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Everything posted by CajunNavy

  1. Thanks doublebuck. I got the Admiral Edition and have never had a problem with updates. Now I read about update to 073 ( I'm still at 060) and my launcher doesn't update to that. Just trying to get updates. LOL Thanks again for your help.
  2. Thank you doublebuck for the reply! Greatly appreciated! But it's Steam I am having trouble with. How do you install a game I already own (UAAOS)?
  3. Can you help me navigate Steam? I don't understand it at all. I bought Admirals Edition and would like to update. In the past the launcher would automatically update upon opening. If the updates are on steam, I am out of my depth. Help! 🤔
  4. Hi guys, I bought an Admiral Edition and the program has automaticlly updated when I would activate the launcher. This function has stopped since the Steam release. I am at 060. I see on Discord we are up to 073. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks again. i
  5. The main thing I absolutely hate about this issue is that when I am at minus funding, I can't even add officers that are in reserve. My funds show as 0, the officers cost 0 and nothing at all can be done. Bummer...
  6. That's why we love you guys! You listen.
  7. Hi, The AI seems to be able to disengage after fighting has started. I have seen it multiple times in "Objects". The AI ship will also seem to suddenly be able to outmaneuver and accelerate much better than my ships as we get close to boarding. I have stopped the target ship with a big frigate, and have had a big frigate on each side. Before I can board, the 74 will disable one, capture the other and then sail away from the blocker.
  8. Yes, both vessels were grappled together and taking casualties. The fighting will cease and the AI ship will sail away. Also, when grappled together and with the boarding signal showing, the AI ship will suddenly dart away.
  9. Well I have tried Objects in Motion 6 times now and have been unable to board either 3rd rate. I have two Diana's, two Dedaigneuse's, one Hermionie and one Cerberus. Two have two perks and two have one. They are armed with carronades - 24, 18, and 12's. Only the Cerberus has it's original guns. My last (and final attempt LOL) just turned me off from the game. Twice I started boarding and it was broken off by the AI, and the AI was able to capture both Diana's by hitting them twice with broadsides to get them in shock then the AI boarded me! My ships have to endure at least two broadsides before anything at all happens. The 3rd rates, 64 & 74 are almost impossible for a frigate to catch. Add the other forces and this is a game breaker. I am all for a challenging game, but not for an impossible one. Since the first release I have not had this much trouble just STARTING a boarding action. If AI scaling is this rough I will wait some before coming back. I have no desire to restart a Campaign on easy. Thank you to all developers for this game!! 😀 Cajun
  10. Yes, in those quick, fast, slippery and agile 74's. LOL! Thank you for the replies. 😀
  11. Thank you sir! I didn't know about being able to break off boarding. Could the changes have anything to do with boarding becoming very hard otherwise?
  12. Hi guys, I don't know if it is just me or what, but boarding has suddenly become extremely difficult. I am finding it very difficult to board that includes the enemy being able to avoid my boarding them through: 1) the speed of the target seems increased, 2) it is most difficult to line up on the target, 3) the time it takes to actually start boarding allows the target to put my ship in shock, 4) the enemy can break off the boarding in the middle of the fight. The last one is the strangest. This seems to be a recent issue. Has something with boarding been changed? Thanks for this wonderful game!
  13. Oh man, thank you! It will help! A couple of questions: How do you merge units? and how do you get the arty to move. I have no end of trouble getting anything. I always insure the arty unit is in good condition, I will change units on the guns if necessary. Hey, I wonder if that has anything to do with it? LOL But I can't get captured arty to do anything most of the time and I couple them with a fresh unit from the start. Do the units coupled with the arty have to be a special unit, or maybe infantry? Other those damn skirmishers, arty is a problem for me. Thanks again!
  14. I have repeatedly seen my units rout in Crossfire, and cross the bridge into enemy territory. I just finished losing Crossfire (again!) and 3 units did that. I think I may be missing something. I have 2000+ hours in UG:CW on all levels and cannot understand this combat. LOL I tried the tutorial and I didn't get any videos. I sent a report. Is there a primer/guide on land combat? I need some help. Often I can't get artillery to fire, sometimes even to move. My units do not front to the enemy on their approach. I hate to see guys just stand there while a small unit comes up behind them and rout them without any trouble. They just let themselves be slaughtered. I absolutely love this game but land combat is a very real buzz killer. I do not understand! 🤔
  15. There are times when the game tells you to retreat and save your fleet and we are not talking about every single battle that is in the campaign that when you retreat it would be as an exploit for that won't work anyway. Doublebuck, I don't read the objective as "retreat and save your fleet". I read it as save at least one ship still in play at the end of the battle, not retreated across the end screen border. I have won this game several times and never came close to wiping out the AI fleet. I would suggest you try it once more and work to insure you have at least one ship still on the screen at the end of the battle. Best of luck!
  16. I too dislike the current land battle format, but consider it a part of historical naval combat. One of Captain Hughes' Cornerstones of Maritime Warfare in Fleet Tactics is "The seat of purpose is on the land". I agree with that. Naval battles are not fought just for the heck of it, they are fought because of something happening, or about to happen on land; or to stop something from happening on land. I am not crazy about the big land battles but very much like the amphib operations. What I would love to see is a change in the way the land forces operate. I hate the fact my unit can rout, then run right by three enemy units, then cross an enemy occupied bridge before settling in enemy territory and waiting to be destroyed. I hate the fact that 13 guys will repeatedly charge a 150 man unit. I hate the speed over ground the troops can march, much too fast. etc. There are more, but the point is I can take the big battles as a part of the whole. I just wish land combat could be toned down a bit. Also, thanks to all the developers for such a great game!
  17. Just finished the Pre-Dreadnought fleet action. Excellent! Thank you guys!
  18. Excellent job guys!!! Very nice! Considering this is an Alpha, you guys are simply amazing! Great work and great job working with our feedback. I appreciate it very much. I have finished the three new missions, and they were tons of fun. The whole game "feels" better. I found my secondaries functioning much better. Well hell, everything is better!! I don't mind the slowdown, I mostly play at 1x, but I understand why some don't like it. However, I can no longer see my "Reports" in the reports section of my UI. I can see that it is off the screen, to the left and I just see the last few letters of some of the reports. Thank you again. I will give more feedback as I play more. CajunNavy
  19. 1) I really kinda like the sink the full fleet battle. It is a challenge and it's win-able, but not realistic. The player side needs screening vessels. I like all the fleet actions, even when there isn't a fleet. 😉 2) I dislike the most outlandishly unrealistic missions in the Academy. BB vs TB's being at the top of the list. To make them more enjoyable, add more forces. It doesn't need to be much, just enough to make it plausible. No BB would ever sortie without a screen. 3) I would like to suggest several "missions" from history. A full battle-line scenario like AbsoluteOCA suggests (something like Tsushima or Surigao Straits maybe both! and/or something new); a running gun-battle where one a small fleet attempts to escape from another fleet (maybe BC's); a mission to get a BB and a CA out into the Atlantic; a mission to stop a couple of BB's from getting through to bombard something; a nighttime surprise cruiser attack on another cruiser group; a night action where a couple of BB's fight a fleet of CA's and DD's at ridiculously close range; a two on two night time BB action; and both day and night time cruiser actions. Just thinking... CajunNavy
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