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Everything posted by Rune

  1. so its okey when you want it to be but not when others do it. you cant have both or special treatment. its ether wrong to trade ports in every case or its okey to do it in every case
  2. what about when the swedes let the danish take a port from them just so they could take it back later, was that against the rules as well ?
  3. Rune

    alt or allies

    but the outcome is the same as if they had used alts in the battle they gain a unfair advantage. alts have allow been used to block spots so one side wound be at disadvantage, i know that did not use alts but they found a new way of blocking out the enemy
  4. Rune

    alt or allies

    so if they swedes had used Russian alts to block the spots that would have been fine as well ?
  5. can some tell me the differences from using alt to block spots in battle and using allies to do it ? today the Honorable swedes and there pirate lab dogs blocked Russian spots in a screening battle outside somerset and i am wondering if it is considered the same as using alt to do it ?
  6. my name is Rune. RUS and RDNN have all ways been fighting together ever since RDNN was formed and before that the same players from VIE would join them as well, you don't think we would tell them before we made the post to see if they had anything against it. so RTS is not traitors because DNP are friends with them or do you have another reason not put them on your traitors list ? and you wont name RUS as traitors because you know that you will be hello kittyed without them. and DNP you have danish port as well that is open to everyone why are DNP not traitors then ? you keep avoiding talking about DNP experience in rvr ?
  7. i will be looking forward to your first battles against a organized fleet Bearwall as for the ts your have right to use it because your a part of the danish nation you lost the privileges of admin rights. was is after the wipe was announced you help out in port battles or before ? because most of RDNN and RUS went on break after the night flips happened and yea north made the agreements but i dare to say i talk with him more then you and i went to us leaders as well and they confirmed that we technically had not broken the truce because it did not say anything about grinding ports in that time frame but only no port battles. so now RDNN RUS RTS and BF are all traitors to the danish nation ? and how many port battles have you organized and won so far doing DNP history in this game ?
  8. we asked ACN to stop and they agreed but DNP did not just to irritate RDNN and RUS i think that would count as ruining our plan for no other reasons then spite. when we attacked the swedes we lost around 5 ships and the same when they attacked road town later, so 2 port battles a day could easily react 10 ships but again you would not know anything about this because you have no experience in rvr. you even say you are pvp player so why do you assume you know anything about rvr matters at all ? and you where not there doing the diplomatic meeting about the Christmas truce, so you only know what have been said about it after and instead of trusting your own nation about what the agreements was you chose to trust the enemy's version about it. there was about 2 weeks of night flips before Savannah and santa domingo was attacked at the same time and i never saw any DNP players doing those 2 weeks and night flips more then anything else burns players out, RDNN talked to all of our allies to try to get enough players to defend the 2 most important ports we had and again i have to go back to you having no experience in how rvr works. because its not as easy at just telling ppl to sail for 3-5 hours to defend a port as you might think and ppl who said they would come can run in rl issues and some ppl would only go to 1 port and not the other, then bring this together with the fact that we don't have diplomats that know Spanish and french so communication can be hard with can mean mistakes. but your right if i had the knowledge that we would not have enough players we would had limited our efforts to 1 port. and your where not at all of the night flips you only join the last ones when they came close to danish core territory and most of the others players had been burned out. again not true i remember a couple of time DNP have told us they you would no longer be helping RDNN in rvr the difference is that we don't need your clan for rvr and if DNP don't want to play with RDNN why should we help you out. i think your mistaken about the difference between a rights and privileges. privileges are conditional and can be withdrawn while rights are inherent and cannot be withdrawn. you did not help him create the danish ts why should share it with you now and if it so easy to make new one why don't you just make your own and give everyone admin rights if you really think that work out well. its all ways easy to come in after when all the hard work is done. again no one is stopping from getting your own port battles fleet together and training them then make your own ts they way you want it, then you can make own diplomatic agreements and we can stop this stupid discussion but as long as you try to demand RDNN should help you in port battles or any other battles for that matter then it will be under our terms. and the op is about the free ports i don't see how that make us traitors, but i guess you are talking about the post where we said we would no longer be defending DNP ports. RDNN and RUS have all ways showed up when another nation has attacked us so if we did not make it official no one would ever attack you because they would think we would be defending your ports. so if we had only told you you would still be living under our protection at lest in the other nations minds. maybe someone will attack you maybe they wont, we are just giving you the chance to show the great DNP port battle fleet and how you amazing organization from your extensive experience in rvr would be.
  9. im sure the ts will remain open for every one in the danish nation no matter what happens but its up to anolytic after all it is his ts and he pays for servers. he created this ts for the danish nation and with the future in mind. now im not sure but i think it can hold up to 500 ppl so even when the game is released he would be able to keep it running as the danish ts, so i don't think you have to worry about it getting closed down or clans getting thrown out.
  10. i don't care if DNP respects RDNN but a little gratitude for the effort would be nice. but DNP can use anolytic ts to talk bout how bad RDNN is and how much more Honorable they are then us is fine. they sail safely in the in danish water because RDNN and all the others clan worked together to secure them. if they don't like to follow us nothing stops them from getting 25 players together and doing there own plans and port battles, but every time RDNN did something DNP did not like we got same message from them that they would no longer support us rvr, like the where trying to blackmail us into doing what they wanted to do and mostly we did not care about if they help us or not. but when we do same and say that we will no longer be helping them they call us traitors to the nation. that is what all this is about
