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Posts posted by Mikocen

  1. 39 minutes ago, staun said:

    And why is it destructive for the game? My experience is in the Nassau patrolezone there is more action then the other pstrolezones. If the Dlc get ppl out and fight a bit, is it so bad.

    Naval Pay For Action? If you feel that it is a good way to take ppl out, then i dont agree and thats all.


    31 minutes ago, Imperator1 said:






    1 hour ago, Mikocen said:

    [...]I understand, that you are good player who can use every ships and kill your enemies on it, but average player experience is that DLC ship is the only way to win against other DLC ships [...]

    You cant buy skill, thats impossible, otherwise game would be dead for months. But buying at least small advatage is kind of pay 2 win, and I cant agree with something like that in pay to play game. However, only the first screen shot makes sense if we are talking about DLC ships impact and if you are trying to tell me, that it is not big, so as i believe, other two are posted only to show good battles : - )

    • Like 1
  2. 12 hours ago, Banished Privateer said:

    I still see Niagaras, Heavy Rattles and Snows. Remember that Nassau Patrol has 1000 BR limit, so a spam of non-DLC ships will beat DLC ships which we've proven many times in PBs and RvR.


    On screenshots posted above i see non-DLC ships aswell. Most of them were you victims while using Herc. Whats more, the only sank ships on your side is Rattlesnake Heavy. I understand, that you are good player who can use every ships and kill your enemies on it, but average player experience is that DLC ship is the only way to win against other DLC ships. So please, dont try to prove your rights when rediii and Pala pointed something which is pretty much destructive for the game. No proszę cię kumplu : - (

    • Like 1
  3. 20 minutes ago, Teutonic said:

    Soooo, not playing again?

    As i think better word would be still


    4 minutes ago, rediii said:

    They didn't ask us to be there, no need to be disappointed. I spit on you!

    Now Jeg spytter på deg even more than you at me... Why!? Why you destroyed everything for what we fought!? What was your plan when you were joinig to this shitty war making sides unbalanced? I trusted you! When the light side became so strong inside your heart?

    • Like 1
  4. 9 minutes ago, Cetric de Cornusiac said:

    Don't know what Prussia or USA did for you, but your lackeys the Dutch sure were more than eager to sacrifice themselves for their overlords. This while we considered them our allies. In fact there is a rupture within Dutch nation as far as how treacherous and Ikea-submissive they like to be now and in the future. Which port you are going to steal from them as reward?

    A picture from screen battle:


    @Havelock Are you our overlord? I didnt know that, tbh i thought that we are fighting eachother in OW whenever we can. Everyday i learn something new about myself xD

    • Like 3
  5. About cancelling missions. In sweden i had many times situation in which from Gustavia my mission was placed in front of Road (or Spanish) Town (Danish ports). Maybe before making such a thing like limitations in number of cancels firstly repair that? Mission which is 30k from port is not a content, it is waste of player time. And i will repeat that once again, DO NOT TRY force people to do PvP. Dont listen to whining of gankers, even in PvP server player should be able to do something without big risk of being ganked and its my opinion.

    • Like 16
  6. 1 minute ago, Christendom said:

    We are joining Sweden to force @admin to change this game to a clan based/alliance system and get rid of nations.  

    We are not joining Sweden to stop the wheel.  We are joining Sweden to break the wheel.  

    Praise Us

    Im surprised. Do we agree about something? In this case that game should be clan based?

  7. Hurray! Once again i can repeat, that nations are one of the biggest problems in this game. After your nation change we will have two swedens, but they will be not able to fight against each other. Maybe i should say thank you? Maybe finally nations would be deleted and true clan wars will appear? Who knows. But for sure we know, that Reds and VCO doesnt care about game health (What Chris claimed weeks ago) and they try to destroy other players fun once again : - )

    • Like 2
  8. 42 minutes ago, Cornelis Tromp said:

    Yet the Swedes keep posting suggestions...

    Sweden, the only nation which can exploit by sendig suggestions. I think that admin should ban them, cause it cannot be that russia lost a battle : - )

    • Like 1
  9. 14 minutes ago, Christendom said:

    Good fight outside Carta today.  GF Swedes


    Russians had less BR and sunk more ships + about 5-6 on the outside that did not make it home.  Resounding victory for the empire.


    The North Remembers

    Finally you got your win in moreless equal battle, old discussion has ended, Russians proved their strenght. Swedes in retreat, but not for long i belive. I hope that bloody war started today, not ended and we will have a chance to get revange. o7

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