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Cpt Blackthorne

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Posts posted by Cpt Blackthorne

  1. I'd like to see a list of active clans on the PvP2 server. The intent is to show activity on the PvP2 server in hopes of preventing the "possible" server merge. This is also an attempt to provide new players direct links to clan recruitment pages. Hopefully, this forum will create server and nation specific boards in the near future. Until then, I thought I'd make this nation categorized list.

    Props to www.navalactioncraft.com for their map work and getting all the ports updated.

    (Last updated: 1/1/17)


    Please respond in the following format and I will keep this updated on this OP (the other posts haven't been updated since Jan):



    [Clan Tag] - Clan Name:

    Clan website or game-labs recruitment thread:

    Active Member Count:

    (If you don't have a recruitment thread or clan signature banner, msg me and I can make one...for a price :))



    [CN] - Celestial Navy - 20



    [AD] - ? - ?
    [AVAST] - Boer You to Death - 11
    [DEIF] - Dutch East Indies Fleet - ?
    [DFHS] - Dutch Forlorn Hope Squadron - ?
    [DUTCH] - Dutch - ?
    [DWIC] - Dutch West Indies Company - ?
    [EEN] - ? - ?
    [GI] - ? - ?
    [HDZ] - ? - ?
    [iPS] - ? - ?
    [OJ] - Oranje Flotilla - ?
    [SEGA] - ? - ?
    [TOVNM] - Total Oblivion - The Flying Dutchmen - 4
    [VPAS] - ? - ?



    [ACS] - ? - ?
    [DSSC] - Drunk Sailors Social Club - 21
    [FTC] - French Trade Conglomerate - 3
    [KRABS] - Le Marine de Bikini Bas - 8 Defunct
    [LBORK] - LeBork - 13 Changed to Sweden [bORK]
    [LEDR] - ? - ?
    [LFF] - ? - ?
    [LN]- ? - ?
    [LOS] - ? - ? Defunct / moved to [DSSC]


    Great Britain

    [11ACR] - ? - ?
    [AFG] - The Academy for Fine Gentlemen - 12
    [AGW] - Alt Games Warbirds - 11
    [AIE] - ? - ?
    [AUS] - ? - ?
    [BCS] - ? - ?
    [BLUE] - ? - ?
    [BRRTS] - Barrett's Privateers - ?
    [CKA] - Canada Kicks Ass - 34?
    [EIC] - ? - ?
    [EITC] - ? - ?
    [FUN] - ? - ?
    [HA] - ? - ?
    [IPC] - Indies Privateer Consortium - ?
    [JANFU] - JANFU Tactical - ?  Defunct?
    [JS] - ? - ?
    [KF] - Kraken Fleet - 10 Defunct
    [MT6] - ? - ? Defunct?
    [MYTY] - Mighty Men of Valour - ?
    [NSWCF] - ? - ?
    [RCF] - ? - ?
    [RED] - ? - ?
    [SI] - ? - ?
    [SMS] - Reichflotte - ?
    [SOB] - Sons of Britain - 80 Moved to PvP1 as [KIN] King's Imperial Navy
    [SOH] - ? - ? Defunct?
    [SPN] - Soggy Potato Navy - 12
    [STERN] - ? - ?
    [TOM] - Tides of March - 4
    [TWP] - ? - ?
    [UK] - ? - ?
    [VOLT] - ? - ?
    [WBK] - Waffle Brigade - ? Moved to PvP1?
    [WHB] - West Indies Hano Badgers - 3
    [WIP] - ? - ?



    [1B] - One Blood - 10
    [BD] - Black Death - 3 Changed to [DP]
    [BEARD] - ? - ?
    [BLACK] - Black Flag - 48
    [BLKS] - Black Sails - ?
    [BLOOD] - Blood of BLACK - ?
    [BMDF] - Bahama Mama Defense Force - 8
    [BOOTY] - ? - ?
    [BOTC] - ? - ?
    [CBP] - ? - ?
    [CDOGS] - ? - ?
    [COM] - ? - ?
    [CURSE] - ? - ?
    [DC] - Disorderly Conduct - ?
    [DOW] - ? - ?
    [DP] - Dread Pirates - ?
    [DREAD] - ? - 1
    [FLIBS] - ? - ?
    [GUN] - ? - ?
    [HYDRA] - ? - ?
    [JUL] - Just Us League - ?
    [NASTY] - No Allegiance Save To Yourself - 10
    [NO] - No Quarter - ?
    [PINKY] - ? - ?
    [SKULL] - ? - ?
    [SOB] - ? - ?
    [SSU] - Salty Sailor Union - 3
    [THUG] - ? - ?
    [UNKN] - Unknown - 11
    [ZILCH] - ? - ?



    [ARF] - ? - ?
    [LDM] - ? - ?
    [NAVY] - ? - ?
    [USE] - United Shipwrights Espana - ?



