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Naval Action Tester
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Everything posted by SeaWolf_

  1. Just attack a trader or smaller ship, demast then cap it. Thats how we use to do it
  2. Was a great battle SORRY, but i think we can all agree that it was our win.
  3. This is definitely something me and my clan want/need to be added in game.
  4. There actually was a SORRY trinco but for some reason he never tried to help. I was expecting it to be a 2v1 but oh well :\
  5. I wouldn't of posted if he didn't talk crap before the battle (also i better not fight hardly anyone because i have so much more exp with pvp than others D:)
  6. First off post captain can field 250 crew, i was in a surprise which takes only 240 crew. is that really seal clubbing? second he was at IH which is about 2 hours from MT. He should not have been at IH if he didn't want to PvP lol and lastly there are reports of sorry seal clubbing sweds at gust(like rank 1-3). (it was also a 2/5 gold belle not really a noob ship )
  7. So ya second time i engage SORRY in a 1v1 guess what happens?.... he ran then surrendered after i took out his rear mast -.-(also screenshot of him talking big before the fight ) Him saying that he is going to t-bag me and such. 1 2 Him running. -.- 3 He turned because i was catching up to him. 4 And lastly the surrender after a "long and hard" battle. 5 Cant wait to fight SORRY in the turni. Lets hope they wont run from that (plz dont lose the first match -.-)
  8. hmmm hopefully we don't have young and levi in that team
  9. part of me wish you could have made that team, but the other part is very glad you cant ;D
  10. Will the test bed be like ST? or will it just be a copy of say PvP EU1?
  11. when ever i try to vs them they surrender :\ and i was out gunned only had bottom 18lbs ;o finally found someone who didn't surrender but... wasn't much of a challenge...(seahyena joined late so he was pretty far away when it started and by the time he got close i already capped the third rate)
  12. so many things to look forward to for tomorrows patch @.@ can't wait!
  13. You prick >: o i thought we was friends q,q. I'm putting 150,000 gold on SeaHyena -Must be in the same ship/br -Must be a 1v1 -Must not be a ram sink -Must have proof of the kill(before and after sinking/captureing)
  14. tons of rats around la tortue from around 1pm-12am eastern time. fighting one right now actually xD (pvp1 eu)
  15. oh you're right. he came from la tortue so i thought he was a rat xD
  16. Just got done giving a little pay back to Dekie 1
  17. - Knew i shouldn't of helped the brits(the brit 3rd rates was fairly damaged because of the battle before it) - capping a 3rd rate from haku(british) :3
  18. vsing flydutchman(rat and he ran from me from a fair 1v1) 1 2 me and tommy shelby getting ganked by rats but we still faught(2v18) 1 2 me fighting 2 fully crewed frigs and 2 snow ai 1 2 me and Sea Marauder(SeaFury) fighting 2 constis and a frig(about an hour ago) 1 2 3 ummm you obviously have no idea who i am..... i don't even run from ganks let alone remotely fair fights....
  19. Nice, I'm on the list!!! I'm going to sink some more rats so I get a higher bounty >:3
  20. Grats on beating 6 ai and 6 players with your 9 players 2 ai? This is another battle with actual players on our side (both of our guys just escaped they never sank) http://imgur.com/a/cbZVv
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