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Stars and Stripes

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Everything posted by Stars and Stripes

  1. This is simple. Players NEVER get banned for criticism of a game mechanic or question how or why a game mechanic is employed or voicing an opinion about a game mechanic in a constructive way. People DO get banned for insults, trolling and negative personal attacks and voicing fact less, dishonest generalized negative opinions on game. I think that many veteran testers start to believe that their opinion is worth more than others and that the Developers need to be TOLD how to develop their game. I think that the longer you are a tester the more jaded and biased your views become. Your opinions become more intense and focused on what YOU like and thus you become a bit salty. Its maybe time for some veteran testers to step back and let some fresh blood to look upon the game, with fresh eyes.
  2. Slim, you are known for fighting in larger ships vs smaller. You rally the US to attack lone pirates all the time and yet you post this topic. Kettle......black I think
  3. Wow you really are a legend in your own mind lol. How I sail is up to me. If you need mass repairs as a crutch that's fine. I don't. I run a lot. I pick my fights. It's what I like to do. The system is fine in my opinion.
  4. No. You were replying to @Slim McSauce who was commenting on @Flash Jack who was replying to me. See. You did it again. ๐Ÿ˜ But hey if you did not mean the way it looked then it's all good.
  5. I do thanks. I specifically said OW hunting....try to read the posts before jumping on the bandwagon. Yeah well, I'm sure your 10 x rep carrying ship does 30knts in the open world.๐Ÿค” Some of us mortals don't have the uber books and do the best we can. But wait......Oh yeah.....you stack your reps for dumping to get more speed. ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ Priceless.๐Ÿ™„
  6. In my experience I seldom see more that 2 repairs used in a battle. Rig or Hull. Some of the ridiculous claims being made here are just exaggerated hype. I carry just 3 x cycles because I need speed for hunting in OW. If you cant end a fight with the current system then maybe you should look at yourself. As a side note, most battles were inconclusive after many hours of fighting in real life, so NA is pretty much spot on with reality.
  7. This topic has become so fractured it's hard to follow. The OP suggested an arcade style set instant repair system. Most suggestions are noe turning toward limiting repairs. The people making these suggestions would benefit from it, not the poor saps who they all prey upon. Think of the game and of increasing numbers before you all clamour to remove any means weaker players have of maybe surviving a round or two against your super modded uber build ships. Limit the ability of lesser players to repair and watch the numbers drop.
  8. Atm you have to chose, when to repair, what to repair and how many repairs you want to carry vs speed and what repair mods/perks if any to use. All this equals wide choice. You suggestion would dull down fights into use repair and run. Everyone would carry the same and repair mods would be mute. The way it is now, offers player choice and tactical use of those choices and thats good for any mmo in my opinion. But like I said, tweaking this now when there is so much more to do would be to fiddle while Rome burns.
  9. I never called him Ganker?? I have fought him in the past (early 2017 off navasse) and I have always considered him about average. However in my opinion the current system allows for a nice balance of tactics and the old would favour long range sniping and early running. Like I said this is not something anyone In-game is actually bothered about.
  10. You don't even play the game anymore. No one at all, moans about this in game except gankers. Oh how the gankers would love this idea. 1 repair and your sails are down and no escape for you......equals even less players.
  11. This idea is terrible....... Combat would be impossible with limited chain. If it was unlimited then it would make no difference. Thanks but no thanks.
  12. Yep. If you don't want to use others discord or TS then get your own. It's not the devs responsibility and let them concentrate on important stuff.
  13. You get the taxes and port timer and control if it's open or not. Anything else is dumb.
  14. Without doubt these guys are the only real pirates in the game imho. Thanks for the help vs UWS. The original and the best bar none. ๐Ÿ‘
  15. All ships should have realistic historical crew sizes. They should also have 5 slots. If it's not balanced, that's because traders hardly ever fought, they normally struck their colors.
  16. Wow! Did you even read admins post before attacking him? Read it again slowly. He is saying that players would buy an alt, to abuse the game if this suggestion was followed. He was not telling you to buy an alt.
  17. Hi, I see the port battles listed and i sometimes go there but I cannot get in? Why is this?
  18. I have been playing for 5 weeks now and I don't find the R zone to be to bad but I don't want to stay here when I am better, I will want to leave it. I do think it is big though. We only have some small gaps on our coast. Is it this big all over the map?
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