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Everything posted by pandakraut

  1. Apparently the Palmettos and the Sawed-offs allow you to dismount. I didn't think either allowed you to in the base game, but I also can't recall checking. This isn't something that I'm aware of us changing deliberately, but maybe Jonny knows more about it.
  2. That isn't a change that we made deliberately in the mod, what weapon were the cavalry equipped with?
  3. Cavalry do use the road column movement, though it's less noticeable than infantry. We did used to have cavalry speed higher, but with the size of the maps it results in them being everywhere at once and barely losing condition to do it. I agree that cavalry can probably stand to get some slight buffs at the 0 and 1 star level. While I think it's technically possible, it is a large amount of work. The detached skirmishers have their own unit type. While this could be changed to a cavalry type there is a lot of UI support that needs to be added to make them work correctly. Enabling a cavalry model to be able to detach would also require a significant amount of back end work. These seem somewhat contradictory. To answer both options, unit specific defense mechanics don't really exist in the game so we would probably prefer other routs to balancing infantry vs cavalry. The skirmisher/cavalry retreat logic is somewhat tied to the units effective and spotting ranges. I've played around with it a bit, but the system is complex enough that the only noticeable results I've gotten are units flee from everything or never run from anything. Glad you're having fun with the mod
  4. Can you provide some detail on why Shiloh felt easier on MG than BG? The only way to limit the amount of batteries used is to limit the availability of cannon, which can be overcome by time and logistics points. Related to this, hard limiting army structure is not something we're interested in forcing on players. The problem with pure balance on ammo is that the player can build up enough money that supply is effectively infinite. We have a few ideas in progress including more supply costs and reducing the speed of heavier artillery. Both of us are rather busy at the moment so it will be a bit before we can release anything new though. The goal is less to encourage scaling usage and more to try and provide equal or greater challenge if you choose to build larger. But if you're having fun using scaling in the mod all the better.
  5. This currently will not apply to division commanders, may be added pending testing. Currently the best replacement you can possibly get is a 0 xp lt colonel. So while the replacement is better than no officer, it will still be a significant impact to performance. Officers are not taken from the pool, they are spawned and effectively 'free' but this is a technical restriction. Changing the types of officers available or what perks they get would be a pretty major change to implement. It is not possible to add more than 3 levels of perks. We're pretty happy with the rate of promotion for MG and LTG officers at the moment. They provide a huge bonus and should be correspondingly difficult to acquire.
  6. Since I think this discussion has pretty much run its course, here is something new that is coming in the next version. If an officer is killed or wounded a lower ranked officer will step up to command the unit. This can happen multiple times until a captain is killed at which point the unit will have no commander like currently happens. Officers that are wounded will share experience with the commanding officer who survives the battle.
  7. To clarify, by point blank canister I am talking about 100-150 range. If your cannon are behind your units, the only time this comes up is if you hold fire and release just before a charging unit hits in melee. Damage falls off significantly as you move out towards rifle ranges. As always, there is a lot of randomness involved in damage. Anecdotal data is highly unreliable at anything other than describing general feel. Regarding routing. I'll just say that before the change goes live it will get tested in multiple scenarios. With the current perk setups it's possible for units to have a base speed of double a 0 star unit. This obviously dramatically impacts how effective any given unit is at any movement action. The overall speed differences are a separate balance issue, but it is currently problematic that if a unit routs(for whatever reason) it suddenly slows down. As a general design idea infantry shouldn't be chasing down and killing large amounts of routing units. That is cavalry's roll. Melee is currently undergoing a fairly major rebalance, so everything will be getting reevaluated either way. For some examples, you can win Crossroads, Crampton's Gap, and 2nd Bull Run as the union with basically 0 casualties. You buy heavy artillery, give it the range and accuracy perks, level up a sniper to 2 star for spotting. At this point my infantry basically stands around waiting for the enemy army to get shot to pieces and to occasionally block units from charging. My artillery units regularly inflict 2/3+ of all casualties in my battles. There are many different playstyles that result in different outcomes, but we currently feel that high end of long range artillery damage is far to high at the moment and it will be coming down and with more restrictions. Artillery units can be changed to allow surrenders. They aren't able to fire though and there are several followup issues if they could, most importantly that captured units can't be fired at. If artillery can be captured one of the issues I see is that there would be no way to spike the guns if you can't hold them. I'll discuss with Jonny and possibly artillery surrender will get implemented.
