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Posts posted by Trino

  1. 19 hours ago, Sven Silberbart said:

    Hello Devs.

    Some Clans are using the PB timeframe to prevent PBs. I thought about that problem and come to a little idea:

    Ports are owned by clans. Clans are mostly from one timezone. Why not bring an unchangedbale timeframe to the clan instead of every induvidual port.

    When my clan captured a port the timeframe of my clan is used to set the ports timeframe.

    That would solve: clans playing in a european timezone setting timers in the australian timezone, just to prevent other european clans to fight the port.

    Why not? Atm the clans who wanna do RvR setting timers to their main game time. This is the same, without making clans to abuse the machanic

    How to avoid port-holding-clans ... a one man clan holding all ports a nation/clan want to hide in an other time zone ....?

  2. Few minutes ago i had the can´t join battle bug again. Battle between a swedish surprise and two USA Endymions, can´t join USA side  (spain myself).

    I made bug report with F11. Heard from other players they had same problems after last patch !

    • Like 1
  3. @Bearwall


    1. the screenshot has a bad resolution, can't really read a name or clan tag. (Did i sth wrong? Dont know imgur...)

    2. you problem is the gank = bigger numbers?

    3. it reads like you were allied to sweden or had at least an non agression pact, is that the point ? Or is there an "anti ganking treaty" that was broken? A gentlemans agreement only to fight in even numbers?


    sry, just want to understand your post and the reactionss

  4. 1 hour ago, admin said:

    thats a good idea.. maybe you are right that patrol the area damage should not be depended on the pvp only damage, in this case if enemies are not there you can still feel progress

    I'm really astonished! First PvP Marks for only done damage. now PvP Marks for PvE ...

    The second is a little bit much in my opinion ...

    Im repeating me: why bind it to a mission? Why not reward the noob in front of his capital for the heroic fighting and sinking against the ganking fleet? 

    • Like 1
  5. 5 minutes ago, Landsman said:

    Very good idea but make sure the zone is big enough for people to dodge gank dread fleets... it's the same and only problem PvP event had. Solo players and noobs only feed 10+ gank fleets sometimes. Reward or not is isn't fun for them... make the zone large enough for people to choose their fight and at the same time not simply run out of the circle / zone to avoid giving rewards, when being hunted...

    Yeah, make the Zone big, make it the whole map! And make it endless! Just give pvp marks for damage done!   

  6. Ja, im "Missions" Fenster, da wo du die Missionen auch annimst, müsste links wo die Missionen gelistet werden ein roter Button sein "cancel".

    Übrigens ist es Standard die Missionen immer wieder zu canceln bis sie möglichst günstig liegen ... muss man nicht machen, kann man aber, da das Canceln nicht bestraft wird ...

  7. 9 minutes ago, admin said:

    New missions make farming useless and irrelevant. If you can get same or better rewards for doing a fun activity, you will do a boring activity less. 

    I agree. But then the last argument against general pvp-mark-rewards for done damage is gone ... why only reward the player on a pvp mission and only at a given location?

  8. 6 minutes ago, Jon Snow lets go said:

    Because then people can just damage alts and farm marks in some empty corner of the map while all PvP missions will probably direct people into the same area which will be busy.

    Thats an argument. But nevertheless we have alt-killing for pvp marks now and will it have until there are rewards for pvp. Sometimes you have to accept advantages for criminals for the sake of all (civil rights for example XD). Maybe even a notorous alt farmer will decide to earn his marks honestly when he gets rewarded for done damage ... because real fights are fun und alt killing is like work.

  9. The more i think about it ...

    The goal is to make players fight. The core of one of these missions is rewarding the player for fight, not for victory. So why bind this on a mission and bind it on a single place? You dont want these players fight if they are not on a pvp mission? 

    Just give, like in the example, one pvp mark per 1000 damage done to enemy player and it will be the same result, even better!

    • Like 2
  10. Also nach der Lektüre des OpeningPosts bin ich ein wenig in Zweifel ob die Supermacht des Servers wirklich die richtige Nation für einen Clan mit solchem Wachstumspotential ist ... vielleicht joint ihr besser einem der Underdogs? Natürlich will ich keinem das Recht absprechen einer Nation seiner Wahl zu joinen, soll also nur ein Hinweis sein.


    viele Grüße Trino,

    der selber bald nach Schweden wechselt und sich Sorgen macht, obs dann noch was zu schiessen gibt XD

    • Like 1
  11. Since days before the fall of cartagena i hear from different sources that there are big argues and differences in the russian realm. REDs were nearly inactive and VCO got toxic with almost all other small clans in russia (two of the smaller clans already decided to leave russia before cartagena falls).

    So i think this "move" ist just the rats are leaving the sinking ship and pretending to do an active step. It will force admin to nothing! Let's see how big this two clans are when they arrive in sweden, and how big they are two months later ... 

    • Like 7
  12. Yesterday i cant join a france vs. Britain battle (i am spain) ... maybe the same problem ... it was in front of a portbattle (Almirante) so maybe differnet though ...


    2 hours ago, DreamMaker said:

    Russian dead? Haha. Died if only the former policy. 2 most important PB for Russian, how much our allies you see for help us? I was see  Swedish, Brits, Pirates, Danis, Prussian, and France(!), but they came as our rivals! Good job Gentelmens you showed  our's weaknesses !

    P.S. Perhaps we should not take the Danes Russian fleet out of Gustavia some time ago, now it would be 1 nation less :)


    1 hour ago, z4ys said:

    Where was Spain? Overlapping of siesta time?

    Me and my spanish clanmates sailed hours to get our ships to Tolu. It was bit strange that the whole afternoon nobody could say to us where and when the screening fleet at Cartagena starts ... an hour before the portbattle we got the news: russia will not defend Cartagena, so no screening fleet ... it was clear that others had this information long before us, because we where alone at Tolu.

    Come to Almirante and help with PB there, zhey said to us .... and we sailed again ... ten minutes before we reached Almirante and 15 Minutes before PB start at Cartagena  new news came to us and Spain: the russians defend cartagena, everyone who has an outpost teleport to tolu ... hahaha ...

    Our french allies may had the same problems, because they where sitting in front of Almirante with about 10 Bucentaurs ...

    Dont dare to search the guilt at your allies, russia !

    • Like 8

    16 hours ago, Reed said:


    ich bin relativ neu im Spiel.

    Was ich  besonders störend finde, ist das Problem mit dem Connecten und Disconnecten. da kann man nicht mehr

    von Fairness sprechen. Man tagt jemand und 10 Andere connecten  plötzlich und machen dich fertig. Mag ja sein, das

    viele das als toll empfinden, ich jedenfalls denke das damit das Game zerstört wird.

    Mit offenen Visier kämpfen würde das Game deutlich aufwerten, aber vielleicht bin ich auch nur ein naiver Idealist.

    Also das habe ich in den gut 4 Monaten in denen ich jetzt dabei bin noch nie erlebt ... vielleicht verwechselst du das mit dem "in Sicht kommen", da gibt es wohl eine feste Sichtreichweite, so dass die Schiffe recht plötzlich am Horizont auftauchen ...

  15. 21 hours ago, huliotkd said:

    remove all upgrades and resuscitating crew ability, only wood can give speed/thick bonus: fir speed - LO tank. stop - player must win with skill, not gear...


    If you want only skill-decisions why you want to keep different woods? And why at least different ships? Would not be a basic-cutter-battle the ultimate skill-contest?

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