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Everything posted by Lima

  1. Minor countries do not have an _economy_, so they have no problems with maintaining an advanced fleet. Something needs to be done in this direction, it will take a long time to work out the economy for all minor countries, so as a temporary solution, I suggest limiting their maximum fleet size.
  2. Just a friendly reminder that in a much larger strategy - hoi4 - Germany does not have the swastika. Each of us already understands what is behind this flag. If the swastika can cause any problems for the game, I prefer not to have it. In the future, of course, I would like to be able to optionally turn on/off (I use mod in hoi4), but for now this is not a priority.
  3. In the "Fleet" tab, you need to click on the name of the ship, and then you can rename any ship.
  4. Petition to make the flag of a minor country also the flag of the Navy for now (replace white flags) I use Postimages and insert from URL
  5. SPain strong Insane power of SPain 4 years after the start of the campaign. Germany + most of the France removed from the game.
  6. National nerritories Germany ate France and included the population of France in the "Home state population". I call it a national territory because the population is included in yours. It looks like all the territories in the game are divided into national and colonies, and the captured national territory of another country will also be your national territory.
  7. Yeah. It seems that small countries are not limited economically in any way. They buy ships in very large quantities, my shipyards are constantly full.
  8. I think it makes sense. We need to negotiate with these crazy guys from the army. But it would be better to be able to understand what is going on in general, what are the chances of landing success, except for "Well, we can do it" and receiving loss reports.
  9. That's not enough. In politics, you need to give an order to prepare for an invasion, then the fleet with the "invade "order can carry it out.
  10. Politics > actions > naval invasion then position a large fleet with an "invade" order in the maritime region.
  11. China collapsed due to the loss of one province. Meanwhile France: It is ok. GDP OK
  12. It is quite easy to capture the islands by landing, but if you want to land in Sicily, for example, you have problems. It will take a lot of ships. And after the success of the landing, it is bugged.
  13. Cursed Well, China broke up, and then this happened. Now the "Chinese Empire" controls one province.
  14. You can accept or edit the save. There you need to find this battle (search PlayerArmyForce), set the Russian advance as zero. Set "RedAdvanceTurns" as 3 or 4. Yes, I've done it before, but I've stopped my crazy generals from attacking other countries.
  15. What I mean is, even if you lose your territory (not a colony) during the war, as a result of peace you will not be able to take it back. I assume that you are playing for Austria Hungary, you need to conclude an alliance with Germany, then Russia will not be a problem.
  16. The army command just doesn't care. This is a problem, because if you have lost a region, it will not be returned at peace talks. SPain and Italy are suffering very much.
  17. Very good fixes. In fact, I'm still happy about the improved interaction of TF, it really changes a lot in the game and I'm willing to put up with a lot of bugs. I am interested in whether the USSR will be within the historical borders or not. The thing is that now it is difficult (RNG) for the USSR to form a land border with Germany and France has BIG problems. In 1920, of course, the USSR should be in such a state as it is now, but not in 1930/1940. Yes, I understand that Austria-Hungary has been preserved in this game and this is a bit of an alternative, but the overall balance of power requires the presence of the USSR/Germany land border. I wanted to make a separate post about oil, but since I'm talking about Russia...Russia has a large production in Siberia at any starting date, but this is not correct. As far as I know, serious oil production in Siberia began in the 1950s. Until that time, the main oil production was carried out in Azerbaijan. In 1940 the USA should produce much more oil than the USSR. If we talk about oil in general, there are very big problems with it in the game, even in countries like Britain and France. Italy and SPain are just in a terrible state. We need some kind of mechanism for selling oil and possibly synthetic technologies. The ability to attack minors will also help a lot. I understand that I'm asking a lot, but some countries have really big problems.
  18. In addition, this way you can lose transports
  19. A gift to all forum members from UAD fleets
  20. I have tested more and TF clashes definitely work MUCH better. It's just a HUGE change. Just remove the drunken ships to make it almost perfect. I tried landing many times, but it only worked once. The rest of the time, a large number of my ships are standing next to the right shore and nothing happens.
  21. That's why it's impossible to play for Japan right now. We need some kind of indicator of the quality of the army.
  22. The turns have become MUCH better. Thanks for fixing Sweden but the problem with the population of Ukraine remained. The mad army continues to kill people in an unnecessary war... Need...more...oil... Remember guys, it's not worth messing with China My Kaiser...
  23. Well, I'll summarize everything I've been able to test for today. Critical bugs 1. Drunk ships at battle + strong freezes in battles with about 20 ships The ships are behaving just crazy, the choice of targets is absolutely broken. The best tactic is to let them shoot where they want. In addition, even in medium battles there are very strong freezes. 2. "Next turn" hang up This is much worse than "Update mission" hang up, because nothing happens in this turn, nothing at all. 3. A crazy army that doesn't care about the peace agreement. The army continues to fight hard when peace has long been concluded. This is a big problem if your army is weaker and you won the war with the fleet. Strategic map Actually, it's done well. A lot of work has been done. There are many shortcomings, such as the entire population of Ukraine living in Crimea and stronk Sweden. Some ports are inaccessible, also, for example, Qingdao still cannot be taken away from the Germans. Oil and politics Why are they together? Well, let's say I need oil for Italy. I know that there is oil in Libya. But I can't just attack Ottomans. I have to wait for RNG. It is VERY necessary to be able to choose to attack a minor, just as it is done with major powers. This problem is very critical for countries with low oil production. Also, I would like to be able to change the government somehow. Because, you know, communism/absolute monarchy are garbage. I think, say, with 1000 naval prestige, I could stage a coup. Designer There are a lot of problems with new hulls, they have already been partially listed. TF clashes Perhaps it seems to me, but the interaction of TF feels better. I could be wrong, I haven't had many battles, because every battle involves drunken ships and lasts a very long time. AI Strategic AI seems much better. Ship movements make sense and AI crushes rebellions very well. Of course, the combat AI is also drunk (perhaps all these freezes are connected with the fact that the AI is trying to make its ships act as they should?)
  24. Game breaking bug The offensive on enemy territory continues even after the conclusion of a peace agreement.
  25. Visual bug Captured Cuba from Spain. The Spanish flags over the ports remain, but the province belongs to me and I can use these ports. Edit: It is solved by restarting the campaign.
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