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Navalus Magnus

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Posts posted by Navalus Magnus

  1. Wind changes:

    Please make them more smooth and predictable!

    Otherwise fighting for the weather gauge (one of the most important things in the age of sail) can feel like participating in a lottery.

    Sailing profile and ship differences:

    Please make the Victory the best upwind sailing 1st rate again!

    Santi has the most firepower, l‘Ocean the best tankyness and the Vic should be the best sailor imo.

    Otherwise players using Vic’s could become very scarce.


    Oh, and I almost forgot to say a very kind: PLEASE adjust the BR!

  2. 1 hour ago, Wraith said:

    The RNG rewards should be limited to things that any one can attain and that are not game changing (e.g. paints, resources, materials, etc.). Sure, make them akin to winning the lottery, but don't make the game such that winning begets winning. 

    It's the little guys that should be getting better faster, it's the losers of the battle that should be getting rewards at a faster rate than the winners, to encourage them to come back and lose again (in order to get better), otherwise all you'll have at the end of the day is a bunch of salty "winners" with no one to play against.

    Well said!

    I completely agree!

  3. 1 hour ago, Headless Parrot said:

    I agree, the thought is interesting. But in its current state (boarding game) it doesnt seem to fit in. Perhaps an evolution of boarding will reshape the space for something like that to be used.

    Look to Cabrals initial post!

    He doesn’t suggests modifications in the boarding process.

    He suggests moral as a factor in sea battles - before boarding is even possible.

    That‘s what I think is interesting!

    • Like 1
  4. 6 hours ago, Anolytic said:

    Victory is still more manoeuvrable and is far from obsolete or unbalanced. If anything it has become more balanced.

    Before the last patches I saw all three 1st rates in pbs regularly.

    let‘s see if that continues to be true.

    Than we‘ll have sort of an evidence of how ballanced the Victory and other ships really are. 

    @admin and @Ink

    It might be helpful to finally get adjusted BR for all of the ships!

    • Like 1
  5. 13 minutes ago, HachiRoku said:

    I'm not sure that is correct. Victory still tarns far better than either and is not that bad close hauled. Maybe a bit of buff couldn't harm her but the santi was also obsolete for the last 12 months. 

    The Vic does have a better turnrate but practically doesn’t turn that much better than the other 1st rates because of her limited upwind sailing capabilities.

    You had the occasional Santi in pb fleets because of their massive firepower!

    But nobody would take the occasional Vic because of a theoretically slightly better turnrate.

  6. @admin

    Dear devs,

    i appreciate your efforts to make the ship models and their sailing profiles as realistic as possible!


    BUT right now you have some ships, which aren't usefull anymore.


    For example the Victory:

    1. It's the smallest 1st rate.  In terms of broadside weight and crew size this puts her in big disadvantages to the other 1st rates (less damage and easyer to board)!

         Admittedly this was that way right from the start and i don't want you to change that, BUT ...

    2. With the last patch the Victory lost her superiority to the other 1st rates in terms of upwind sailing too!

          That was a former asset which made her a serious alternative to the "bigger boats" (see pbs of the swedish).


    NOW the Victory is kind of obsolete!


    IMO no ship - and least of all the Victory - should be obsolete!


    Please work out a way to find an asset which makes every ship individual and reasonable to use in game!

    AND concerning the Victory: Please give her back her old strength, so that she becomes the manoeuvrable alternative to Santi and l'Ocean again, that she was!

  7. @jodgi

    I think that problem could be solved with a global market for ship contracts:

    - the cheaper a crafter could build, the more contracts people would sign with him or her

    - and if you allow different kinds of payment (gold and / or marks) everyone - from hardcore PvPers to PvEers and traders - should be able to pay crafters for ships!

    • Like 2
  8. @Ink and @admin


    With all that ship notes around, i think the devs should ask themselves:


    "Do we want to have crafted ships and the action of crafting valued inside this game!?"


    If so they should remove every shipnote!

    That would imply getting permits instead of notes.


    If not they could get rid of all the crafting and give access to every ship via ship notes!

    • Like 4
  9. @Cetric de Cornusiac

    I like your suggestions 6 and 7!

    But I think the devs need to stop fiddle about with those little extras!

    Imo the game FIRST of all needs interesting content like varying missions (seek and destroy, escort, rescue, worthwhile trading missions, surviving a storm, maybe even some sort of raids, treasure hunts, ...) that pull people (back) to the game.