    [BORK] - 3th Swedish Flotilla - 13
    [ISN] - ? - ?
    [SSF] - ? - ?
    [TSM] - The Swedish Meatballs - 2


    United States

    [AN] - American Navy - ? Changed to Pirates [SKULL]
    [ASP] - Atlantic Society of Pioneers - 8
    [BCS] - ? - ?
    [BMDF] - Bahama Mama Defense Force - 8 Changed to Pirate [DMDF]
    [BORG] - ? - ?
    [BRRB]- Broken Rebels - 7
    [CBR] - Chum Bucket Raiders - 11
    [CDOGS] - ? - ?
    [CSS] - Crusty Squidly Squad - ?
    [DD] - Detroit Demolition - 8
    [FEAR] - Face Everything And Rise - 15
    [FFN] - ? - ?
    [FLB] - Furry Lovable Bunnies - 6
    [GT] - ? - ?
    [JR] - Jolly Rodgers - 2
    [JUL] - Just Us League - ? Changed to Pirates [JUL]
    [MHS] - ? - ?
    [MOGN] - Massive Online Gaming Nation - 10
    [MTC] - ? - ?
    [NPG] - No Pants Guys - 80
    [NSJR] - ? - ?
    [PA] - ? - ?
    [PXP] - ? - ?
    [OPR8] - ? - ?
    [SCS] - Secondhand Cannonball Salesmen - ?
    [SKY] - Clear Skies - ?
    [SOG] - ? - ?
    [TOTC] - Total Oblivion Trading Company - 8
    [TZ] - ? - ?
    [UNKN] - Unknown - 40 Changed to Pirates [UNKN]
    [USCCG] - United States Continental Coast Guard - 24
    [USN] - United States Navy - ?
    [USS] - United States Ships - 4
    [UW] - Unknown Warriors - ?
    [VCO] - Voodoo Shipping Company - ?
    [WATCH] - The Bay's Watch - 9 Majority changed to Pirates
    [WBK] - ? - ?

    • Like 6
  2. I made a suggest last week about players going to other nations asking for a Letter of Marque or to change their Citizenship. This would be a national vote, or a vote by the new Parliament/Rulers that will be implemented in the Politics/Diplomacy patch.

    I would suggest these nationality changes should be recorded and held in player history so that those voting to let new citizens in can decide based on whether the player is just a Nation Hopper.

    • Like 2
  3. agreed, indeed. Plus, seeing 20x Santis, 20x Vics, 20x Pavels. 20x Bellonas, all in the same fleet is quite ridiculous. Especially if they're just sailing into random ports and randomly spawning in other nation's ports. Makes no sense. I'd also like to see them as each individual ship in OW and not one ship for an entire fleet. Maybe AI should be sailing only their nation's ships.

  4. Player "alts" admitting they are used for spying or anything in that relation to it can be reported with the report function.

    It is pretty common sense that the nation chats are not safe to discuss war plans and such. ;)

    Truth indeed, however it's come to many USA clans' attention that some in clans are spies. But if this isn't a hit in a cpl days, then it certainly can be closed.

  5. The only proof you can get is personal confirmation. At this point you report with right click on the name -> report and you're done.


    Reported as an attempt at witch hunt and public lynch. Nothing good can come from this.

    This is certainly no witch hunt, however I could see it being construed as such. However, according to tribunal posts from admins, there is no rule against having alt accounts. And there are no rules against having player bounties. These two will indeed feed off one another increasing PvP.

  6. I propose this topic as a Spy List for anyone to contribute about Spies on the PvP 2 server. Please list the player's primary and alt names and nations with some sort of proof, i.e. chat log, multiple confirmations from other players, etc. This is not to be a name-calling/targeting post, but rather a sharing of information.

    I will keep this list updated from any comments made below.


    Post in the following format:

    IGN / Nation - Alt IGN / Nation - proof or suspicion


    Known Spies - Valid proof supported




    Suspected Spies - Speculative proof





    Note: if you have no valid/speculative proof, your submission will not make the updated list. Also, if your name is listed, please quote your accuser and make your case.

  7. What this means for you

    • This means that fleets could come back, but they will be based on your crew that you can manage and you will actually have to hire that crew paying for them 
    • This means that ship capture could come back (with limitations)
    • This also means that ships no longer will be teleported to outposts and players will have to get their captures to ports themselves
    • This also means that maintenance for heavy ships will go up dramatically as it should be
    • This also means that losing a first rate will cost you


    I like most of the features, however, requiring us to sail with no tele option might be a bit much, especially for those of use who actually do travel long distances. Might I suggest the tele option still, and simply taking that minimum required crew to sail it from our current ship, or the ship we choose to take over.

    I mean, when we cap traders, practically there should be no loss and should not require us to sail both ships back to port. Simply send one ship back with part of your main crew.

    I can see in the future both ships from battle appearing in OW and allowing other players to attack either ship. That'd be cool.

