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Cpt Blackthorne

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Posts posted by Cpt Blackthorne

  1. Good vid and ty for the history.

    I like firing the top deck and letting it dmg the sails and masts. But they really need to allow us to load different shots by deck. Would be great to fire chain from the upper decks that can't aim low enough and ball / dbl charge, whatever on the lower decks.

    Not that you need it, but a tip at 10:35 I would have cut to starboard for a port side raking on the stern. Would've also put you up wind of him. At 19:57, had you turned your foremast level w the wind, it would've also leveled your ship even more. At 25:10 cut to port and fire starboard at him to get the upwind again. 27:25 cut starboard for the port side stern rake. Just my strat at always keeping to the wind side. :)

  2. I would love to see a mechanism where my surrender is handled by the opponent. When I surrender the opponent gets a small reward in XP, crew and money and I get a small penalty in money, but preserve most of my crew.


    You could make it so the surrender is offered to the captain that dit the most damage to you or is the closest you and put a small timer ot accept or even better have an option in the settings to autoaccept surrenders, like I would do.


    Furthermore I'd like to see PvP rewards be less built on Portbattles. 

    I really think when I surrender that what happens to my ship, my crew, and my officers is chosen not by me, but by  the winner. He should be able to choose options like:

    1. Kill all crew and officers, loot hold and scuttle ship

    2. Kill all crew, release officers, loot hold, scuttle ship

    3. Kill all crew, release officers, loot hold and keep ship

    4. etc, etc all the difference variations of this



    Definitely would like to see rewards tied to the BR ratio of the Battle. If you are the underdog you have a higher incentive to fight against longer odds. I would not punish the folks with the higher BR, not their fault for being in a group, but I would do something to encourage people who might have a numerical or ship disadvantage to fight. Maybe that is thru more gold or xp or loot drops or something.

    Yes indeed! I should get a ton of XP for using my Rattler and wrecking a Connie. And should the Connie beat my rattler, he would get very little XP because..welll.. duh 

  3. Yes please. And technically the USS Penn was commissioned in 1816 so it should fall into the time frame. It was never used because war was over and the stupidly burned rather that relocated to keep it from the rebel USA hating south.

    My argument for the nation specific ships is simply to have some kind of differences between the nations. Nations would still be able to capture 1 dura of these ships, so it's not like an advantage/disadvantage to anyone.

  4. PvP rewards needs change again. Sinking a lot of players is unprofitable again after crew introduction. 

    This problem is alleviated by ability to surrender any time.


    The changes will be done in 2 steps


    Step 1 - next patch and hot-fixes

    1) Changes to surrender inlcuding no money and xp if you surrendered + changes to when the surrender option is available

    2) Increase PVP Kill/Boarding/Sinking rewards

    3) Additional perks allowing lower crew costs and crew recovery in and after battle and allowing better xp and money revenue for pvp kills (esp honor kills)

    4) Moving repair and medical kits to upgrades to improve quality of life in case of unfortunate accidents.


    Step 2 - August-Sept Port battle patch

    1)Renown/Admiralty points store (a-la marks of victory) 

    2)Hostility attack/defend quests

    3)Better/Unique pvp drops/loot


    We have a question about surrenders

    What to your opinion is a better implementation...

    1. Block surrender ability if you are sinking or on fire?
    2. Block surrender ability if you have not surrendered during first 5 mins of the battle?
    3. Do not block surrender ability - BUT recover ship HP to the level it stops sinking giving the victor the surrendered prize in all cases?



    Propose ideas for improving the pvp rewards or link posts if you have done this before.

    Step 1

    1) Wait wwwhhaat? No rewards at all if you surrender? I battle for an hour and a half with 3 kills, 2 captured ships and one sunk, then because it was against a gank squad of 5 vs only myself, you are saying I won't get any rewards? I won't get gold, no xp, and no ships or loot after??? This is not fair nor right. I certainly can see that all loot, including ships, would not be kept, but I should deserve the xp and gold from my country for my efforts. 

    4) medkits and repairkits are physical objects that should be lootable. In fact, absolutely anything that has a physical nature, even upgrades, should be lootable.


    Question answers

    1. Yes, but after a certain amount of time. Like say no surrender after 40% water intake or fire damage. This gives time for the ship to be abandoned and captured.

    2. This makes no sense. I should be able to surrender at any time during the battle.

    3. no


    Choice options 1

  5. Clans still seem to be a mystery by and large?  FYI you can probably delete KRABS.  There aren't any active players in it anymore.  I left it the other day too since no one else was showing up.  It's still there but active players (I think?) is zero.

    SSSSSSssssshhhhhhhhh. heh. Well since the French have disappeared, I guess it is time the Dutch make a comeback against the rat scourge. ;)

  6. would like to know what your definition of plenty of action is 


    IE: how many PB;s a day

    how many open world battles occur

    How many first rates in battles

    trader trolling

    How many nations involved in PVP battles 

    Every evening I personally participate in at least 1 PB, sometimes up to 4 or 5 (from 8pm-10pm or midnight EST). 

    OW PvP happens all the time along US east coast and always outside PBs.

    We dont swap many regional ports so 1st rates are a rarity.

    Trader trolls are the same as PvP.

    Actual port captures are 4 nations: brits, rats, danes and USA. Interference comes from these nations and the few Spanish, French and Dutch players.


    If you wait for my map edit on the PvP2 Fleet/Clan List, you will see highlighted everywhere the ports have changed hands and where major PvP was reported. I animate the map weekly with every 2 day mages per week.


    Edit: new map is up


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