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Everything posted by Lima

  1. In general, the balance of losses seems to me quite good, perhaps even too good for the attackers (there is a very fine line here). However, I made these conclusions based on only a few adequate battles, because a new problem has appeared. Now there is a constant transfer of troops between the fronts, while most of the army is in reserve, and important fronts are not covered. What do I mean by important fronts? These are the German offensives in Ukraine and the Baltic States. Out of the total million soldiers, the Soviets allocated a couple of thousand. Meanwhile
  2. The question is, where is the millionth German army?
  3. Well, let's count the population of Austria-Hungary. Croatia - more than IRL Slovenia - what the hell, the difference is 3 times and even more than in 2022. Bosnia and Herzegovina - more than IRL. Austria - X2, more than in 2022 Hungary - X2, more than in 2022. Well, I still tried to find relatively reliable estimates for China, but it's really impossible. If the population of all countries is larger than IRL, it is also worth taking the population of Soviet Russia along the upper possible border (about 110 millions).
  4. Testing the war on land, I looked at the size of the population, and it turned out to be a rabbit hole. I don't remember the exact numbers for each year, but I can tell roughly. Italy 1920 There's no way this can be true. It was less than 40 million in 1920 (now about 60). France 1920. The same situation. As I think, the error is about 20 million. As if there was no Great War. Britan 1920. Whether Ireland counts or not I do not know, but it is still much more than in reality. SPain 1920 The error is about 7 million. Japan 1920 I'm not too strong here, but wikipedia says that the population is larger than it should be. China 1920 - I won't even try to count it. Austria-Hungary 1920 - maybe later. The US 1920 - very similar to the truth. Germany 1920 - similar to the US. Soviet Russia 1920. This thing is just a pain to count. But I was interested in it because it seems to me that it is the only country in which there is less population than in reality. There is no exact data for this time, but all the major calculations that I have seen converge at about 90 million (at least). I will also say once again that the population of Ukraine and Crimea has changed places.
  5. You know, Russia has something much worse than this hull. Let me introduce: one gun that weighs like 4 guns. Soviet Italian All modules are the same, there is no turret armor. I discovered this when I was trying to make historical 130mm guns. This problem is especially noticeable on 4-inch and 5-inch guns mk 4/5, but it is also present on mk3.
  6. War is hell (how to get generals to stop sending soldiers to certain death) Stats. I think the more logistics, the better, right? Slaughter in the colonies 50 times more soldiers were needed for "success" These are quite adequate losses. Even too small for Germany. I can believe that, but not what is happening in the colonies. Edit: Britan For some reason, Britain is doing better (although still poorly). Why? Their army is worse and smaller, their fleet is not nearby. Edit2 I think the very first iteration of the ground war was the best, although there were certain problems (the war did not stop after the peace).
  7. From: Kaiserliche und Königliche Kriegsmarine To: Landstreitkräfte von Österreich-Ungarn The last map of our glorious empire. Please don't go where it says "There's nothing there." I apologize to all the Serbs and Montenegrins here.
  8. Ugh, the game is hanging on "Next turn" (again)
  9. The mechanics of the straits is cool, but now we desperately need the opportunity to attack minor countries (the Ottoman Empire, I'm looking at you and the Suez Canal).
  10. I thought this problem would be solved in this update And all these republics should be part of the Soviet Union in 1930-1940, without this, Germany is very much superior to France (also, the USSR itself is quite weak, because the modifiers of communism suck for the navy).
  11. Yeah, AI does not think about a strategic reserve of capacity. Something like "if the shipyards are two-thirds loaded, stop taking orders".
  12. That's right. Most of my allies have exceeded the allowable port capacity, but such allies no longer order ships.
  13. Austro-Hungarian magic (Space Marines) Between them are independent Slovakia, Poland, Lithuania. Edit: as expected France has collapsed, Italy is trying to take its colonies, but...
  14. Land warfare report (Glory of France) The glorious Maginot Line vs. dumb German generals wE'll dO It aGaiN This 1 percent is all that Brits have managed to achieve The next month they were repulsed! Stand no matter what Meanwhile, the French army is making the only successful offensive in this game. In general, I watched this for quite a long time and all the offensives except the last example failed. Austria-Hungary also failed to capture Serbia, too long in the red advance.
  15. War, war never changes II France is attacking from three sides, with such a loss ratio on each arrow Typical And finally the guys who were able to carry out an attack above zero...
