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Everything posted by flaviohc16

  1. to add to everything that was said above ( your gdp is really,really baad, like terribad): check that your ports aren't at overcapacity, this kills your economy. How can you have an economy this bad when others are 2-300 billions+?
  2. We should have a more dynamic war economy, because right now the best way to win the game ( aka have a bigger gdp) is not to play ( not going to war). We should have something that somewhat follows what happens in land wars, when you are losing badly, you have more conscription and that usually saves you ( but rightfully so destroys your economy). Right now, when in war, we have a flat " double the navy resources-half GDP growth", so +100% money/-50% GDP growth. We should have something different. My idea, just to make an example: During the 1 year of war, everything remains the same, after that, VP gets taken into account ( and they should be over a certain amount, lets say 50k, so you can't game the system by not engaging the enemy), at that point you look at the ratio between you and the enemy, and that changes you economy. TO give some random examples: Up to 1:3 ratio ( let's say you have 60k VP, the enemy has 20K) everything remains the same, aka +100% money/-50% GDP growth From when the ratio become from 1:3 to 1:5 ( so 100k:20k VP) the winning economy gets +66% money/-33% GDP growth, and the losing one gets it reversed +150% money/-66% growth, this is when the winning side it's starting to win and the enemy it's starting to get worried about losing the war, so the winning side it's starting to feel less pain and getting its economy spinning again and reducing the military budget, and the reverse for the losing one From the 1:5 to 1:8 ( 160k:20K)the winning economy gets +50%money/-25% GDP growth, and the losing gets again the reversed +200% money/-75 % gdp growth From 1:8 to 1:12 VP (240k:20k) the wiining economy gets +33% money/ -16.6% GDP growth, losing gets +250% funds/ 83% growth over 1:12 disparity, were basically one side is collapsing, and for the other the war it's just a minor annoyance, it could be: winning side +20% money/-10% gdp growth, and the losing side +300% funds/-90% gdp growth. This could also be done taking into account GDP, and or population, so you don't have the insane situation where the USA is attacking a dying France that now has only small islands and still you get nuked with -50% GDP growt. IMHO this would make everything more dynamic, what do you think?
  3. Both very good suggestions, for the port one, I would love to have a little icon near the task force when you select the port ( maybe an anchor). I would also love to have, when events happen that influence your relationship with other nations, to know what the relation with those nations are
  4. As a player with 500+ hours on the clock and that has some expertise with ships ( I'm a professional sailor) I want to say: good review. I would like to respond point-to-point Completely agree on both points This is actually good and realistic, it's called critical speed, and on boats/ships, when you reach this wall, you need a stupid amount of power to go just a little faster: in case of the Yamato for example, going from 27.5 to 30 knots would have needed double the machinery horspower Completely agree, especially because in a lot of ships the engine started at the funnel and then went backwards, in the game the funnel is the middle of the engine, and this makes a lot of ships front heavy. Agree, this get especially annoying with late game towers and turrets getting stupidly heavy because the technology get heavier in % base. Agree on both points You have never been at sea, don't you? You can have banks of for/rain making you go from good visibility to not seeing your nose in less than a minute, the effect is a good rappresentation. Agree, especially on the torps manouvering, the ship only open up the range, when usually is better to run into the incoming torps, it should be a somewhat easy thing to programm: if angle with torps is <90° turn into the torps, if it is over 90°, open up the range as they do now. And the targeting switching so fast that the guns don't have time to gat a good firing solution Both would be godsends Agree, just give us the option to send them into port or give us a little anchor icon so we know when the ships are effectively moving to port and not near it. You can set them into "defend" to solve this issue, if they are already in battle, select from the fleet screen the ships that you need plus one ship that is in port and select them all ( with CTRL OR SHIFT) to go into defend. But I agree that it's annoying. Yeap, refuelling takes 4-5 months for a bb, that is stupid. Agree, it get frustrating It works well for me, when you reach -80 relation you have a chance to go to war, when it reaches -99 you are assured to go to war ( or at least have the panel), 1/5 times when you reach -99 war just happen. It would be an amazing system. Agree, at least they should put a 100x time warp, and be more aggressive with time warp in general ( timewarp slows down to 5x when enemy ships are inside 25km range...come on) Limiting by tonnage is even worse, you would get battles with 200-300tbs Super agree, and also allow us to not retrofit the guns, because gun mounts get bigger and bigger and don't fit anymore, they also have the idiotic thing that a single gun of that caliber has the same turret size of a triple gun.
