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Posts posted by Trino

  1. Few minutes ago i saw in combat news the notification that player [RNON]LilLamp sank swedish player near Fort Baai. I was near Baai and decided to have a look. About 5 minutes later i arrived there, saw a battle and joined in the last seconds before battle closed.

    When i joined there were the players:

    [HHAS] Herr Nilsson
    [RNON] LilLamp

    Bothe where next to each other and had sails down. I thought it was boarding, but wondering how this could happen so fast. But ok i set sails and sail towards them. But both set sails and while the danish rattlesnake sails straigt away the swedish cerberus sailed in my direction. The swedish player rammed me and pushed to my side over minutes until the rattlesnake could escape.

    I wrote them, that i think i got them alt-farming and LilLamp wrote:

    "We´re testing what you get sinking bigger ship, not necessarily farming."

    After leaving battle i saw that Herr Nilsson was recently killed, so i think he was the player who was sunk by LilLamp 5 minutes before ...

    edit: sorry screenshots are not chronologically ...



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  2. The problem i see: the tutorial rewards are promoting alts. Doing the tutorial, get rewards, delete character and repeat is probably the best per hour income of the game. If i remeber right you get 1500 rig and hull repairs, 1 x rattlesnake notw, 1x hercules note, 1x naval clock. I guess of this rewards on the market will be around 10 mio, far more in the first time ... for about 2 hours (lesser with practice) of PVE ... It would be even a good method to get repairs to a far away harbor, i sailed often more hours to supply an outpost with (lesser) repairs and tutorial has no risk to lose sth.

    I seriously suggest to make tutorial repeatable (incl. rewards) for everyone, reduce amount of repairs you get and reduce stats of naval clock to +2,5 % speed. This will also make it possible to get the attention of recruiting clans more than only one time (what if its 4 oclock in the morning if you pass the final exam and no clan in your time zone is online.).

  3. 14 hours ago, Banished Privateer said:

    Pina Colada is a known griefer, he chains to death in every battle and never fights. He likes tagging you many times after battle and following. As experienced player I know how to get away from him, but it's annoying and time wasting. @Wyy @EliteDelta and many other players to mark in this topic to share their experience with Pina Colada.

    You remember our meeting at Cul de Sac some days ago? You where in Fir/fir P-Frig and your Buddy in a Surprise ... you said you will hold us in battle for the whole 1,5 hours ... you did it for 30 Minutes and then you had to leave because your buddy get trapped between us and the land. This was no griefing? I dont complain, i had fun and i knew you where annoyed because we saved the noob in 1st rate XD 

  4. 35 minutes ago, admin said:


    In one of the nearest patches green protected zones reinforcements will be changed. 

    Instead of ships of the line local authorities will send veffels vessels that are appropriate to the attacker ship strength. 
    For example: If 3 frigates rates attack a trader, 3 buffed reinforcement 5th rates will be sent as protection. 

    Please adjust your trading routes or production accordingly, and spread this information to your nation's officers. 

    Question: what is the intend of this change? I think it´s not so difficult to fend off an attack while a buffed escort ship helps you, so it wont change the live for experienced players. But an unexperienced player will probably die. So you want to reduce safety for noobs ? strange !

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  5. On 26. März 2018 at 4:09 PM, Sir Texas Sir said:

    back when you had to own a region to get the region bonus on crafting I think we had more fights cause folks wanted to own those regions.  I could see something like that returning. They have 25 ports that are special, they could put the RNG of crafting those ports to include the bonus you can find on AI captured ships into crafting in thsoe ports or make it the bonus you get.  Than folks will want to own those ports to get that bonus.

    But why should the nations fight for ports that grants crafting boni if they refuse to fight for ports that grants rare and powerful upgrades (Cartagena)?

  6. I often read "ports have to be meaningful" but this game is about sailing ships, what could be more meaningful than to make big ships depending on portownership? Everything else is just cosmethic ... maybe im wrong, but i think nobody who dont do PBs now will do it if you give him some paints, chests or other just nice to have stuff, not in the long terms ...

  7. 5 minutes ago, Slim Jimmerson said:

    Again, another example of a great feature taken out for whatever reason that is exactly what we need now. Why do we even have RNG bonus refits when this is an option?

    I think first we should remember the "whatever reason" ... maybe this could help to save time ?

  8. 19 minutes ago, Intrepido said:

    You can convert pvp marks into VMs now.

    Right now you get 1 VM each week. So you are allowed to craft 1 first rate every 7 days. Your proposal, 1 VM every day, will allow me to build 1 first rate every 9 days. Hardly it will make it a noticiable difference.


    Sorry for that. I forget the words "per port"

    so i meant: 1 VM per day and owned port to the clanwarehouse. So f.e. A 10 member clan that owns one port can craft a firstrate every 3 days, so every member has to wait 30 days for his first rate.

    But pleas dont lets discuss the exact amount of VMs ... lets just discuss if there are too many VMs in the game or not.

  9. 12 minutes ago, Red Dragon 13 said:

    Or you could allow clans to fix much higher taxes (50%, even 100%) and since this extra money goes to the clan, clan members would benefit or get refunds, etc

    Thx! Exactly! You then just can outbid every other because you have 50% of the price backflow in your clan wallet ... so no new contract every 2 mins ... 

    • Like 1
  10. 23 minutes ago, rediii said:

    yea and when 1000 peoe are online price changes again so devy should change something else again?

