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Cpt Blackthorne

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Posts posted by Cpt Blackthorne

  1. I believe many people have fallen off the primary target of this poll and into the topic of the Connie. The idea of this poll is to make each nation be different from another with their own ships they can build creating their own attributes in ship building style with different characteristics for those ships. None of this would prevent the capture of other nation ships. And it also would not prevent other nations from building with the materials, but rather would keep the same spaced or non-spaced attributes that those nations seemed to use.


    And to Ledinis, Sella22 had a great idea for those nations not in this game, their ships could be built by all nations.


    Please, let's not continue an argument over one ship in particular, but rather on the poll questions. I am curious to know if these nation build attributes would change the nation people choose to play for.

  2. Careful what you wish for ;)

    I understand the hull depth would prevent it from entering some ports. But all ports need reworked anyway.  


    Not this silliness again.


    Facepalm at the 'armored battleships' remark. How can you build the 'first battleship' when battleships have been in existence for centuries? How can you build the first 'armored' ship by creating a hull only marginally stronger than those of aforementioned battleships?

    I believe you haven't read the link and all the articles within it. You are missing the point that this was not a rare case of the Connie to repel shots, but that every battle entered she receive much less casualties than foreign spaced ships did. It wasn't so much the thickness of the hull, but also the wood type and the spacing. Live Oak did not splinter like other oaks did. And the filler-woods used in the spacings of GB, Spanish and French ships made for them to be penetrated more frequently than the non-spaced US frigates. And I am not calling it the "first armored battleship", those in the articles called it that because of the cannonballs that were embedded in her hull that did not penetrate.


    Ahm... Yes to all questions... and no to all questions. A 'Yes' wold be fine but only if we would have at least 2-4 ships of every type and every class for every nation. Man, thats a lot of work to do to achieve this. (And you will certainly loose the Mercury, Frigate, Ingermanland...).

    I do believe this would require the introduction of more ships. And certainly nations would lose the ability to build these mentioned ships, but nothing would prevent them from capturing them.


    And 'the first armored battleship'? What a load of bull.

    I am not calling it the "first armored battleship", those in the articles called it that because of the cannonballs that were embedded in her hull that did not penetrate.

  3. I'm curious to know if people would change their nation choice if each nation had its own attributes, especially in relation to what ships they could build and how their ships were built (with spacing like Spain, France, GB, or without spacing like the US), and also in the government structure (if it were different based on history).


    • Like 1
  4. If you really want National differences would you like me to list the ships available to the French, British, Spanish and Dutch during the period because if I did I think it would put most players off playing a US faction.


    Obviously any Naval game set after early last century would be a different story we would all want to be US  :D .


    Sorry I am much more interested in a balanced game than trying to keep players happy because of real National differences, allowing custom names/flags (from the period) would be nice.

    Yes, please list the ships in game to their nations. That would be great. And, I'd have to disagree with this list possibly causing people not to choose the USA, as if the frame-spacing was introduced (or at least included in the hull characteristics), I believe people would indeed chose being able to build the Connie over other ships. Ooorrr perhaps not.

  5. Agreed, but there needs to be some differences between the nations. As it is, most people seem to play the nation of which they are a citizen, closely followed by the nation's history. And if the history of a nation is a popular reason, then these nations need to have some differences in attributes. I hope this will become the case for this game, or at least for NA2 ;)


    • Like 1
  6. I just read a well researched presentation by the clan TDA. Absolutely well done!



    It details why the Constitution should have an HP armor and thickness buff with many RL quotes throughout history from its sailors, shipwrights, and others who witnessed first-hand accounts of it in action against other frigates of other nations. Basically, I agree it needs a buff.


    In reading this I noticed something this game is lacking: any real differences between nations. In this game's current state, all nations have exactly the same attributes. They can craft the same ships of the same quality and structure, etc. I propose national differences; especially in the construction of ship design, but also in the future "Such is Lord" patch due soon, based on the government structure. But this poll topic is focused on ship-building.


    1. I believe each nation should be able build only the ships each nation built at the time.

        I.e.: a. USA should only be able to build Constitution, Essex, Frigates (US types), etc.

               b. GB should only be able to build Victory, Bellona, Frigates (GB types), etc.

               c. Spain should only be able to build Santisima, etc, etc, etc for the rest of the nations.

    2. Frigates need different sub-categories based on these nation builds.

        I.e. Each nation should have it's own line of frigates available to build WITH the inherent spaced and non-spaced characteristics of each nation.

    3. Frame spacing should be different between nations in building ships, which would change the inherent HP and armor of each nation's ships.

        I.e. Based on the details listed in the research by the TDA link above, each nation would have relative spacing per rate of ship. And of course, the USA frigate class to the Constitution should have no spacing, resulting in a hull armor and thickness buff. (This I believe would allow the USA nation to be competitive to the 1st and 2nd rates of other nations)

    4. Frame spacing should have different casualty results due to this spacing.

        I.e. According to many first-hand accounts the spacing on other nation ships resulted in many crew deaths, compared to nowhere near as many on the non-spaced USA frigate classes. Image below details such events.


    5. I also believe that the labor hours required to build ships of different wood types should match based on historical evidence of the difficulties to produce such materials. The image below quotes the difficulties of producing Live Oak Log as opposed to other Oaks.


