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Posts posted by Aquillas

  1. On ‎2‎/‎26‎/‎2018 at 12:26 PM, admin said:

    Hello Captains

    We already announced the changes that will improve the hostility missions and victory mark distribution in game, giving everyone equal footing. Individual port ownership will grant you victory marks and even owning one port will make your conquest efforts count. You will no longer be limited by your nation capabilities and your small clan can influence the conquest, and get rewarded even if you are the only clan in your nation.

    Now it is time to improve pvp itself.

    In one patch a new type of mission will be added to the game. This mission will completely change the mechanics and motivation behind progression and will route the player to one of the most fun and varied activity in the game.

    PvP missions will reward player based on the damage he was able to inflict on enemy shipping. PvP missions will reward the player with ships, repairs and small amount of pvp marks. The goal is to remove gear fear from pvp and motivate fighting, not ship preservance. 

    Example of the mission for the light frigates

    La Mona Naval Patrol

    • Captain: Your task is to inflict as much damage as possible on the enemy players shipping in the designated areas of the Caribbean. Running is discouraged, preservation of your vessel is not important! Assigned ships Cerberus, Renomme, Surprise.
    • Goal: Inflict 5000 damage on enemy shipping in the area.
    • Rewards: Random light frigate note, 30 rig repairs, 30 hull repairs, 250 rum, 5 pvp marks, combat ready upgrade, some money for fitting and guns.

    The player will have to arrive to the designated area, damage enemy ships and probably sink as a result, but he will learn something. Of course due to 2.5x pvp xp bonuses he will be leveling up faster and such navy patrols will help him recover losses.

    This feature will be further underlined by the fact that tutorial master exam will award the player with the M&C rank making him immediately useful + such missions will route him to the most fun activity in game. 



    In fact, after some use, these patrol areas became no fun areas. Dedicated to ganking organized clans vs those who try do proceed as above written, and to Le Broken Shamec/Hercs for shallow water patrol.

    Well tried, but fail.

    • Like 3
  2. An example, among so many others of the non-fights agains xebecs (Le Requin). These are ofen skipped by noobs, trying to hide they lack of skill behin OP ships.

    They evade the fight as soon as their side is no more the stronger one.

    A single word to describe: COWARDS, afraid for their precious free pixels… LOL

    As can be seen here, the reward for these fights is almost none.

    The next "pseudo-fitght" was three Reqs vs my privateer. I surrended. Never give fun to stupid noob Requins, obliged to gank a privater 3v1 to have a chance to win! LOL LOL LOL 

    Then my 2nd account surrended 4 Trader-Lynx to a Req. Not a single chance to win, and even, not a single chance to fight. I was to destroy these useless ships (trader Lynx have no more room in game). This is made, without giving fun to Requin Noobs.


  3. Today, yesterday, and the day before, the Requin ganks were 4 Reqs + 3 Hercs big.

    Denying all fights, and attacking all ships including basic cutters… LOL.

    This proves that, and claimed by them, Req captains are poor lonesome captains, obliged to use OP ships because they are so alone...


    Only solution: all use Reqs. Lets transform Naval Action in xebec action!

    Devs eved did it! 

  4. 7 hours ago, Sir Texas Sir said:

    That all great and expect d but try that with a 6th rate.  Every thing you stated is void by the fact it has 100 more crew than any other 6th rate.  It needs to be classed as a 5th rate and BR raised along with the Herc.  

    I seen this a few times getting ships down to 50% sails that still out run other ships.  If your at 50% you should never be going more than 50% max speed.  I thought k it’s the force mods that do it but haven’t caught enough of these guys to figure out the connection.  

    According to physical laws and in first analysis (i.e. not taking into account the relative wind) the speed of a ship is proportional to the root square of the force in the sails, which is proportional of the sail surface when other parameters do not change.

    In simple words, with 50% of sails, 70% of the speed can be reached.

  5. 2 minutes ago, Crow said:

    You made some good points and the devs are looking at these ships again so I am sure future tweaks will come to balance.

    However complaining of realism after telling us how you took down a wappens sails to 80 % with a pickle!!!!

    This is the whole problem with players on this forum.

    You only see AS REALISTIC what YOU enjoy doing.

    Everything else is somehow not right OR unbalanced.

    No Sir, and I agree with you that chains are OP now, that 7th rates should not be such a danger for 4th rates and above, etc. I would prefer to have more chain shots, with less effect each.

    My purpose was to make a comparison between chain effect on Wappen and Xebec. It should be more efficient on xebec than on Wappen. But in NA, just the opposite!.

    Chain effect, chain limitation and so on are another true problem, and another topic.

