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Grunhilde Serenity

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Landsmen (1/13)



  1. I'd also like to see crafters being able to name the ships they build for a little personalisation. Such that it shows up on OW something like "Captain Senpai sailing Frigate HMS Tsundere" or some such.
  2. Rattlesnake BP and higher rank missions :| dunno why they are restricted to 1st Lt, when they went all the way up to admiral before.
  3. Tried to register at your forums a few days ago, and your forum does not send out a activation email to activate your forum account. :/
  4. I like how people pay a little bit of money and think it entitles them to act like a jackass.
  5. Damn just noticed how old Stallone is looking these days. He looks like he had his face transplanted onto a pie dish, but it was too big so they had to stretch it. Suppose a facelift will do that to you. Banderas looks like hes sucked on too many werthers originals too. Movie stars of my youth.... seems only yesterday arnie wore a piss soaked towel on his head.
  6. I agree with the idea that pirates should raid not capture, however just placing permanent 'freetowns' for them to operate from around the map would just make them pvp zones - unfriendly nations would simply camp the towns waiting for pirates. Pirate havens sounds good on paper, but if they are temporary or able to be captured or destroyed, how will they handle players that are offline at the time? What about those that may only play for a few hours at the weekend? Having to constantly flee your hovel every time you login because during the week <insert nation here> found your hideout from spies and raised it to the ground, will annoy and turn away casual gamers. I'm all for a better pirate mechanic, even for reduced ship access, but lets not castrate what will be a popular 'faction' or playstyle simply because they hold a lot of power currently.
  7. Rank 4 & 5 encountered the new Rattlesnakes, 1 in Rank 4, 2 in Rank 5.
  8. You also get delusions of grandeur by claiming leadership over your chosen nation, which you can then give ports away for free to other nations clans without consulting the general populace. You also get to make wild accusations and claims on the forums, while also receiving wild accusations and claims about your own activities on the forums.
  9. The idiots that claim leadership over my nation is almost enough to make me hoist the black regardless of whether or not you think the game is broken. I'm not sure what OP is hoping to achieve by asking people to ditch their home waters, or why he thinks it would force the developers of the game to fix something that is still in development. If you truly want to change things OP, then contribute watertight suggestions that would raise the standard of gameplay, rather than asking everyone to bring the standard down.
  10. I joined Danemark-Norge, originally I wanted to join Pirates, but I was under the mistaken belief it would be very difficult. So I joined the danes instead, I'm british irl, but am a republican so the whole king and country thing doesn't appeal to me. I have danish and austrian ancestry (my family are dirty immigrants :v) so I settled with the danes. For now at least anyway. The lure of hoisting the black and being free with the wind at my back is hard to resist. Soon.jpg.
  11. Looking forward to this, I might be able to participate in defense in my lowly Surprise. Aswell as make mercury/niagra building lucrative.
  12. Strange a lot of people complain of this, yet 75% of the ships I have made have turned out with Speed trim.
  13. This thread almost makes me want to leave Denmark and hoist the black, in a viking frenzy of pillaging and plunder.
  14. So mission rewards. This mainly came about after doing numerous missions for my nation (Danish). Here's a situation from today: Took two mission orders from Christensted, Second Lt and Premier Lt. I sail a Cerberus, and i'm still trying to get the hang of sailing a square rigged vessel. I've got gunnery down easy, except for demasting (which feels not worth it in mission orders, I used to board vessels before the capture changes...). My sailing however is still a bit rubbish so i do low mission orders against higher turning ships for practice. Anyway enough of my cowardice. First mission, 2nd Lt order, 1 mercury. It takes me 20 minutes or so of some brilliant sailing (bot really liked camping my stern), and fierce broadsiding to get stern, bow, and port armor to zero, and starboard getting there. Eventually he sank after heavy damage and i got a nice 9.5k gold with 148xp, a reward for sinking him after a furious engagement. I felt satisfied with the reward. Second mission, Premier Lt order, 1 mercury. I do my usual, manage to out manuveur him right away when we meet for broadsides. Luckily he heels right as I fire my first broadside. 12 leaks, sank 2 minutes later. He barely had time to scratch my sides before sinking. Neat right? A quick kill. I've saved my men's lives and health, minimal damage to my ship reducing repair costs etc etc, truly I am a brilliant captain and my crew's exemplary performance in battle should warrant a reward fitting of the engagement.....1.3k gold reward and 17xp for sinking the same vessel as the first order. This does not make sense, surely quick kills and saving your ship/repair costs would be what every captain would aim for right? Current reward system is based on damage. So because I didn't spend 20 minutes destroying every wooden plank on the second mercury I am penalised for (probably luck) amazing gunnery skills. This needs to be changed; Base XP and Gold reward on sinking/capturing a ship. Bonus XP and Gold for actions (rather than just hull damage), such as demasting (rigging shock), crew shock, reload shock, module damage, and of course leaks. Bonus for performance in battle, a multiplier can be scaled on the Base XP and Gold for sinking/capturing, for say sinking in a certain time limit (3 minutes into battle and sinking a ship? Jolly good show!), and how much damage you recieved. This would offer a much more satisfying reward system, perhaps you could work loots into that somehow also, such as it being more favourable to get loot if you capture opposed to sinking. Thanks for reading.
  15. Change the way the map works with zooming, i.e. make map zooming and OW zooming two separate entities. Hate zooming in on the map to then switch back to OW and see i've zoomed in on my ship aswell.
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