  8. There is some confusion here on what the route speed of 3 represents. Currently with a rout speed of 1 routing units move significantly slower than if they were falling back or just walking somewhere. A speed of 3 allows them to move a bit faster while routing than if they were falling back. Remember damage rolls are random and very dependent on range. The 500 type numbers come up at nearly point blank range and aren't all that frequent in my experience, but they can happen with the right perks/situation. Usually to try and get that type of number you have to manually hold and release fire. Depending on your setup you can definitely get very high kill rates with heavy artillery. Currently they are mostly winning battles by themselves for me.
  9. There is a 100% accuracy lvl 1 skirmisher perk as well? I have Snipers at lvl 3 by Chancellorsville, just depends where you put your kill priorities I think. I don't have near the issues with skirmishers firing that you are running into, probably a difference in control style though. Skirmishers can do pretty well in melee, but only if you use the larger unit sizes, so not useful in your case. Seems like there are multiple ways to make use of them successfully at least.
  10. If you issue them a move order when you think they should be in range, they will start firing. I don't find they are that hard to use, but I can see not wanting to bother. The skirmishers not firing issue tends to be more of a problem when you are at the very edge of their range, if you're closer it's less of an issue. Not sure what you mean by this, both unit types can get the same amount of damage bonuses through perks. One trades reload speed for range is the only real difference.
  11. Once that change is released then yes, adding cannon will always result in higher damage. There will still be diminishing returns though, so until economy is no longer a concern it will likely still be better to have multiple smaller units.
  12. Player, AI Infantry: 2500, 2950 Cavalry: 750, 1050 Skirmishers: 750, 1000 Artillery: 600(24), 600(24)
  13. For the base game it is impossible to overcome the falloff with player units. For infantry, the AI will be able to surpass the peak damage around 2850 men. Skirmishers can't surpass the peak even at 1k men. Artillery surpass it around 44 guns. Higher or lower damage from weapons, perks, etc will move those numbers slightly but you probably won't be able to notice as long as you're within 50 or so men or 1 cannon in either direction. When modded unit sizes get involved you will hit the lowest damage point at the base game max unit size. Then damage will begin to climb linearly again.
  14. Based on the work of Tokiedian and JonnyH13 here is an updated guide to modding weapons and perks in the resource.assets. A hex editor will be needed to view and make changes to the file. - Float values will need to be converted from and into hex using a float calculator. - Other game values can be changed, but discovering where those values are is largely trial and error. - No matter what changes you make, the assets file size cannot be increased or decreased. You can shorten text values to gain space. The first hex block shows the palmetto infantry rifle. The second block shows the discipline artillery perk. The basic hex blocks will be the same for other weapons and perks. Apologies for the formatting and usage of paint. Weapon Hex details Hex Value Type Notes 8B 04 00 00 thumbnail reference int 00 00 7A 43 effective range hint float 00 00 96 43 effective range float 00 00 96 42 rate of fire float This seems to be a multiple of 3, going down. So 100 = 30, 30 = 100, 15 = 200, etc... 00 00 90 41 weapon damage float 00 00 B6 42 melee damage float 71 3D 0A 3E accuracy random low float Values shown in tooltip are * 100 CD CC 8C 3F accuracy random high float Values shown in tooltip are * 100 00 00 96 42 collateral radius float 05 00 00 00 00 28 C3 36 56 96 3E 3F ... 