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Everything posted by Eyesore

  1. How about you organize your clan so it is workable? As in an actual clan, where you work together? It has nothing to do with the game itself. If your current clan is not capable ... look around for another, or change how your clan does things. When your crafter's docks are full, it is a clan-problem, not a game-problem. When your crafter can't craft for another timezone, recruit a player-crafter (or level one up, or use an 'allied' crafter) from that timezone. It is up to the clanmembers to be available for the clan. Next you guys will want your ships delivered at a port to have a portbattle again, because it is more convenient? Making it another goldsink does nothing, it is a flawed mechanic. The notes make only sense in Legends, not in NA. What would be the difference in sailing around with an overloaded cargohull (heavy weight for a note) and sailing an actual ship to its destination? If it is in your cargo, you just delete the ship in case you get intercepted ... if it is in your fleet, atleast it is still content (visible for everybody in OW and capturable). If you want stock, you already have that, you have all the mats in your clanwarehouse (labourhours included). All you want is to circumvent the open world ... so, go suggest it in the Legends forums please?
  2. How about we get everything for free? We don't have to sail around and play the game, only the parts we like, the rest we throw away. Make it more easy mode ... Why can't clanmembers store their own ships? You can store materials (and thus you have ships in 'clan'-storage already) and labourhours, what more do you need? Again, what is the benefit for the ow-game with having notes for ships? Some kind of log would be helpfull, yes.
  3. Instead of a skilltree, can you not accumulate points over time? To give an idea (it's not mine): - When you haul a lot of cargo, you get 'experience' (points) for distance travelled and weight carried. Gradually you build up your bonus (knowledge, whatever you want to call it). - When you fight a lot of players, your reloadingspeed goes up - your experience gain is higher in pvp? - Using repairs makes you more efficient over time. - Damage done maybe give extra penetration. - Etc. Make enough variables, so you can't really influence the outcome if you stay true to your playing-style. You just gather a bit of experience/points/knowledge in different areas, just doing things in game? You can also build in negatives, so stacking wouldn't occur or lower stackable bonusses. Gradually, your play-style-diagram would eventually resemble something of a characterbuild? Until you max everything out after three (just a number, a long time) years of playing perhaps? Balance the styles so they have a/some counter to eachother? Differences in actual playerbonusses compared to eachother would not be absolute. They may differ by 0.1% or 1% or 0 and max bonus. For new players that start from 0, maybe the differences will be more evenly spread out. Sure you can meet a powerfull vet, but if he meets a casual, or a player that has weaker stats in some area, he might take some advantage? The maxbonusses would offcourse need to be low enough to not become OP (but that's obvious).
  4. Does this mean that the ai will buy more? Or that gathering resources, by players, will be cheaper?
  5. I always tend to think that the diminishing return when stacking would help, but I also understand the arguement for specializing to the extreme (but which negative value do you give as a counter, one that makes it a real choice, as in: : it'll severely limit your options against a countership?) . Diminish the positives, and stack the negatives? Even with minimal effects, people still will want to get the upgrades. For the prices to go down, there needs to be more availability and acces to the those upgrades, or components to craft them. If resources are more easily obtainable (on ai-traders and spawning in different ports in small amounts, in wrecks, maybe a battle-reward, whatever, so everybody should/can have a chance at getting them? Then you might get something out of it that resembles somewhat of an economy. People have to sink ships, first they say ships are too expensive, now they say the upgrades are too expensive, the result is the same. Availability cancels a big part of that. Clans/groups will always have the advantage, so spreading things out and making them spawn randomly (not just at maintenance) gives more casual or less organized and starting players also a chance to get the good stuff (and maybe make some money off of it). Or have them built in as you craft them, i like that idea aswell. But then: you need to have the components for the upgrades before you craft and sail the ship. The availabilty is still a problem. Shipprices may skyrocket again for certain builds. Because of alt's, the resources, also for shipbuilding, make no real difference for the rvr-game. Stuff gets hoarded because it is to hard to get it. It's the only option we have, who knows when we find that item again? Then people say the smuggler is not needed, that you shouldn't be able to put up contracts in ports without an outpost ... which is also saying that a working economy is not needed. Perpetual war is not sustainable without a decent resourceflow.
