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Posts posted by Trino

  1. 19 minutes ago, rediii said:

    And these 2 oceans will get decrewed by a bunchbof wasas and stuff and boarded by a buc your statement is invalid.


    With a bunch of 3rds 2 1st rates have no chance. But Bellona BR should be changed aswell.

    I would bet on the LOceans :) 

  2. 44 minutes ago, rediii said:

    patrol battles should be limited to BR 1300 or so and grape has to work again

    Panzer-ship-problem will stay. With 1300 BR a good group would be two LOceans and a Renomee ... think there is no other combination that could beat this ... so you hardly will see other groups like this. Maybe fun for two other days, but then ?

    in my opinion pnly solution is to give up the circle of dead ...


    Edit: sry, wrong thread, only battle reports, i understand !

  3. Maybe you are doing missions/pve in a 5th rate and want to make the step to a santi at once? In my opinion its faster (and more fun) to climb the ladder of ships step by step, because with a bigger ship you earn more money and you catch up the price for the ship by higher income. So depending what ship class you actually sail, just buy a ship of the next bigger class and go on this way until you reach santi. 

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  4. 17 minutes ago, Mr.Bush said:


    gibt es die Deliver Missionen gar nicht mehr?

    Hatte noch einen alten Auftrag in der Schleife, hatte ewig gedauert den Kram dafür zusammen zu bekommen...nur...irgendwie kann ich den gar 

    nicht beenden. Nur löschen....mein letzter ist schon Monate her..

    Oder habe ich nur vergessen wie das geht?? 


    Die wurden entfernt, irgendwie ist es einem Typen gelungen das zu exploiten und 1,8 Mrd. zu "erwirtschaften" ... Sozusagen als Hotfix wurden diese Missionen dann aus dem Spiel genommen ...

    • Like 1
  5. 23 minutes ago, Slim Jimmerson said:

    It's done more than anything else to promote PVP. People want objectives and missions and gripping fights. They don't want to search for an hour to find 1 guy who runs for 30 minutes. That gameplay turns people away from the game.

    No, that gameplay turns SOME people away from the game ... and i think these people are gone months if not years ago. The people that are playing the game in the last months mostly LIKE searching and hunting (proof: they are still playing). Of course most wished more life, more other players in the OW. So now we get the patrol zone which turn the game in some hybrid between OW and arena game ... 

    Now we have an open world much more deserted than before and an arena where you have to do some sailing and logistics to find a fight ... what seems like a compromise is just a scare off of both player groups. And beside this: change of RoE in patrol zone caused balance problems that have to be solved, so we are just at the beginning of many new balancing rounds (=patches), much more complicated due you have to balance ships, mods, cannons and woods to two different RoE. 

    • Like 1
  6. 2 minutes ago, Eyesore said:

    The 20k damage we're supposed to inflict, is that for every ship you sail, no matter the rate?

    A 7th rate will have a lot of difficulty to get to 20k? It will be easier for a 5th rate or even a first (if somebody takes one)?

    Other than that it seems a simple Yolo-type-event.

    20 k for every ship seems fine for me, because if you want to do it fast, you have to use (=risk) a big ship. If you want to do it with small risk (= small ship) you need more time. So reward per used time is scaling with risk, and thats the way it should be ...

  7. 4 minutes ago, Olorin said:

    Like I said we will see. The world is big and it will help survive, but... farmers will be there. :D and I do not like to fight alone vs many farmers.

    You have the wrong point of view. This PvP-Missions should make averange players get used to lose ships (during compensate their loss in pvp-marks). And in fact "learn to losing ships" is the first step to get a PvPler ... 

    I still think they could learn this unbound to areas too ... 

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  8. 5 minutes ago, Jon Snow lets go said:

    So what your solution then to get people out of the safezone? Map is too big, you cant just make a mission ala "damage enemy players."

    Why not? Given everyone has a daily mission: do 20.000 damage on enemy players ... Why they cant sail to freetowns or enemy capitals? In most cases they just need to go out of safezone to get a fight because enemy is alread before there capital ...

  9. 56 minutes ago, Sella22 said:

    Degrades the role of the crafter and his chance for him to make a profit. Eventually prices will be deflated a lot and also almost nobody will buy repairs.

    if you capture a ship, you get less money and combat marks from the fight, additionally you cant sell the captured ship if you dismantle it. It could be ballanced that you get f.e. one hull repair for 2000 gold and one rig repair for 1500 gold ... so if there are repairs in shop buying  is probably cheaper and in every case less effort ...

  10. Recently i saw complains in the forum, that repairs are hard to get in harbors far from capitals. Though in my opinion it's fine to need some logistics when operating from a far away outpost i accept, that it can be hard if you are in a small nation/clan or that sometimes you just have bad luck and there are no repairs available without sailing two hours.

    So i suggest give an option to dismantle ships into repairs. This would be realistic and you can always get some repairs by capturing some AI-ships and dismantle them to repairs. (Of course you can loot repairs in AI-ships too, but to get a full set of repairs will depend on looting luck and will probably cost you hours). 

  11. 11 hours ago, Raxius said:

    to be fair the locean would of been boarded by russians as the boarding process was triggered an he was surrounded by 5 1st rates. and he was down less than 50% crew. so please remove the pvp marks rudi has gained and please replace the santisima's the locean would of been sunk regardless.

    If he was surrounded by 5 1st rates at least 2 of them were of his own team (because russians had only 3 1st rates in the battle). So maybe he would get pushed out of boarding? Or Sam gots graped? 

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