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Cpt Blackthorne

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Posts posted by Cpt Blackthorne

  1. Apparently this is a PvP2 server OP.

    Considering both sides of the story, I would suggest Clans take in the newbs and escort them. It would be a win for all parties: trading would be more successful and the experienced players would get more PvP action which will provide the US with many more ships. (Or the rats could just blow themselves up like the 3 of them did last night...lol)


    BTW,  consider placing a bounty on their heads :)

    • Like 2
  2. As an Australian I have been playing eu1 with no problems and our ping is probably a lot worse than yours. I get around 300. This is a slow game and it does not matter so much as it would in a twitch FPS shooter. Just my observation. May not be as smooth in the open world though, but not any huge disadvantage at least with the population levels as they are now. Besides there is a more varied population and nation spread on the EU side. In the US server its all dominant US/English or spanish... iirc.

    While I agree that a steady 300 ping is not that bad, it is the lag spikes that make this game, as any game, unplayable. Certainly this is not as bad as ping lag in a FPS, however, when 80% of your cannon miss because of an ill-timed lag spike, it makes for a quick death.

    Had this been a cared foresight of players loss and a desire to spread population, perhaps the devs should have made the EU server be the European map and the USA server be the Caribbean map. Then people would choose which map they want to play and possibly would have had an equaled player base on both servers. Maybe this will be a thought for final release.

    • Potential USA PVP 2 merge

    I am uncertain where in these words people are assuming PvP 2 would merge with PvP 1. USA is written in there and currently there are two USA servers. It is my assumption that the two USA servers would merge.

    However, should both the USA servers be shut down, I would suspect many American players would quit the game until they re-open, due to massive latency issues. It is virtually unplayable for me and many others I know.

  3. You can trade your assets to a friend and delete the character - experience is tied to Steam, not a character, once you create a new character, take back your stuff from the friend

    Do you lose Craft XP? Labor hours? I can't remember.

  4. Hi all,


    It is highly probable that PvP2 will soon merge with PvP1.


    As PvP1 player, I warmly invite PvP2 players to start joining our server, very welcome all !

    I've read this same quote since I started playing this game in March. I suspect if a merge like this were to happen, that the majority of PvP2 players would quit due to massive latency issues on the PvP1 server.


    Now, since no one ever posts an admin quote about such a merger, I suspect all these posts are simply propaganda to get people to jump the bandwagon. Perhaps the PvP1 is doing it because their server also has dropped tremendously. Perhaps it is because those who post it have had too many of their clanmates jump ship and they figure on trying to recruit from another server.

    Whatever the reason for such merger posts, perhaps next person would post a quoted link from the admins, rather than writing about it like a 3rd grade paper with no citations.

  5. Reward: 300,000

    Your IGN: Cpt Blackthorne

    Bounty's Nation: Pirate

    Bounty's [ClanTag] IGN: [bLACK]Mike the mongol

    Last Known Port: Shroud Cay

    Reason: For fun

    Any Additional Info: 100k to anyone sinking any BLACK member in PvP, not port battle. 1 time collection.


    [CBR]Yankyaeger collects on the BLACK member 100k bounty. Mike the mongol is still at large...



    • Like 1
  6. Reward: 300,000
    Your IGN: Cpt Blackthorne

    Bounty's Nation: Pirate

    Bounty's [ClanTag] IGN: [bLACK]Mike the mongol
    Last Known Port: Shroud Cay
    Reason: For fun
    Any Additional Info: 100k to anyone sinking any BLACK member in PvP, not port battle. 1 time collection.

  7. I thought I'd bring some fun PvP to the PvP2 server by creating a Player Bounty system. Read the rules below...

    Updated 06/02/16



    To post a bounty: click "Post" with the following information to which I will update the image above...

    Your IGN:

    Bounty's Nation:

    Bounty's [ClanTag] IGN:
    Last Known Port:
    Any Additional Info:


    To collect a Bounty: click "Quote" on the Posted Bounty and include a screenshot, then message the Bounty Poster in game...


