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Cpt Blackthorne

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Posts posted by Cpt Blackthorne

  1. Yes I have been thinking about it and this would require a larger population.

    Perhaps the port would just become deserted...even better, at the beginning of the game none of these ports would exist (save the capitals) until we players bring life to it, then it would appear on the map with a different sized dot indicating the port population/activity. If the port becomes neglected then the port fades off the map again like a deserted city. 

    • Like 2
  2. Blueprint parts.  Gather X number of BP pieces to create a full BP.  Each port produces a few different pieces at random.

    I definitely could see this. Considering nearly all ships as they rate up are just improvements from lower rate ships, say you have to sail to a certain port to get the next blueprint for the current ship you have. Or say you are only a 6th rate crafter and want a 2nd rate BP, you'd have to sail around collecting the BP pieces, or you just have to keep craft grinding to get it.

    And I could certainly see this for modules and custom ships indeed!  Like say you want marines with certain skills that only dutch marines have, then you goto a dutch port tavern to learn the dutch marine skills. If you want certain skills only usa marines have then you go to a usa port. Or say you want scarlet colored sails, you have to get the red dye from some port in the bahamas that has the particular scarlet rose. 

    would be nice imho.

    • Like 1
  3. I would love to see exploration gameplay added to the pre-release list as was posted here almost 2 years ago.


    Expiditions for collectable cards on plants, animals, and artifacts would be cool. :)

    Yes please like 50 times.

    Please ppl, the only way devs know what players want is to read what admins forward to them. The only way admins know what we want is for us to make posts HOT/ACTIVE by clicking like and quoting them. Please help all players by clicking likes and such.

    • Like 3
  4. It will be bad because Nation will always choose an easy way to win. That is where Devs have to stop this and keep their ground on making PBs based on National Effort. Attackers will always select time when other Defender Nation population is at weakest point or vise versa. By making it random, it will be more interesting(will require players to play and flip port when they play) and will enable Nations and Captains to plan ahead. It will require you to unite, plan and sail as one Disciplined fleet if you want to set your PB to a specific time. After some testing people will figure out how long it takes to Flip a port and this will easily be calculated with each nation fleet numbers that participated. 


    I know you will say no my Nation will pick the best time for all. Based on what we see during this Alpha, Nations always switch timers when no one is online to make an easy take or win. 

    I'm not certain it will be bad but rather that it would be more RL. The current system makes the defender choose when they can defend, when in actuality in RL it was the attacker who chose when to attack. And usually, the attack would chose when it was best for them, not when it was best for their enemy to defend....just saying. I think once hostilities are up that we should then have the options to choose our attack window within those 48hrs...based on when is best for us, not best for our enemy.

  5. Starting some hostilities with a trader ship like an indiaman or LGV will be easily countered ... indiaman that is a 4th rate have the same armor as a 5th rate essex or frigate ... LGV have less armor than an cerberus ... while they could do some damages it ain't warships in term of potential damages they can do, they are way weaker and easy to take out with inferior class ships if they start to mess around, maybe only allow smugglers to enter and leave free towns to counter potential traders attacker from other traders too if they want to keep those free towns.


    But yeah simply getting rid of free towns once and for all will be better, with the new system there will be heavy zones of pvp identified by all looking at the map, players should never be able to magically spawn right into enemies waters to cause troubles around, the magical and invulnerable spawn points make no sense in such game that wants to be somewhat realistic, players will have to sail to those waters from them Nation closest port or an allied Nation port if this gets allowed with diplomacy patch. 


    And for storing more ships and keep them safe just add a way to extend docks slots at least in the capital.

    I would expect the LGV and Indiaman would not give a large amount of hostility compared to warships.

    And I would hope they wouldn't get rid of free towns. These are import and historically accurate. Reading Porter's Journal of a Cruise Made to the Pacific, he speaks of entering a free/neutral port and neither he nor the enemy engaged each other there out of honor and respect. They waited until they were further out to sea.