    6. Finally, I believe that labor hours should not be at the forefront of the economy; that instead labor hours are not built up, but rather that things actually take such time to prepare. As it is, it takes only one to two days to save labor hours to build all materials and the ship (based on crafting rank). Instead, I think it should take a certain length of real-time to build these ships on the same time ratio as the in-game-time-to-real-time happens to be. I don't know what the ratio is, but say it's 50 in-game days per one real-time day. Considering this ratio and that the Constitution took 3 years from build to launch (1,090 days) that would mean it's construction in-game would not be completed for 22 real-time days. This seems like a long time, so perhaps it could be divided by 3 or so. But my main point of this is that the sheer number of ships in game made by players is way out of hand. Having the ability to hand out 3-5 1st rate ships to buddies in time of war, makes for this to be rather ludicrous. The ship replacement factor is ridiculously short and easy and needs to be cut down, IMHO.


    Vote and discuss

  7. Hey all,


    quick suggestion - We should be able to craft directly from our clan warehouse (in whatever port it's actually based in). The clunky manual splitting and moving of mats and sub-mats for even the simplest crafts can be a bit tedious and now that we have a shared storage, we should be able to use resources directly from it.


    Hark! I hear you say, but people will just waste our precious resources! Not really, anyone has access anyway and could withdraw, so this would also be a good time to implement restrictions (who may deposit/withdraw/craft from inventory).

    Yes please to the first. In fact, I would prefer us to be able to set things to automatically be made, like a business. Perhaps give us the ability to create not just the 5 buildings, but also say 2 businesses like factories.


    And I thought only officers have the ability to use the clan warehouse.

    • Like 1
  8. I've made this suggestion before in the "Little Things You'd Like To See" topic. Not many people were fond of it...or maybe not fond of me suggesting it. heh. I still would like to see a NPC fleet and be able to right click on it and choose escort, even if it meant paying for the escort.

    But there are a few ways to counter these bandits attacking you in your trader, mostly already mentioned: Ask players for an escort, move to another safer location, attempt the transport at a different time, or use smaller and faster traders.


    Another suggestion I'd like to see are the NPC fleets engaging players on their own. However, the size of some of these fleets are larger than any fleet ever existed and the ships aren't even of the same nation. Seems odd to see 20 Vics sailing with 20 Santis and all the others in one fleet. These need to be scaled down and rearranged with national ships sailing together.

  9. This really needs to be addressed by someone. This game will need two servers if population raises but a forced merge bringing only 200 players at best into pvp1 will do nothing to save a server or game but could and will hurt it more.

    All this merger crap needs to be adressed.

    I've asked point blank on the "Questions to developers" topic, yet have not had a response. As you can see, others get their responses, but since my post, there've been no new questions and no new answers.


  10. Reward: 500,000
    Your IGN: Cpt Blackthorne

    Bounty's Nation: Pirate

    Bounty's [ClanTag] IGN[bLACK] Ashcanibics
    Last Known Port: Beaufort
    Reason: For terrorizing the US coastline and having gold marines
    Any Additional Info: This bounty is ONLY if the collector CAPTURES his ship. You must post screenshot showing so. REWARD is ONLY 200k if you sink him. 1 time only.


    Reward: 200,000

    Your IGN: Cpt Blackthorne

    Bounty's Nation: Pirate

    Bounty's [ClanTag] IGN[bLACK] Sneaky Uncle
    Last Known Port: Beaufort
    Reason: For terrorizing the US coastline and hiding from USA players when odds are slightly close
    Any Additional Info: This for sinking or capping. 1 time only.

  11. ... and went pirate. And yes, being most stupid I didn't read that warning message and clicked them away.


    Unfortunately I was the creator of our Clan and Clanwarehouse. :(


    Question: is there a way to revert that most stupid and for the clan most disastrous move?


    I hope for the best and appreciate any answer (even if it's negative for me).


    Best regards


    Dick Stupid

    Give all your assets to a friend: gold, ships, BPs, etc. Then you delete your character and recreate it. All your rank and craft XP are tied to your Steam account.

    But I'm curious...what happened to your clan? Did they all automatically turn rat? Did you lose creator spot and someone else is now the clan leader? I've been curious about this situation.

  12. Reward: 300,000

    Your IGN: Cpt Blackthorne

    Bounty's Nation: Pirate

    Bounty's [ClanTag] IGN: [bLACK]Mike the mongol

    Last Known Port: Shroud Cay

    Reason: For fun

    Any Additional Info: 100k to anyone sinking any BLACK member in PvP, not port battle. 1 time collection.


    [ASP]Keez collects 300,000 on the pirate [bLACK]Mike the mongol. Congratulations Kees, and thanks to Mike for being a good sport!

    • Like 1
  13. We lost a port battle as ships can board towers.


    This needs to be looked at reducing to only 1 tower that can be boarded and the rest require attacks. The so called 45 min port battle window fails miserably when you can have boarding mods ships taking towers in a minute. Regional capitols is worse when a Pavel set up for boarding can do so in a minute.


    The port battle rework really does need to allow the defence at least.

    I'd have to disagree. Many times, the defense has long time to sit and wait outside the PB as the enemy has a much further distance to travel to plant the flag. I figure once they introduce land in PBs with capture zones that PBs will be a rare thing, unless undefended.

  14. I think it was a deliberate choice to make this forum about the game itself, and not about what's happening in the game right now.

    For the same reason national news got shut down.

    What do you mean Nation News got shut down? I remember a few weeks ago there was a poll to have individual nation boards on this forum, but have not since found it again. Although I know from the very first post from the admins that this forum is not the final version and is mainly for dev-to-player coms, i do think we should have individual nation boards...even individual server boards. If not now, then hopefully when it goes live.

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