  8. While I have great respect for the effort you put into your forum, sadly until the game developers have applied the diplomacy side to the game, I fear that all diplomacy we create artificially will fall apart immediately. The two treaties I negotiated (which itself took 6-7 hours to do, getting all the large clans involved and going back and forth with give and takes) lasted maybe five days before they collapsed due to violations by clans and lone wolfs disinterested in what had been agreed upon by the majority. 


    Without constant trumpeting of the new status quo (something many of us have no time for - I work 2 jobs and have a rather vibrant social life) treaties are destined to failure - however I would say that in both the treaties I negotiated I attempted to work in clauses to allow for such "mistakes" by members of GB/Pirates/US. Unfortunately the US had no mind for leeway and reason in that regard and so inevitably the agreements collapsed. 


    At this point I do not believe there can be anything but war and it is to an extent every nation for themselves. Localized agreements with clans may occur but as far as Nations go.. at this point we're just individuals under the same flag..  :(

    I agree there will be war until the diplo is patched in. However, my attempt is just to have a uniform place for ppl to post PB pix, blogs, and vlogs. Thank you for the respect, mate.

  9. The Conquest Information is lacking a bit. It needs to include When the flag is planted. It does help letting us know when it was bought, but once it is planted, the countdown needs to be displayed. Would also be nice if it were colored red indicating it is our nation being attacked, and green indicating we are the attackers. Leave white for other nations.


    • Like 3
  10. Open Letter to Espana,


    First, understand that I do not speak for my entire nation. I may, however, have the general consensuses of some in our great nation. To this I will share as my opinion.


    I would love to see Spain (and France and Sweden) back on our server and prospering. However, when a few of us try to make contact with Spain about a possible alliance, or at least friendly status, and you simply refuse contact, then it makes for a difficult time. Below would be my personal terms, but note I do not speak for the entire Nation. (Perhaps we can have talks this Saturday night on someone's TS. I offer mine, if needed.)


    1. Some Cuban ports could be conceded to Spain. I would suggest not making "sneak attacks" in an attempt to take them, as we will defend them until an agreement is made.

    2. The concessions of some ports would require, at the very least, a non-aggression from Spain toward the US in any manner, including ganking, interference, and blockades. We would need assurances that there are no alliances, in fact, no ties in any form, with a nation deemed our enemy.

    3. Spain would be required to provide the US with blockading from any aggressors toward the US. Spain helps protect our ports and helps attack our enemy ports by blockading our enemies from entering PBs.

    4. All friendliness would be thrown to the wayside should we notice Spain conceding any ports to other nations.


    In return for this alliance of sorts, Spain would receive, along with the aforementioned "some" Cuban ports, our efforts to protect them from other nations, and a ganking cessation of any Spanish ships by the US.


    ***Remember, I speak currently for only myself and would like others to chime in with their thoughts. And please consider talks on TS.

  11. This summer I am getting into RC wooden ship models. Watched a lot of vids on it and now working on a bb reloader system for the cannon. This is the tricky part that I've been searching for. But here's a vid of a cool battle with no projectiles being fired.


    And here's a link with actual combat RCs firing projectiles....this is what i want with age of sail




    • Like 1
  12. it can be only be fixed by forcing full invulnerability during 120 sec - this will make some areas PVE. for example You then can travel from chistiansted to road town risk free. or from Gustavia to Oranjestad.

    Maybe send logged ships to nearest OP rather than to nearest National Port? Because, it would indeed suck for those who legitimately lose connection to be sent half way across the map. I believe we are all in agreement we want less PvE and much more PvP. These timers are def an improvement from before.

    We are always appreciative of the devs attempts at bettering the game play for all.

    • Like 1
  13. I apologize if this has been mentioned before... I'd like there to be a penalty to those who log off to hide outside enemy ports. I suggest once they log off that they should be sent back immediately to their nation's closest port (not a free port).

    The reason is this, they have 3 or more mates all together. They sit outside an enemy port. 1 stays on while the others log off. This then baits an inquisitive player to go to that foreign player. They join battle, and then all the other foreign mates re-log in and join the battle making a very nasty, rude, unbalanced battle for ships to be ganked.


    I believe there should be a penalty on these log-baiters that they are sent to their countries nearest port. If they want more PvP, then do it the manly way and not by log-baiting.

    • Like 1
  14. I have created a forum specific to PvP 2 in attempts to bolster population on this server. Below are sample boards. Please review the forum and join if you find it interesting and usable. TY

    To be able to post, it is much like any other forum: simply click Sign Up, fill out the info and click Join. Then check your email and click the activation link.




    Main Layout



    Nation Boards



    Bounty Board


    • Like 1
  15. And, apparently this New Spain has already made an alliance with GB and Pirates....and I apparently seem to be a prime target. lol.



    Glad to see Spain come back. I hope they won't give capped ports to their allies and then just switch back to original nation...... GLHF and let's see if we can't get France back in this server!!!


    Oh and btw, please consider joining the forum I created specifically for the PvP 2 server. Each nation has their own board.


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