to start a battle with an enemy task force. AI drags forces aimlessly around the world, constantly changing its destination. Okay, the AI doesn't understand what to do. Let me fight it.
  13. Pretty funny. I launched my old campaign (from Repair pack 2) and it works perfectly, no freezes.
  14. So ugh...The first war was very clean. When I entered the second war against the alliance, endless freeze bug come.
  15. No freez problems so far. AI ship distribution looks much better.
  16. The first campaign attempt - eternal freez The second campaign attempt - eternal freez The third campaign attempt - everything was well, but in the middle of the first war also got eternal freez. I haven't even tried old saves.
  17. Repeatedly freezes on "Building ships". For me, there was no such thing before this update. New campaign.
  18. Italians: What Black Sea? Let's fight the Russians at the Far East. Also, what is fuel?
  19. AH: What is Black Sea? If we want to fight Russians, we need to do it in the Baltic.
  20. The ship's speed bug in formation is still here. The damaged ship is moving at the speed of the lead ship, even if this is by no means possible. In addition, when such a ship separates, its speed drops to 0 and does not recover (even if the ship has not received critical damage, for example, small flooding).
  21. @Nick Thomadis Can you please explain why I get these +250 VP every turn? I get them from every country, even Japan, which has just declared war on me.
  22. Choice of +- GDP does't work. USA 1910, new campaign.
  23. When we approach a minefield, our ships attack as if mines weren't there - admiral Zhukov, probably.
  24. This is actually possible even if you do everything right. The US has "Cage mast" spotting wunderwaffe. Their BB CA CL always detect the enemy earlier before radar. Especially noticeable in 1900. (And as far as I remember, the first Cage masts appeared on South Carolina-class BB). US CA 1900 Spain CA 1900
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