    • Like 2
  6. Current players:


    PVP 1 EU : 707 (EU tz :: 5.41 PM on sunday)

    PVP 2 US : 72 (US tz :: 09.41 - 11.41 PM on sunday)


    Funny numbers there, as I was on from 6pm til 3am EST and the population went from 60 at 6pm to 130 from about 8pm til midnight and then dwindled down. If everyone moving to PvP1 would increase the population there, then way is the population still dwindling after the mass migration a couple weeks ago? And why have we on PvP2 been experiencing a population boom from PvP1 players (who come over claiming to be brand new to the game)?

  7. It actually sounds like a bug. You shouldn't become Pirate at all when attacking a smuggler.

    I would assume Smuggler vs Smuggler should have the same results as Pirate vs Pirate: remaining the same after battle. Instead it seems that Smuggler vs Smuggler results in USA vs USA (or any other nation vs itself): changing to Pirate.

    I do hope this is a bug that will be fixed and not the intent of the devs.

  8. "a special troll server needs to be set up for all the gankers"


    So... what your saying is that Combat is bad... in a Naval game... set in an the 1700s... when all of Europe was regularly at war...

    From nearly all the books I've read of the era, it was a huge rarity that 5-7v1 gank squads sailed around enemy waters close to capitals picking on new citizens and then somehow disappearing when the ganked nation shows up to protect. This does not make for the "Combat" to which you infer. The combat we want in this game are the nearly evenly matched PvP that you get in port battles, or nearly even PvP in OW.

    But suggesting a troll server? I think he forgot the "lol" at the end of that.

  9. I like many of these last few ideas. They've been pitched before on here. The only way admins truly see these ideas (I believe) is if we make these ideas "Hot" by clicking like on them. Admins don't usually read all new posts. But when a post shows lots of activity, it pops up on their radar. If you like previous ideas, help that idea get noticed by clicking like.

  10. I like it much!

    a few questions/requests

    1) Will you please add which ships have chaser and stern cannon and how many? (It seemed enough room on the table for it.

    2) Will you add a column for the Ships showing which PBs they are allowed to enter? I'm hoping it will all be changed as soon as the new PB patch comes out.

    3) The USA Flag image is broken on the Nations page.

    4) LOVE IT! Especially the direct links to the Guide videos!

  11. Might I suggest that once it reaches 100% that the attacker has 2 days (48 hours) to choose when they want to attack? That way we have 48 hours to speak with the rest of the nation and set our attack time over those next 2 days. If we happen to have the numbers the first day, then we can attack, and if we never have the numbers within the 48 hour window then our opportunity has passed and the hostility level lowers.

  12. smaller nations will be parts of alliances - which is a separate development thread.


    But as we see it - smaller nations can raise hostility for themselves by arriving in force to active zones and sink both sides who are fighting for the port. 

    Small nations cannot arrive in force when there are only 2 of them as he said. Now, if they are part of an alliance and they initiate hostilities and have alliance members in their force, does this apply? Meaning, can a 2 person nation start a PB and have alliance members join the PB on their side to help them out?

    I just trying to figure out how a small nation will get credit for a PB and that port is captured for their nation and not one of the alliance nations.



    In the new "Such is Lord" patch coming up I always wanted player interaction with other players and NPC to count toward diplomacy with other nations!!!!



    1) I'm not too sure about the "War Effort Points" as it will give that feeling of the battle almost being won and then...uh oh more showed up.

    2) Also, Not certain of the "Top 10 Hostile Ports" idea, because all nation ports would be hostile if actions were taken against its NPCs and players and such should make all their ports available for attack.

    3) I liked the idea of the "Assault Fleet" build up as it would have required the nation to help pay toward the war effort. Maybe even the Nation's prez/king would set the taxes on all sold items to allow for extra collection toward this effort.


    But despite my 3 points..I CAN'T WAIT to see how these hostilities work out!!!!

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