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Everything posted by Despe

  1. Muchos FLEKIs nos vamos de la facción despues del wipe. Algunos se van a piratas y otros a los rusos. Si hay alguien interesado en formar clanes hispanos en estas facciones que nos avise pa organizarlo. FLEKI ya no tiene amor.
  2. i spent a lot of time and resources for take rare books, and finally wipped to. taths a joke? I have more games
  3. But DLC ships are one for day and you need buy it.
  4. oooh, pobritino. Yo te ayudo en lo que necesites. cual es tu nick en el naval? El mio Despe.
  5. One solution is that deliveries only give doubloons, and make trading more profitable. In FLEKI we are in the same situation, like most clans with ports owners
  6. Oooo, FLEKI loves you.
  7. I was thinking in player that dont have enough time for playing, not for players that have time for wait for pve ships and boarding them. It is so fast buy in port and go to patrol, for example, that wait for NPCs. I think that this idea can increase number of players online, and pvp too.
  8. Hello captains I have been thinking about some suggestions in order to increase and facilitate the pvp, and also as a way to increase the number of players online. This is a very realistic game in some aspects, which forces you to use a lot of time in trade and other things if you want to have good ships, but not all players have time for that. That is why I have come up with the following suggestions to facilitate access to warships for those who want to play, but who are not interested in having good boats, just spending time killing (or dying ;)) FREE WARSHIPS for everyone in the national capitals and free ports, maximun fourth ratio. These boats would be 3 random of 7th and 6th class, 2 random of 5th class, and 1 random of 4th class, and will have the following specifications: 1.- No purchase cost (same as the basic cutter). 2.- You can tag any enemy player and enter battle but you will not receive a rewards for sinking (except in the patrol where you will receive damage). 3.- All boats will be standard oak / crew space, green with two upgrades and no trim. 4.- Free repairs but limited in battle: two hull, two sail and one crew. You can not perform repairs in the open world unless you buy consumables. 5.- This ships will be armed with a new type of free cannon between 6 and 24 pd of maximum caliber: basic cannon. It will have the same specifications as medium cannons, but with 10% less base damage and more vertical and horizontal dispersion. You can exchange for medium or long cannons, if you buy or craft them. It will be so interesting if all of you make suggestions. Thanks for your time and comments. FLEKI loves you.
  9. What port bonus permit you repair 3 times in 15 minutes?
  10. He shoots and repair all time, so he cant use brace. And we see the typical movement of sails when you start to repair, and after HP sails increase. 3 times in 15 minutes. Can you expalin that?
  11. I dont see an issue too, but is not the case. He cant use bracing because he shoot, maneuvered and increase his sails HP all time.
  12. I know the trick of bracing, that's why we report it, because three times it's too much. In addition he moved and shoot constantly and we broke his sails constantly too. It is very suspicious.
  13. I think is a very good idea. Also you can see in map what areas are with more taxes, helping make pvp.
  14. Hello captains. We tag a player —Captain Valrog— That repair his ship 3 times in 15 minutes, we ask for that and dont anwered us. I send a report with F11 too.
  15. Heelo, captains. I have always ask myself why in the ports there are so few boats for sale. I think at least the offer should be increased, which would help new players to progress. My proposal is as follows, suggestions are welcome : 1. At least one merchant ship 2. Four warships of the seventh and sixth class 3. Three boats of fifth class. 4. A fourth class warship. Thanks for comments and suggestions. FLEKI loves you.
  16. Hola busco clan, soy nuevo, alguien me recluta?
  17. DLCs ship are too similar to crafted ships. Their stats are not much diferent
  18. Hi captains Anybody knows if DLC ships can benefit from the bonuses of shipyard investement if you reddem the ship in a port with that investments? thx for your time and comments
  19. Despe

    cant join the game

  20. Sigue malmetiendo con que entraste a ayudarme y blablablabla. Repítelo mil veces si quieres. Ya te he dicho que estaba en un 1vs1 y NI NECESITABA NI QUERÍA TU AYUDA. Si entraste fue porque quisiste, y desde luego no a ayudar que tienes una fama en la facción que muchos conocemos. Entraste a racanear medals, espero que las hayas conseguido.
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