  16. There was not a single successful offensive in the entire game. The "Advance" level never rises above zero. There were many such cases as with Ethiopia (Britain - Saudi Arabia, Germany-Poland, Austria-Serbia). I just took screenshots of what came to hand.
  17. The war on land is absolutely broken. So far I have not seen a single successful offensive. It may be in this variant, it may be in the variant when 1 million cannot break through the defense of 10 thousand, but in any case it is always 0% advance.
  18. Damn submarines. I. Hate. Submarines. My TF (2BB 2CA 4CL 12DD) has moved to support the naval invasion. They were attacked by a group of 4 submarines. Auto-resolve showed 2 submarines sunk and no damage to my ships, while the enemy received 200 vp (???). This went on for 2 turns, my ships did not receive damage, the enemy's submarines sank, but the enemy received points. Next, I found one of my battleships in port with grave damage. Yes, there were mines near the port, they were installed by 2 submarines. I have 12 minesweepers, that's enough and I haven't received any mine damage notifications.
  19. A brilliant move from Soviet diplomats. Can you imagine how many ships can be placed in Odessa and Sevastopol?
  20. There are a lot of expected changes and finally there is no insane amount of oil in Russia. Now it would be great to deliver the USSR in one piece in 1930/1940 so that France doesn't die every time (I just want to play for France against Germany, please). Also, Japan is asking for the Liaodong peninsula and Sakhalin (1910-1940).
  21. The Dissolution pandemic I've run two super fast campaigns, it looks like I've escaped the NaN curse, but... China 1920-1928 Japan: death after the first war with me (1922) Germany: quickly captured France, broke up shortly after (1923) Britain: collapsed for no reason (1924) USA: fought with SPain, broke up (1924) SPain: broke up during the war with the Corsican Empire (France is still alive yeah) (1925) Italy/Austria-Hungary - waged war, Italy was the first to collapse, then Austria-Hungary (1926/1927) The Soviets - broke up after my offensive in Siberia (1928) So the Corsican Empire and I remained on the map, and the Corsican Empire has 7 minor allies (I have 2). Germany 1930-1944 My army quickly captured France (except Сorsica), Austria and Hungary (for some reason, the army did not go to Croatia, we had to make peace). 1932 - the collapse of Britain due to the blockade (although I didn't do much damage to Britan, compared to previous versions of the game) 1933 - collapse of the remnants of "Austria-Hungary" 1935 - Japan and China have broken up 1936 - SPain disintegrated after my invasion (I have huge losses despite the superiority of 4 to 1) 1938 - A similar thing happened with Italy 1939 - The Soviets broke up for no reason (they didn't fight anyone at all) 1938-1943 - six of my unsuccessful attempts to capture the Corsican Fortress. Every time I have absolute superiority at sea ("France" has 1-3 ships + submarines), the ratio of losses is in my favor every time, four super-BBs participated in the last two invasions, but Corsica could not be captured. I thought that these 200K Frenchmen would run out, but they use soldiers from the colonies. 1944 - The US broke up after two years of war with me (most of the battles was won by the Colombian navy, the second fleet in the world after mine). The Corsican Empire still stands. General observations Obviously, the disintegration of the country is happening too fast. This is the other extreme compared to 1.09. Several times I have seen how the nation tried to revolt the neutrals, but they were never able to capture the whole old country and then disintegrated again. There is too little impact on the fighting on land. Yes, I understand that I am an "admiral". But I can declare war. My fleet will be ready, but the army will not. I can't even advise them to start mobilizing (if your opponent has been fighting for a long time, its army will be much larger than yours). I can't start bombardment to help the army. I can't give them money if they have problems. Naval invasions. Small islands are easy to capture, but if you want to capture something like Corsica/Sicily...I want to see the details of the ongoing battle (like an arrow in ground battles) and understand what the probability of victory is. The interaction of the TF feels better, but far from perfect. Submarines still a pain in the ass. The behavior of ships in battle is a well-known problem.
  22. Well, now I have finished the longest campaign on this version (Italy, 1910) - 12 years. Only I and SPpain (my allies) remained.
  23. The problem with mothballed ships is that it is impossible to mothball part of the fleet and at the same time wage war. During the war, you need to activate the "Add crew" button to replenish the crews. However, this will also trigger the commissioning of all mothballed ships. I managed to play three campaigns. In two my allies (Brasil, Bulgaria, Ottomans) have bought a huge number of ships. Only in one campaign Greece bought exactly as many ships as there was enough port capacity for.
  24. Nothing can be done right now. Of course, everything related to minor countries needs to be worked out (economy, diplomacy).
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