    Also whatever gold I get I still have to place contracts 24/7 to get a few carta tar. Even with 100 mio gold a day I wouldnt bother to stay in port for hours to replace contracts.


    Maybe you get it now

    1. if devs adjust the amount of daily Cartagena Tar drop regarding to amount of players price will stay constant. Im almost sure there is a mechanism. If not mods will become very very expensive when players amount rise -> huge balancing problem

    2. You would prefer 5 Cartagena Tars to 100 mio gold? Really? Think twice :) 

    I still have points 3. and 4. but i only want to end this ...

  11. People complaining about port ownership is not important enough, so nobody needs/wants to attack ports.

    Problem is, that VMs, the reward for taking part in Portbattles, are much to common. Even i have a weekly VM-pension because i took part in capturing a neutral port weeks ago.

    Solution: give one VM per day and port directly in the clanwarehouse of the owning clan. Make 1st rates cost 3 VMs and 2nd rates 1 VM. Keep the possibility to buy VMs for PvP Marks (with the new Patrol Mission really everyone can earn pvp marks).

    Side effect: 3rd rate will become the workhorse, bigger ships become outstanding...

  12. 22 minutes ago, rediii said:

    its not just a money thing.

    Whats the difference between getting 5 cartagena tar or 500k gold? With that gold I still have to set up contracts every 2 minutes just to get that stuff.

    Also prices are changing depending on population etc.

    Money is nothing. Just look into the cwh of the HRE

    It is a money thing, the difference between 5 Cartagena Tars in Cartagena and a Cartagena Caulking in Gustavia is about 1,3 Mios. The fault you made is, that the market price of 5 Cartagena Tar is far above 500k (due to the afford to set up a new contract every 2 minutes).

  13. 41 minutes ago, rediii said:

    Now lets look to the difference.

    Free ressources from a port you own and pay for land in your cwh. You get free ressources every day/week or whatever. with these ressources you build ships for defence or offensive actions or whatever in your cwh port probably.


    Now lets look to the cwh teleport for everyone. (why do I even have to explain that?)

    Need reps at a outpost? use cwh transfer

    Need cannons? Books? Other ressources? Just put in cwh and take out again.


    Teleporting stuff over the whole map like you wish. A tow to port without limitations. How can you not see that this affects a lot of other stuff.


    Free ressources in your CWH is something that saves you time. Why is that more important than gold? Well it is time you can do other, more fun stuff. 

    Ok, it's just very complicated for me. Teleporting 500 oak logs is good and saves time, teleporting reps is bad. Teleporting ships with cannons once a day is good (?), teleporting cannons without ships is bad.

    But beside this, thats not my point. My point is the discussion: giving port owner privileged access to ressources is just a money thing, discussing about it is just a strange discussion about port maintenance cost. I understand that owning a port has to be desirable. But if you want give ports a slight transport advantage (basic ressource transport in one direction) lets talk about this and not about free ressources ...


  14. 6 minutes ago, rediii said:

    Then noone jas to sail a trader ever again...


    Ok let's sort this out.

    1. you are pro free ressources for port owners (instead of just adjust the costs/income of ports)

    2. You said the difference between lower maintenance costs and free ressources is the free transport (given that the free ressources go directly in clanwarehouse)

    3. you say free transport is shit


    funny 😃



  15. 3 minutes ago, rediii said:

    free ressources also free up time you else need to get them to your shipyard.

    For mee that is more worth than gold

    You think if you get the ressources instantly in the clan warehouse? Ok, thats true. But then the free transport is the benefit from a port. Maybe this is something to think about: free access to the clanwarehouse from every clan owned port ?

  16. 23 minutes ago, Lars Kjaer said:

    I would not advocate for a complete lockdown on ressources. Alts are an issue - yes. But there has to be space for the casual players as well. My suggestion is that a certain percentage of the drops is taken out of the store and reserved for the clan - if the clan chooses to buy up the item. Wether that be 20% as I suggest or more is kind of a moot point - that can be changed later. Atm port ownership is a liability for the clan, the costs is not being covered by taxes and trading depends on the clan actually being able to buy the trade goods before anyone else. Most ports could easily turn a profit - IF - the clan that owned it bought up all trading goods in the port. Problem is the clan that owns the port isn't the only clan that buys the ressources. 


    20 minutes ago, Lars Kjaer said:

    Money is not an issue. You can basically print your own if you want to. Ownership of the port is meaningless tho and there should be some advantage to the clan that makes hostility, captures the port and pays the maintenance - regardless of the maintenance costs.

    Please explain the difference between reduceing port/timer maintenance cost by 100.000 Gold/day and give the port Owner 500 Oak Logs a day  for free? I think the first quote clearly shows that you are only interested in money ... not that i cant understand you, but i see simply no difference between reducing maintenance cost/raise tax income vs. free ressources for port owner.

  17. 22 minutes ago, Bloody Hound said:


    Exempel being KOTO owns 1 port which is Puerto de nipe. We make naff all in Tax profits, however with the % selected lets say 25% if we choose to put that on Oak Logs and the port produces 2000 Oak logs that day we'll get 500 Oak logs free which might sound like alot for free but were paying the port timer tax etc so were paying 500k for 500 oak logs but atleast were getting something out of it.


    It's only a money thing again ... you think timer costs are to high, then discuss about timer costs ... why implement a komplex system if it only affects money? Same effect could achieved by reducing costs of ports or raise their income ...

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