  6. I made dozens of fights against Xebecs, most of them in front of Kingston Port Royal. Like for other capitals, several raiders are daily camping there. Yesterday, I saw a fight involving 6 xebecs and 2 Hercules, vs two Brits. Eight OP ships in the same fight, no more entered in the British side, which is fully understandable. Just one more stupid gank, again…

    I tested several things to fight xebecs, including small ship which should be useful, used in cooperation with some frigates with higher fire power, to get rid of them or, at least, to get some interesting fights. As everybody knows, fighting against xebecs is normally just a boring time loss.

    In great lines, I mostly used Lynx, Pickles and Privateers, (Bermuda/Bermuda built, and one or two 2% speed upgrades and the Art of Ship Handling), to have some upwind capability and be able to outturn xebecs by a proper manual sailing, which is possible ( @Licinio Chiavari, @Casanova Moderne). See an example of such fights here:

    I purchased the xebec DLC, and farmed the 5 knowledge slots, but I refuse to use xebecs against xebecs, for not reducing Naval Action to Xebec Action, as it is ever the case in shallow water port battles (and I do not participate any more to shallow water PB’s, because these are xebec only PB’s).


    What are the main conclusions of these fights, in terms of fighting technics and in terms of IT modeling?

    First of all, in real life, the schooner sails are way more efficient upwind than the lateen sails. This is not the case in Naval Action and this is clearly an error in the model. If lateen sails were as efficient as modelled in NA, all our present race ships would use it for getting the first place in transatlantic races. This is not the case, none use that. Schooner sails are way better, because they are more flat than lateen sails (just see the historical pictures in above posts).  For anyone knowing in great lines what are the forces involved in sailing upwind (forces to the sails, reaction on the hull), more close to the wind you are, more flat must be the sails, more tension must be placed on the rigging, with an ideal profile looking like aircraft wings. This impossible to reach with xebecs sails in real life. The historical champions that way were Asian junks, having some batten in the sails to get it more flat and as a result, being champions upwind and relatively poor downwind (junk sails are far from spinnakers). Today, rigid slats are added in race sail ships, to improve sail efficiency, which was not the case in XVIIIth century.

    So, xebecs should be better than squared rigged ships upwind (done in NA), but Lynx and privateers should be better than xebecs. Far from being the case in NA, xebecs reach the max speed upwind (15.5 kn), which is physically and historically an error. Downwind, xebecs should be worse than squared rigged ships, but better than schooners.


    About the damage model of the xebec, remarks can be made on hull damage model and on sail damage model.

    For the hull, this is simple, to hit the hull, please aim above the hull, you will see you balls going over the target and you will see impacts on the side bars and on the structure bar…

    For the sails, there is a postage stamp to be hit in the sails if you want to make damages. It is located somewhere quite low and near the masts. Hitting higher than the fitting between the mast and the boom is useless, you would see your balls and chains passing through the xebec sails with no impact. Two days ago, with a pickle, I reduced the sails of a Wappen down to 80%, using the 24 chain shots, by chain broadsiding her. Yesterday, with a privateer, I reduced the sails of a xebec down to 99%, using the 24 chain shots, by single shot “precision” chain shots… Same captain, so different result! Why? First of all, for the Wappen, I used rake chaining, almost impossible with xebecs (to small target), but from the side of the ship and from quite low distance, I would have expected to reduce xebec sails down to 92% or less, at the accepted cost of being obliged to make a hull repair to my privateer… Dear developers, please clearly indicate on a drawing where is located the postage stamp to be hit on xebec sails. Today, xebec sails are in fact invulnerable unless being lucky on one broadside, without knowing exactly why this one worked and why previous one did not...

    Dismasting a xebec is quite difficult, also due to the small target to hit. Historically and physically, the booms were more fragile than the masts, being part of the running rigging. In Naval Action, only the standing rigging can be hit (masts only). But in the case of a Xebec, breaking a boom has the same effect as breaking a mast. I do think that this is to be corrected, by including the boom in the mast target.

    • Like 5
  7. 9 hours ago, Crow said:

    I attacked and sank a basic cutter 3 days ago buy portillo.

    It was sailed by a rear admiral and followed us for 10 mins.

    I have a rule of thumb, engage basic cutters. If sailed by post captain or higher sink it.

    Basic cutters should only be sailed by recently killed as a get home ship not a spy ship which also moves books etc.

    They are the most abuse ships in the game.

    If you saw them attacked they were probably spying and deserved the plank.

    And this is hardly a requin problem is it ??


    I agree to this. 

    The question is not as simple to solve as I wrote it above. May be, we would need stronger reinforcement if the attacked player has a low rank (1st rate for the three lowest, decreasing then with player gaining experience)

  8. 7 hours ago, Licinio Chiavari said:

    a) no one attacks basic cutters

    In front of KPR yesterday and earlier in the week, I saw requins attacking basic cutters. 

    Some players can't resist... Just a shame.