30 C9 F6 BE 02 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 animation curve Length can vary. Can copy between weapons but curves cannot be modified. 1E 00 00 00 weapon ammo int 0D 00 00 00 weapon cost int 8F C2 75 3E adaption coef float Affects AI weapon scaling 00 00 80 3F ammo cost float 01 00 00 00 crew amount int Perk Hex Details Hex Value Type Notes FF FF FF FF Unit type int 00 00 00 00 is infantry, 01 00 00 00 is Cavalry, 02 00 00 00 is Artillery, FF FF FF FF apply to all. Only corps perks use the type. 02 00 00 00 number of bonuses int this cannot be changed 04 00 00 00 type of bonus 00 00 00 00 add or multiply bonus int 00 00 00 00 is add, 01 00 00 00 is is multiply 00 00 20 41 value added or multiplied float - Depending on the number of bonuses assigned to the perk, you will see additional sets of three 4 pair blocks for each bonus - List of Bonus types and associated reference value. Stamina,00 Efficiency,01 Melee,02 Firearms,03 Morale,04 Stealth,05 Spotting,06 Reload,07 EffectiveRange,08 Cover,09 Accuracy,10 GetMeleeDamageMoraleImpact,11 GetSmallArmsDamageMoraleImpact,12 Ammo,13 RotationSpeed,14 CanisterDamage,15 SolidAndShellDamage,16 HorseSpeed,17 ChargeDamage,18 MoveSpeed,19 Experience,20 CommandRadius,21
  15. Thanks for the clarification. I've added two prior versions of the mod back into the main post. 1.0 works with UGCW 1.09, 1.1 works with UGCW 1.10. Hopefully one of those will work with the GoG version until it is updated.
  16. This is the first I've heard of anyone trying it with a gog version. The gog install has an Ultimate General Civil War\Ultimate General Civil War_Data\Managed folder with an Assembly-CSharp.dll in it? The dll I have from steam does have references to steam in it, so it's possible that the gog version is using a different dll. The changes probably have to be redone for gog.
  17. For the artillery the spreadsheet tabs have the modded weapon names. The A column on all of the sheets has the base game weapon name. I will need to check with Jonny on the rifles. Weapon replacements in the mod. Modded value -> base game value. 1855 is the palmetto musket is farmer Sharps is Colt Revolving rifle whitworth is fayetteville HF1855 is Lorenz Lorenz is 1855 1863 is 1861 1865 is 1863 1861 is HF1855 Sharps 1859 is Sharps 1855 Merrill is Sharps 1859 Tarpley is CS1862 E1856 is Hunter Colt 1855 is Sharps DNC is Whitworth
  18. removeSizeCap takes the base games hp size limiters off of the AI scaling algorithm. The sizes defined in the config file are the new max hp size in the mod. So if you want vanilla AI sizes set the flag to true. I don't even put points in politics, so this isn't the only issue. I think medicine is already plenty strong, the issue is that it's too easy to not take any casualties. Training bonuses to recruit stats only impact any new recruits you gain as rewards. Even if you invest later it's plenty useful as the stats will go up on average. My recruits are sitting at 27-30 for all stats currently. I did boost training fairly early though. Here is the arty spreadsheet. For the other weapons I would recommend just looking at the vanilla spreadsheets I posted in the mechanics thread. The ranges are close enough that I just use those. ModdedArtilleryWeaponCurves.xlsx Remember there are a lot of factors that go into the final damage numbers, the curves should be used as a general guideline, many weapons can still be effective at the low end of their curves if other stats make up for it. As a general update, we're working on a complete overhaul of weapon and perk damage(again). Highlights include no longer having to worry about making units to big and losing damage. No eta on when it will be ready but it will probably be a few weeks at the very least.
