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Everything posted by Despe

  1. You are in mistake. Spain dont participate in that
  2. Prussian, sweedes and brits multiflip our ports some times, and we figth and it was funny. This does not make the strategy gamy crazy and nigth flips will.
  3. 1 legitimate is not synonymous with non-abusive. There are many rules in this game that being legitimate have been considered exploits. 2 We do not attack night pirates during the day because we do not want to fight in empty battles. That's why we attack European clans. 3. you are a veteran player and you know perfectly well that this breaks the server, because the game strategy goes crazy. That's why the alternative server was created months ago
  4. Others faction figth togeter too. We figth a lot of months against brits, sweddes, danes and pirtates that multiflip aour port too
  5. this multiflipps are day multiflipps in which the defending players defended their ports. We have also done multiflips, and others factions have also made them and we have never complained, in fact it has been fun because they are battles in which we participate.
  6. Of course that is legitim but that does not mean that it is not abusive. What is the logic of attacking empty cities at night? We do not attack night pirates because we want to play harbor battles with enemies, not empty ones. This is an obvious attempt to break the server, and you know it.
  7. Key west was an exception, and in Bensalem there were four Spaniards to defend that they got bored and stayed up late.
  8. there is no problem if any faction attack our port, in fact we want to have fun in port battles, so any attack is wellcome, but using the night flip in this way is abusive, and who does it knows. We are not going to stand still, if you want to break the server, that's what we're going to do as well.
  9. You sank NPCs os you fight in a empty port battles, not againt us. Since you want with pirates to break the server with the nights flipps, we already have ideas to break it too. It will be funny.
  10. I agree too, that's why I think it looks a lot like an exploit.
  11. Sorry, i post wrong :D. This is the capture:
  12. Hello. I tag one player with 4 le requin in fleet, near Sandy Point. That's legal or this is an exploit? I report with F11 too. Thanks.
  13. BLANC clan had screnning between brits against russians in cartagena yesterday
  14. I must interpret then that for you danish, prussians or dutch are not capable players? That is an insult in my opinion for the players of those factions. Let's be honest and realistic. We all know that these factions cant win ports against the most powerful factions of the game. Everyone who has replie in this post knows that perfectly. EDIT: Maybe I misunderstood what you wanted to say.
  15. I disagree. Just look at the taxes generated in ports with copper ingots. In my opinion these new resources should be created in free ports, or one in each faction. I cant see the future, so I cant comment today what will happen when the game gets released, i only mention a situation that I think is unfair, and still nobody has given me enough arguments to change my opinion.
  16. Let's be realistic. Prussia, Denmark and the Netherlands have no chance of conquering these ports or accessing those resources. And I repeat what I have already said in other replies: my post is about the creation of new resources, not about existing ones like guacata or others. When a new resource is created it is unfair to benefit some factions, in my opinion.
  17. I understand your arguments but I disagree. I do not see that in the ports you mention, except in Cartagena, there are RVR exploit. It seems that the RVR exploit appears in areas where there are several factions, not several resources.
  18. I'm sorry but that reply seems disrespectful to me. I play as I want and I do not demand anyone how should to play. Please, do not enter into personal questions when I only intend to open a post to ask the devs to make their updates fairly.
  19. You can open a post if you want for talking about this. My post i about new resources created an added to map, not existing resources.
  20. GB has teak until recently in its capital area. My post is not about existing resources, is about the new ones that are created and added to the map.
  21. I disagree too. I think that conquest and equal distribution are perfectly compatibles. It´ssimple. If I have one of those ports and I can conquer another I try it.
  22. If all the factions have a resource port the competition is not reduced. Just look at what happens with the teak. And a dutch or danish player pays the same for the game as an english player, so I think thats it's unfair that one can access those resources and the others does not.
  23. I am not talking about Spain being able to conquer these ports, I am saying that the new resources created should be shared equally among ALL THE FACTIONS, because I think it is unfair that this is not so. My post is about the creation of new resources, not about RVR.
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