    *****I,personally, will pay out a bonus 50k to anyone collecting on any Bounty on this list that someone else has placed provided it is:

    1) PvP and not a Port Battle; and

    2) a screenshot is posted on this Topic.



    ***This forum (nor myself) is not held responsible for bounties not being paid out. Contact the poster in game to collect.

    ***These Bounties are for PvP only and do not include Port Battles, unless otherwise stated by the poster.

    ***It is generally understood that these are ONE-TIME bounties, and not continuous, unless otherwise stated by the poster.

    ***Bounty Names with lines thru them have already been collected.


    List of Bounties and Collectors:

    Poster, Bounty, Collector, Amount

    Cpt Blackthorne, any BLACK member, [CBR]Yankyaeger, 100k

    Cpt Blackthorne, [bLACK]Mike the mongol, [ASP]Keez, 300k

    Cpt Blackthorne, [bLACK]Ashcanibics, STILL OPEN, 500k

    Cpt Blackthorne, [bLACK]Sneaky Uncle, STILL OPEN, 200k

    Cpt BLackthorne, Storm Crow, STILL OPEN, 300k

    captain jsb, [FEAR]oldcrankyman, **TBD**, 10k-350k

    Ashcanibics/Doomed/Loco Bandito, [CBP] Captain Lord Tridex, STILL OPEN, 300k

    • Like 2
  8. Of course we all want more PvP, however there is a huge difference between legit PvP and "invisible" gank squad PvP. If I should encounter the latter, it will be my vote to crush that nation, especially if I see multiple nations ganking together that assured us there was no allegiance between those said nations.

  9. well, they should allow you to park your ship inside the captured port.. I see no reason why that shouldn't be allowed..


    Let's say you sail 1.5 hours to a port battle, fight for more than hour at least and then you're forced to sail 1.5h back? 


    I don't think that's okay xD

    The long sail home happens for two reasons: one being you didn't win the PB attack, and therefore cannot enter the port; and two being you do not/cannot own an OP there for whatever reason.


    As for Yank's proposal, this seems quite honorable to allow the dogged tired to freely leave the PB in peace. It is a sad thing to see gankers sitting outside in much larger ships making gank attempts afterward. I would honor this system; and to those we see refuse to honor it, we shall place bounties on their heads.

    If you want to be a ganker, gank before the PB, preventing the enemy from having an overwhelming force, not after a very exhausting battle.

  10. I play this on a laptop with a HD5500 cheapo Intel onboard gfx and I play on low setting, yet it is still an amazing game. Perhaps not visually during play, but I have set it at Max and can tell it will be amazing once i build a rig capable of it. Do not fret having to play this game with low gfx settings for it is still very much worth it!

  11. Fireships and scuttling ships are valid tactics in war. I see no reason to disable them.

    Of course these were historically accurate, however the crew jumped overboard before making contact with the enemy, and they were well under crewed. At least from history I read.

  12. A new video is up :)


    Brave brave snow. Nice of you to give props to others. About that part where all ships are smashed into one ship, it happens too often to me during massive lag spikes; massive meaning 10k and up. It's pretty weird, as this is the only game I've seen react this way. Most games during lag spikes simply stop moving, not smash them all together in the center of the map. It's kind of fun when it happens in PB's, as you get to see the ships inside tower also. heh

  13. Will there be assassins too? Japanese shadow warriors sneaking into enemy towns and ...



    Oh.... yes, and "kamikaze" rammers and fire ships.... oh nevermind... we apparently have those already. Damn mechanics.

    We do have some bounty hunters tho.... :)

    • Like 2
  14. Conquest information is buggy some times, but I kind of like that it gives quite limited information and you have to keep up with your pop-ups on screen, or be the one who constantly have to ask your mates on TeamSpeak what's going on.

    i love when im afk and ask nation chat and they yell in CAPS to check the map, but the timer doesnt say anything about the flag already planted :/

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