  19. I refactored the config files in the last release. If you don't want supersized AI brigades change removeSizeCap in the AIConfigFile. The MaxSize entries are reused for the player as well, but if you turn off removeSizeCap they aren't used for the AI. Player infantry size is controlled by your AO points. My rankings for those abilities are the reverse of yours While cover does max out at 100% so the perk bonuses are less useful in heavy cover, where the perk shines is in lighter cover or in open terrain. No more need to micro units onto just the right pixel to get the maximum cover bonus, put them in any kind of decent cover and you're fine. Also enables all of your artillery to actually hit 100% cover without having to give up a damage perk. I would probably take the xp perk second, it just saves you money and with how hard it is to get xp in the mod it can be very nice. I don't care about morale bonuses at all. Basically if I need it I already screwed up(I mostly avoid melee which could change things). There are a few later battles where you have to hold defenses with crap units that the morale can be useful for though. There appears to be a hidden timer that the mod isn't updating. My current guess is the end of day timer for the battle is getting hit as this happens for a lot of different battles currently. On the list to get researched/fixed. More of a general question, but do you feel limited in resources? My current impression is that it's far to easy to acquire far more men and cash than I can ever use. I'm sitting with a reserve of 500k/100k around Chancellorsville for the Union Legendary. I'm not sure if that matches other player experiences though. I think the range perks are the best selection in basically all cases currently. Since they all come with +accuracy as well they give you everything you need. I hear speed and reload can be very good as well depending on play style. Currently I feel like there is little reason to take the non generic accuracy damage bonuses. I missed this one for the Union as well. Though like you noted it's entirely possible to hold with the current numbers. I will update them to be consistent though. The AI still have the same number of units, something must be happening trigger them to attack directly instead of flanking.
  20. The original goal in general was to make the game harder. If anything, if we could stay closer to the challenge curve going up to Shiloh for the rest of the game we probably would. But like most games of this type, once you overcome the initial barriers and get a decent army setup the rest of the campaign tends to just be a snowball. While we will be making some changes to try and get to that point, we will also be trying to leave some options available for players who aren't interested in that level of difficulty. One thing to note, detached skirmishers can be turned back on in the ConfigFile. Set disableSkirmishers to false, and deploySizeMultiplier to 1 and you'll be back to normal. If you prefer your experience with them in the game, don't let us stop you.
  21. You do get 4 extra deployment slots per corps on Shiloh now. Did you not have space to bring a lot of skirmishers?
  22. I don't think any of the changes we made would impact the AI's interest in attacking across the bridge, though I've never tried that strategy. I usually just hold the northern edge of the town, fall back and concentrate fire on any unit that charges. I also rest my troops to 100% condition before attempting any crossing so that they are in the best possible shape to fight in melee in phase 2. Melee in the town will drain your condition very very quickly. I just played a quick MG phillipi and faced 22k, apparently the first levels are counted as major battles so the scaling fix I put in possibly had some impact. I think it should still have resulted in no change to the AI size, but just in case I'll add some extra checks to make sure it doesn't. The battle is still entirely winnable at 22k though. The AI still loves to charge my skirmishers if they get in range, you'll have to work harder to bait charges now though
  23. I don't think anything has changed on Phillipi in recent versions, those changes were just copy pasted. I checked my legendary save and 24k is what I faced there. Several thousand of those you rarely actually fight unless you let the phase 1 reinforcements reach the town. I think there is some randomness for brigade sizes, but the MG units are definitely less experienced. What approach are you using for Phillipi? With the condition changes you can make things much harder for yourself depending how you complete the first phase. At Shiloh having a good number of dedicated skirmishers with infantry rifles will be incredibly helpful.
  24. Based on the latest screenshot the losses are higher than 50% 34183+250+1200 = 35633 22627+494+150+116 = 23387 23387 / 35633 = .66 Your earlier screenshot is from mid battle. Those numbers will update to only show the total forces on the field in each phase. So while you had <50% losses in the end phase, your earlier casualties would still cause the victory condition to fail.
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