    Mechanics need to be deployed also that support PvP and RvR - reward NOT punish people who do this kind of stuff - without frustrating others big time.

    AFTER all this I think the extras mentioned above would enhance the gameplay even further though! 😊

  10. @Ink


    1 hour ago, Ink said:

    storm instances were hated after some time by almost anyone during Sea Trials

    In the thread you posted above the posts lead to one conclusion concerning this topic: People didn't dislike storms in general - they just happened too often!

    --> Well that could be fixed!



    Furthermore posts from admin suggest, that waves needs to be the same for the whole server - everythinig else needs more server capacity / needs more money.

    --> You closed down a server ... might be some money leftover!?



    If you don't want to spend the extra money, your programmers - i'am sure - can find a way to work storm instances into the game - even old games like Pirates of the Caribbean (2003) had storm instances which sort of "tagged" you in the open world ... well on the map you were sailing on.

    Modeling high waves also wouldn't be the problem, because you already had those magnificently high tides!

    • Like 2
  11. @admin and @Ink:

    The stormy weather in the video above is quite amazing! 

    Of course it could be even better - e.g. more splashing water when the ship slides down a wave and hits the next one / lesser sails visible at "full sails" mode because it's a storm ...

    As you can see above there are more ideas of what could be done for immersing storm experiences in the game!

    BUT: As i said the storm captured in the video above is already great as it is - bouncing up and down the waves, seeing only the mast of other ships sometimes ...

    You proved, that you can implement storms into the game, please bring them back!

  12. 1 hour ago, Trino said:

    1. Give PVP-Marks as a reward even for a lost battle (depending on damage done). If the looser of a battle gets nothing, he feels like an idiot, give him only one Pvp-Mark and he feels one step further on the ladder to success ... Maybe some will exploit this, but who cares if there are more fights and there are exploits now too.

    2. Make 1 - 10% of taken Damage (Hull, Rig and Crew) only repairable in harbor. This will balance repairs as a battle tactic and will give fights more impact ... some ships or fleets will have to return to next friendly harbor allthough they have won the battle because to repair. It will encourage people to fight instead of just give up ... 

    Good ideas!

    1 hour ago, Trino said:

    3. Change the Wasa and Hermione Notes in Random Notes that give a random Ship between f.e. 6th and 3rd rate, this will bring more different ships on the sea and it will be a little bit like a lotterie, players like to gamble ...

    I would rather get rid of all notes and thus increase the importance of crafting ships!

    1 hour ago, Trino said:

    4. deactivate teleports, make the people sail, battles can stay open. The "sitting in harbor, waiting for a ping" -tactic will end, people have to active search for contend ... I would test it, maybe its a fault, but maybe its a great chance for the game

    Don't think this will work well!

  13. 57 minutes ago, maturin said:

    Storm instances went away because it requires the devs to maintain additional instances running on the server. They just see it an an inefficient use of resources.

    @admin Is it that way? Couldn't that be programmed in a better way - now with unity 5?

    I mean storms in a certain way were possible (although it seems to have required great effort):


    It would already help to have these back in game (happening in a very low percentage of battles or - as mentioned - in some areas)!

    It would be a plus to have some kind of damage done by storms (open gunports, damage by wind to sails and masts or by water to the hull, or just capsizing ...).

    • Like 1
  14. 13 hours ago, Macjimm said:

    Devs have said ... storms are not possible. 

    They might be able to change thier mind because they obviously like to simulate things very detailed!?

    And tbh, with that kind of mindset: Would you produce an age of sail game in the caribbean and completely ignore storms in gameplay!?

    Imo sailing and heavy weather is linked unseperably and one of the reasons why the age of sail is such a fascinating topic: Men battling the elements in wooden vessels - awesome, exciting and yet disturbing!

    @admin and @Ink ???

  15. On 16.12.2017 at 7:59 PM, EdWatchmaker said:

    Yes, by all means PLEASE give us storms with all the associated havoc that comes with them. With the advent of "Naval Action Legends" anyone that wants to fight without that fuss and bother can do it there.


    On 16.12.2017 at 7:59 PM, EdWatchmaker said:

    The ability to shorten sail and reef sails is an integral part of seamanship. A ship being damaged or lost at sea was nothing unusual, just part of life at sea

    I couldn't agree more! :)


    @admin and @Ink So devs, what do you say!?

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