    And as pseudo safe areas are now the maximum danger locations, new players go to being killed even more easily around capitals, the place were they are mostly because they spawn in game there. 

    Around capitals is the most dangerous places in game. It is the place where hunters find new players and easy targets.

    • Like 4
  9. 34 minutes ago, admin said:

    Until the move to more historical sail plan based curves? And changes in turning based on hull data?
    Or until when?

    • 1v1, a 6th rate xebec would kill all 7th and 6th rate ships: they just place a rigging shock and board. I think I handle nicely the small ships, I know that I can resist a while, but not 90 minutes. And I know that there is no escape way from a Requin, unless you are far, downwind, and not in a cutter, a Lynx or a Privateer. If the hunting team is composed of a Requin plus a Hercules, as we see it more and more, there is no escape way, even for a Bermuda / Bermuda / cotton sails / Art of ship handling Pickle.
    • 1v1, a 6th rate xebec would kill all 5th rate frigates.
    • 1v1, a 6th rate xebec can kill all 4th rate frigates (by out-turning, decrewing and boarding), but this needs some skill in manuallay handling the Requin's sails. Without skill, 1v1, the xebec can easily escape all 4th rate frigates.
    • Even bigger ships are at risk, because the Requin can stick to the big ship hull, being sure not to be hit by canon fire (her hull is too low on sea), and scrapping the big ship with 32pd carronades.
    • No trader has a chance to escape a Requin, unless being empty and downwind at the beginning of the fight (but Requins never tag that way).

    @Licinio Chiavari@Casanova Moderne you are a specialists. Do you confirm?

    • Like 3
  10. @Batman, I don't really want to give all details here. My movement from France to GB gives my conclusion.


    This alliance with Spain was never clear. It destroyed the best organised French clan, for a very tiny result for the French faction (including this destruction of EDR, which was one of the declared targets of some other French clans).

    Situation today:

    - No coherence between EU and US French clans.

    - France is allied with Spain, Spain is friendly with France.

    - France is in war with USA, Spain is allied with USA. 

    - It was the same with Russia until last week and NAVOC move.

    However, all the best, congrats and bon courage to @LADY CASSARD, and her mates to try and sort something positive from that (no irony here). :)

    • Like 1
  11. 3 hours ago, Teutonic said:

    I will enjoy the future updates.

    To think the French/Spanish "friend" (we know it's an alliance, you can stop hiding it) is only getting bigger :P

    No sure about this "alliance"...

    • For French, Spain is allied.
    • For Spain, French is friendly, RU and US are allied.
    • For RU and US, France is enemy (my last fight Under the French flag was in front of la Nouvelle Orléans, against two Russians, not independant players, who attacked there)

    Even being French a so, having some mind flexibility, I spent some months without understanding (probably main Reason why I was kept out of French diplomacy during the last months).

  12. 18 minutes ago, Captain Reverse said:

    and you often declare war on all nations and hide behind nighttime timers. And everything will be ok

    I am no more involved in the French diplomaty since March or April. 

    And last PB I made was Puerto de España in May. 

    See with VCA, CBC and ER for French diplomacy and timers! :)

  13. J’ai ouvert un compte chez nos amis britanniques, et j’y trouve beaucoup plus de plaisir à jouer qu’en France.

    Sans entrer dans les détails, notre guilde EDR est désertée par ses joueurs et je ne veux pas entrer dans une autre guilde française.

    Je quitte donc la guilde et la nation.


    A tous, merci des bons moments passés ensemble !


    Si vous voulez savoir quel fun j’ai chez les GB, et mon nouveau pseudo, c’est ici :



    • Like 1
  14. I opened a British account, and I found there much fun and more pleasure to play than in France.

    Without disclosing details, our EDR clan is deserted by players and I don’t want to go in another French clan.

    So that I am soon leaving the guild and the nation.


    To all, thank you for good moments lived together!


    For having a look on my fun and new pseudo in the British faction, it is here:


    • Like 2
  15. It is very simple in Naval Action today. Either you are in a xebec or not.

    1. If you are not in a xebec, your role in game will be limited to be some food for enemy xebecs. You will never win any fight against them. Sometimes you will not lose.
    2. If you are in a xebec, you will choose your fights. As a consequence, you will never lose a fight. Sometimes, you won’t win.

    This not due to any player skill, but only due to a stupid modelling by the development team.

    Where The Fun?

    • Like 1
  16. I spent all the evening, running after Xebec after Xebec. Not a single fight in 10 engagements… No fun, no pleasure to play. Nothing to report exept a Xebec player would fight only when being sure of winning, he would run if not sure of winning.

    They find their fun in Killing the player base, especially new players who are fully unable to disengage from these bullshits.

    Kill the Xebec out of the game! I purchased the DLC. I won't use it before it is nerfed. This ship is simply a stupidity.

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