  6. Nothing will probably work ... because they had the bright idea to promote alts ... And yes, the rarity of those upgrade/book-rng crap and resources makes them unobtainable for 'normal' players ... It will be even worse with a full server, so how is that any good?
  7. Speeds are already too high in open world atm. Ok, we have a low population, so it could seem to make sense, but when that population rises again ... What then, lower speeds again? Or then you'll be asking for free teleports to wherever you want? People complain about the invisible ganking, which is a result from higher speeds ... You think it will be a good idea to have all the ships have that capability all the time (not the invisibility itself)(undock in Willemstad, start to sail, timer runs for 2 minutes ... oh , look, i'm already at Coro and still the timer hasn't expired)? How will you ever catch a player before he gets into a port? Etc. The devs have already made sailing in OW faster Adapt to the situation and change your strategy accordingly. Or go play some twitchgame with instant gratification? You can also play Legends when it comes out instead?
  8. Also, the separation of rvr-players and the 'rest' is not a good thing imo. As somebody else suggested, rvr creates unrest. Concerned citizens might want to opose that, maybe it's possible to do some kind of 'underground/resistance'-type of actions against the warmongerers? For example maybe smuggling (as in = not paying taxes)? you'd be attackable though as you are now?
  9. If warcompanies can ally ... imagine the powerblocks that will come to existance ... Nobody will be able to go up against them?
  10. that will still not fix the problem. How much should the fee be? 1000 gold? To follow a trader with 100k of stuff on board?
  11. - So, the company-warehouse can get raided ... Hmm, i would think it will be empty at all times then ... simply transfer everything to the clanwarehouses, which can't be raided? - A couple members from a clan don't join the war-company ... They can move the goods (for their clanmembers) out of ports and can't be attacked by oposing (same nation) war-compagny-members? - Zerg inbound?
  12. Gained? What do you mean? More fairplay perhaps? Why is it so hard to understand that interacting accounts, owned by the same player, are a blatant cheat? That they give an obvious advantage and makes it a pay-to-win (to take an extreme standpoint here)? Why is it not understandable that allowing and even promoting alts aggravate the problem (maybe the devs did that to see how big of a problem it/they can become? Another thing to test?)? It is better to stick our heads in the sand and simply ignore it? Game-mechanics get altered because alts can abuse them ... resulting in gameplay that is less desirable for the normal player, because everybody wants to look away. I'm sure people wouldn't mind to play cards with me, it's only fair/normal that I play with two decks while the rest only has one?
  13. Using an alt to spy is a childrensgame, they also do harm to the economy, rvr, etc. If you have to cheat and get caught, buy a new account or play the burnt one and live with the consequences.
  14. If you burn your alt, buy a new one. You choose to make it pay-to-win? It's a fair consequence.
  15. Clan-ship storage? Great, just a way to bypass the shiplimitamount ... I geuss solo players are hello kittyed again?
  16. When you go up against multiple ships as a soloplayer ... Maybe you shouldn't try to take on all these ships at once? If the ai uses carronades, all you need to do is keep your distance? And the ai is definately not as accurate as a player is (not in my experiene that is anyway). Sure some missions will be harder (they take longer to win, yes) but they are beatable. Just don't start to brawl like crazy, simply pull them in a line behind you and prevent them from targetting you all at once? If you approach them because you just want a quick fight to get some easy combatmarks and easy money, expecting it to be easy, then who is to blame? You can also attack small prey in ow, you don't have to pick a mission, especially traders are easy even with a cutter (and they give the player some loot, too bad no shipexp (i don't really understand why that is)).
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