  11. we where at Savannah trying to keep our live oak port for the eastern blok a few weeks when night flips started, i guess you only joined when they closer to cs if you don't know that. we did not break the truce our enemy's propaganda is all you know about it and your are stupid enough to believe every word of it. while the pirates where in our water we where fighting at the front line like we always do to protect the danish territory and i guess you see never the port battles we set up because you stay close cs and do pve except to sealclub and gank. maybe first rates are easy to come by when only lose them to pve but rvr is different matter when you can lose from 5 to 10 every day but ofc you would not anything about that i hope they coming to maybe a few defeats will open your eyes so you can understand about rvr and cost associated when a well organized enemy is attaching you instead of few pirates privileges has to be earned and they can be lost again. maybe you should think more about why you lost them in first place and what have DNP been doing when all of this happened if i may ask ? you misunderstand me then. imagine your are trying to help someone while they are talking shit to your face. how long would keep trying to help them. and im not saying we are the only ones trying to make the danish nation better in anyway and im grateful for all the other clan that we fight with but i don't see what DNP has ever done for the danish nation, they don't join port battles or screening, mostly they gank and do pve and im fine with but i don't know why they have to try to mettle in rvr when they know nothing about it
  12. we don't care what you think but we find it irritating that you all ways do everything you can to ruin our plans and how can you question someone leaderhips if you dont think you can better your self ? and this leadership you talk about is really nothing more then plans we have made for our self and because no other clan is the danish nation has shown any initiative to do anything more then pve, other clans have followed us and our deals. while following RDNN and RUS the danish nation have expanded its core territory from cs to half of hispaniola and given all danish captains a lot of content to do. maybe you should should take the wheel and use hours on talking with the other nations diplomats, create and pay for the nations teamspeak and servers to run it on, gather and train a port battle fleet and make offensive plans, and use hours to sail and gather resources to make sure everyone has a first rate to fight in the port battles with all the while a small clan with no experience within the nation is telling you that they know the right way to do it. now you can because we tried of it, our officers are tried of making a effort and only getting shit back in return, so have it your way every clan for it self and lets see how long the danish nation will last when every clan is divided
  13. this is my gpu but its abit overkill. a gtx 1080 will be fine for awhile in to the future
  14. we don't have problem with you not helping us. but when other nation want the map win just maybe they will remember that all of dnp port will be easy to take because your clan has no pb experience and not enough members to fill a pb
  15. with that logic why should we take any port at all ? we could just keep our 2 starting port and be safe and use alts to get everything else we need
  16. ohh im sorry i see now that dnp is doing there fair share for danish nation by ganking friendly's who we was fighting a war with instead of the Swedish we was fighting against. and its funny you bring it up because even though Sweden is only 5 min away from cs you chose to sail all way to kpr instead because it was easier to kill ppl there then in Swedish waters and if you don't think that wanting a formal apology and new ship because we did not help out one of you clan mate is crying i don't know what it tbh
  17. and have you been for the last year ? i only see you doing missions outside cs and crying in nation when you lose a ship to the swedes. i don't remember any pb won by dnp or anytime you sailed to help a ally in need. and look at what you asking of us, rdnn should do the heavy lifting with port battle, diplomacy and protecting of every trader ship in our waters. im sorry but we expect ppl to be able to look after them self and when assassin was attacked nation chat was full of warnings about swedes on our waters and he went out anyway without any escort from his clan members. and you made a big deal about it and declared that you would no longer be helping us with anything unless we made a formal apology and gave him a new ship
  18. what ppl tends to forget is that rdnn and rus and all the others clans we work with are also the ones who defend the nation. i remember when you played fox you where allways complaining about rdnn right up until somebody attacked us. we have always had the nation in mind when we have chosen our targets, when we go Cartagena we would have gotten Important resource, same story with Savannah and when when we had pirates in our waters and no way to stop them because of game mechanics we tried to get Bermuda so danish players could have safe place to do missions. we have sailed for hours for help our allies so they would come to defend danish waters when we needed it. we are the ones who go to meeting to make diplomatic agreements with the others nation to make sure the there will be danish nation at all. before you start whining about rus and rdnn imagine how the danish nation would be with out us, it would most likely be blue
  19. i was there at aves with RUS against SLRN. best fights i have ever been in. we knew we wound win in the end because it would take alot more work for SLRN to bring new first rates then it would for us, i lost my first santi against them it was good times
  20. how fare back are you talking about because the RUS clan are still here
  21. you need to figure out where your bottleneck is. from what i can see it might be your gpu but keep in in mind that even if you buy a better gpu your cpu might not be able to keep up with it. i used to have amd phenom 2 x6 cpu + some old gpu and when i got the rx480 i did not really gain any fps so i figured my cpu was the bottleneck i ordered the ryzen 1800x and gained 50 fps. so when you buy new equipment for your computer its better to buy something good and use it for a few years then to go cheap and have to upgrade again.
  22. nahh they where just hated by every one which is not really that hard to do
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