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Everything posted by Daguse

  1. The thing is I don't think it should be kept simple. We want to promote building relationships, that's the point of rep. This will give the hardcore traders something to work on, do they build better rep with the bits for their live oak or the French for their white oak? As for sinking of trade ships, 100% agree, you sink ships, you lose rep. No for the pirates, I agree, they need a better system, the idea is this would be a start. In short your a pirate, why would any nation want to give you the wood to build better ships? (An argument could be made that they shouldn't build ships but rather cap them.) So instead of trade, the pirates are forced to be pirates, sink and take trade ships and raid. It's by no means adequate but it's a hell of a lot better than this dumb ass pirate nation crap.
  2. Flags and lord protector need to be rebalanced. I had a few thoughts that would help. Set port timers to 4 or 6 hour limits. Require ports be split across all time slots. So if a nation/war company owns 4 ports. 1 must have a timer of 00-06, 1 from 06-1200, 1 from 1200-1800 and 1 from 1800-0000. Once a port is attacked, it has a 5 day cool down if defended and a 10 day cool down if won. Spread out the attacks to more ports and help encourage raids. war company will have 72 hours to vote for port time to help prevent one player screwing over a WC. 1 hour notice to start of pb. So once the pb has been purchased, the defending nation gets a notice that the pb would start in one hour. No nation would be able to join during that hour. This means sinking one ship will not end the pb as well as giving defending nation notice and time to stage. PB timer doesn't start till a minimum of 1 player from each nation joins or 1 hour. This will give the attacks time to adjust for the wins. Right now too many PBs are losses. You must use admiralty points (or what ever we call them today) to buy the flag. 50-100~ WC (War Companys) can only buy 1 flag at a time. WCs can only have 1-2 active attacks on them at a time. This is to reduce the false flags or ganking of WCs. let's face it, we know it will get out of hand. The flags can not be traded, placed aboard a ship or moved. The flag is tied to the captain that pulled it. if sunk, the captain does not lose the flag. We want to support PVP not stop it by sinking one ship. A single player can only pull 1 flag at a time.
  3. You could expand upon that, rep with nations means you get better trade prices with that nation. Maybe pirates can't trade with a nation they don't personally have a good rep with, forcing them to obtain most of their resources from raids.
  4. Fleets no longer give XP... seems kinda harsh for new players to learn how to tag. @admin does the flag system mean load protector may return? Players will flock to their true nation, so I would hate to see the EU nations have timers only at their prime time and the US only at their prime time. So maybe limit the number of ports on a specific time? If your nation has 10 ports, you must spread them out across 3-4 times. 3 at 6-9pm local time, 3 3-6pm local times, 3 9pm-12am local time. you could do the same for war companies, just allow only 1 or 2 per slot. In short some way to ensure they are not all stacked at the same time.
  5. Any clan that can't field a full 25 PB ready ships will get curb stomped by those that can. However admin already addressed this issue in his reply.
  6. 100% support the Merge. There are even talks of bringing back flags and load protector. Absolutely no reason to have 2 pvp servers.
  7. Having the same number of players in fewer nations means clans would have a larger pool of players to pull from. Hence you'll have more clans and more clan battles. I do agree with the pirates, at this point there is no reason they should be a nation.
  8. I get the idea of keeping nations, you need them for port assignments, and well people want a flag to sail under. However, we can drastically reduce the number of nations to let's say 4.
  9. ^ for the love of god, please. With flags and lord protector, there is no reason to not combine the servers.
  10. after the last wipe we saw a major increase in players. I think if done right, it could help. Don't notify the players of a full wipe till shortly before the launch. use the test bed to iron out the kinks. Once the patch launches, promote the hell out of it. Steam Sale, FB post, talk to game sites, all sort of shit. welcome players back with good redeemable
  11. @admin Seeing this changes the ideas of nations completely.... Please remove Pirates as a nation. Make them true pirates, only 4-5 rate ships and a hand full of parts. Allow them to TP to free ports like other nations can from their national ports. They can still take 4 rate ports and shallow water ports, but their main goal should be to raid. The only issue you'll have is how to keep everyone from going, pirate.
  12. goes into an idea of clan buildings.... ie, ship yard, expanded docs, defensive towers, and so on. Hope we can expand the crafting as well. castings require a foundry, wood shops for wood working and so on.
  13. yeah they do... they can attack each other and hide from screening fleets prior to PBs.
  14. so I tax my self and then get the money back? Is there a % that is lost from taxes?
  15. 100% agree, if nations mean nothing... then the pirates don't need one. 4-5 rate max and let them raid the hell out of ports.
  16. I hope it plays out as cut and dry as that but I doubt it will. But we shall see.
  17. same. I like the idea of being PVP focused only and raiding when I want. But damn, no nation to stand with.
  18. the question is can we take players based on their wealth? I have a bit of gold right now, I don't want all that to go to taxes as I'm building a lot of "buildings" and so employee a shit ton of little NPC guys. Taxes will cost them their jobs.
  19. yeah, I think that's the thing, solo and big like it... the small clans will have a hard time till they can be allied with a bigger clan.
  20. @admin Seeing there is a wipe and nations don't really matter... can we get a new set of forged papers?
  21. will this not drive players to flock to the biggest nations, they will more land and so more they are guaranteed entry?
  22. Ok I think that works, alliances will go a long ways, raids will keep the smaller clans active.
  23. That's the thing, many small clans want to help with PBs. With this change, they will have a very hard time taking ports and gaining the necessary experience in running a PB fleet.
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