  5. You can put in "defend", even when they are in battle, you just need to select also a single ship that is not in battle, even from another port, and then select together the ships that you want to change ( using CTRL OR SHIFT)
  6. There is, you just have to disable the optional beta in your steam settings
  7. the "time delay to tips" makes seeing how the land invasion is advancing impossible
  8. I know, i even had japan modernized Dreadnought with 10-11 main guns, but i becomes messy, especially with the aim and recoil penalities, and the balance true, but the let us choose
  9. I love these new improvements. I hope that the land war logic really improves, also for our nation, as we can't control the land war. Also, the longer campaign is lovely and the armour scaling is a huge QOL improvement. Can I ask for some tweaks here? -Add 8x centerline guns, it just makes sense from a design perspective -Make the engine start from the funnel, as it was in real life, instead of making the funnel being the middle of the compartment, this makes balancing the ships hard. - I hope that the new economics doesn't disincentive war, as it is the case right now, where the best way to win is not play the game.
  10. Can we have a 8x centre gun layout upgrade for the game? It would be only another node in the gun layout tech tree. This way we could do a 4 aft and 4 fore configuration ship, and it's also a better number for designing ( and also the number for side guns)
  11. It gets multiplied by your government type multiplayer ( ex: democracy with centre party government has -30%, with right or left wing +30%)
  12. can you revert, or do you know what parameter we have to edit to revert back the " 1 naval invasion per nation" that has been just added?
  13. Can we revert the fact that we can't do multiple naval invasion at the same time? It makes the game boring once you have wiped out the enemy fleet
  14. Am I the only one who find impossible to blockade Britain or ask for peace? We have been at war for 8 years, I have almost 2 millions VP (they are at 10k), but we can't have peace, I cannot ask for peace
  15. Can we please revert back how the armies works? Winning a landward with Japan has become impossible, especially when the enemy can teleport hundreds of thousands of troops around the world and you can't, and I'm talking about having in theory all almost the same total troop count, all with the same government, but 90% of my troops stay idle in Japan, meanwhile France, USA and Britain can move their armies in an instant
  16. If the enemy fleet has tonnage in the area of invasion, the tonnage requirements get added up. Ex: you need 70k tons to invade the decor, but then a 300k tons fleet arrive in the red circle of invasion, then you will need to either sink it or have 300k more tonnage inside, it's adds up also if the enemy is in port as fleet in being
  17. During my campaign the UK has almost 1000 ships ( 1920, it was a US 1890 start). Not considering how ludicrous this is, you know the best part? 960 ships 6600 total crew pool
  18. @Nick Thomadis maybe I oversaw the bullet point in one of the last release, or maybe it's a bug ( if so I reported it already): Playing as the US, currently at war with Spain in 1897, I couldn't passage through Gibraltar ( the UK are at war against Germany and the Austro-hungarian). If I did hover over the strait it said that was blockading only those 2 nations. I saw that my relationship with UK were at -5, I did an "improve relation" and the next turn it went positive (+1) and then they allowed me passage. Has this been changed recently? Because I remembered that unless at war I could always use the various straits.
  19. Agree with this idea, I would also love to have the ability to design my own transports, upgrading them during the campaign. OFC you will need to have tighter boundaries, but I would love to have some light fast transports, or design them how I want
  20. This, I had one case today were the enemy ship was 300m from me, I had no radar but coincidence V rangefinders, still 25% accuracy, with a BB with 10" gun.
  21. i had my 1890 campaing being corrupted randomly and irreparably in some way ( stuck into loading "....battles.....") in 1912. Don't know if it is a problem on your end or with the base game, but with the vanilla game it never happened. But this is a moot point cause now i have restarded everything with this new patch ( the zig-zag problem was too much to bear). One question, where ( and when) is on the tech tree the spotting plane? loving ther mod so far, the only thing that i would change is that under 2kms range the bbs guns should become more accurate, it mighe be unrealistic, but is not fun having dds bomb-rush you and your guns that are on terghet ahave still 10% accuracy
  22. I have the same problem now, in 1.31, first time I have seen this happen
  23. I'm playing a 1890 campaign, now I'm in 1927, I don't know why but the PC always takes 5+ minutes for every turn to load the "building new ships" even though there are only 4 powers left ( me/USA, Britain, France and Russia). What is causing the bottleneck? I have see it got worse after 1925 or something like that
  24. when we will get the auto-resolve battle sorted out? This is ridicolous, it was a single 1100tons dd against 6 of my state of the art bcs with radar, that goes 31 knots and they were fully fueled and everything.... Not even if my BCs were stationary and every single torped connected it could have done this damage
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