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Cpt Blackthorne

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Posts posted by Cpt Blackthorne

  1. Clans still seem to be a mystery by and large?  FYI you can probably delete KRABS.  There aren't any active players in it anymore.  I left it the other day too since no one else was showing up.  It's still there but active players (I think?) is zero.

    SSSSSSssssshhhhhhhhh. heh. Well since the French have disappeared, I guess it is time the Dutch make a comeback against the rat scourge. ;)

  2. would like to know what your definition of plenty of action is 


    IE: how many PB;s a day

    how many open world battles occur

    How many first rates in battles

    trader trolling

    How many nations involved in PVP battles 

    Every evening I personally participate in at least 1 PB, sometimes up to 4 or 5 (from 8pm-10pm or midnight EST). 

    OW PvP happens all the time along US east coast and always outside PBs.

    We dont swap many regional ports so 1st rates are a rarity.

    Trader trolls are the same as PvP.

    Actual port captures are 4 nations: brits, rats, danes and USA. Interference comes from these nations and the few Spanish, French and Dutch players.


    If you wait for my map edit on the PvP2 Fleet/Clan List, you will see highlighted everywhere the ports have changed hands and where major PvP was reported. I animate the map weekly with every 2 day mages per week.


    Edit: new map is up


  3. I liked what Legion suggested with the mast and rigging damage models, I think I said something about crew training in an earlier post, but just to repeat, in ow, the ability to set crew excercises, as a real ship would do, ie gunnery drills and the like.


    I just want the Pirate Frigate to become a craftable ship for the Pirate faction only, makes no sense to me we cannot craft it, and can only have a 2 slot ship.


    Naming vessels, is a must, but like has been said, they have to be proper names, not some random mess of initials and numbers, or anything stupid like HMS I pumped the neighbours cat......or other such silliness hahahaha


    a customisation facility for your ship, again , no silly bright bubble gum pink hulls !! it would be nice to eventually see decorations such as figure heads and stern detailing, I would love to see a Pirate Frigate with the stern gallery off of the Renomee for example


    another thing I would love to see at some point, is crew actually working the sails, I know it would be a real pain to do, but it would be nice eye candy.



    STORM DAMAGE !! also the need to adjust sail so that you dont lose masts in a storm, also heavier seas during a storm would be superb.

    All these are great. And the rat frig should simply be a mod made to the frig and not a full craft.

    Maybe a ship mod should be allowed for each ship, like removing weather decks and castles like some of the modded ships of the past.

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  4. Crankyman got one shot boarded today by Sneaky Uncle. Someone has pics. Lost his Victory.

    1 shot killed in a Vic? I think that's how we would know that gold marines are op, I guess. heh. We need the screenshot and the person to contact captain JSB in game to collect the main prize and me Cpt Blackthorne for the 50k bonus. TY

  5. Call to all player devs: Great work on your maps and such. We players totally appreciate all the work you've put into this.

    I have a request, if possible (because I have no idea where this is stored, but I'd assume on server in some kind of log), to post nation player counts. Is this at all possible to see how many players have joined each nation? If not, are there Port or PvP logs that show how many players from both nations are involved and then maybe pull from that for a "rough" player count?

  6.  I will say that I switched from a US Server to PvP1EU and have had zero issues with ping....had about 80 ping on US server and now, about 150 ping on the EU server with no noticeable difference in gameplay...



    Same here.  A 110 ping has little effect on game performance.  Please do merge the servers - or offer players with assets in pvp2 the chance to move them over.


    It would be very helpful if people would let devs know what connection rates they have. I personally have the only connection I can get in the countryside 25 Mbps DSL. I can connect to the EU server with an acceptable ping of 200, however the lag spikes happen way too often and way to large that I completely lose connection. Here on the US server, this is a rarity to have lag spikes.

  7. How about introducing a random drift on those who are out of port offline?

    Interesting idea. the longer they are offline the further they drift away in some random direction. I likey.


    The problem is also a bit that sometimes you get logged out unintentionaly (by the game or your internet connection, we all had this) so any penalty you put on this will also influence the people who have this already frustrating bug happening to them.


    Also the ships popping up on your horizon seem to be very close all of a sudden, they just pop in much closer as you might expect especialy when you can clearly see land in the background or the shape of a port, you don't expect the ships that are closer to you to pop in later. Some of this might be confused with fleets "logging in".

    Losing connection is a rarity. It is extremely easy for devs to see who requested the disconnect command and who simply lost connection. It is also extremely easy for devs to see who "seems" to lose connection all the time at precisely the PB or gank location.


    I don't notice NPC ships all of a sudden popping out. I notice them really tiny and then increasing as they near. And it is very different from that as opposed to me sitting next to my buddies outside in a horseshoe formation at a port blockade and then all of a sudden there are 10 enemy appearing in our formation. Now you ask, could they have been in a battle and just popped out? Certainly. But if you pay attention, the enemy NPC ship they were in battle with will sail out of the port you are blockading or if they could not kill it, it will appear in OW with them.. Neither happened. So they were not in a player PvP.

  8. As for the whaleboats, see those little boats in the picture at https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/dc/Battle_of_Vigo_bay_october_23_1702.jpg

    Those are called whaleboats, but it has little to do with whaling. :P

    Wweeelllll DUH! why would they row out there when there clearly is a war going on and clearly there are no whales in the bay...sheesh! They should've built a bridge to get to the other side instead of having to row across. :D This is a great illustration of your idea...or the inverse of that. I likey. heh

  9. Is posible activate a lock to enter in port battles for ship who go online in the open sea? If you want to enter in a PB you must go to free or friend port to deactivate this lock and then sail to the PB place.


    This can avoid this xploit or dirty trick and no bring other drawback. But I don't know if is posible for game mechanics to make this lock.

    This is a very interesting idea. It would require player blogs to be stored, I'd imagine. 


    I agree with Blackthorne , theres always cheaters that exploit any loophole found , the only thing worse is making excuses or lying about it .

    Personally, I can't consider them cheaters, as this exploit is available to all. But I was just hoping there would be solutions to solve this.

  10. So, I attack an enemy trader near mortimer town and capture a gros venture full of goods.  I take command of the gros venture and send my rattlesnake back to La Tortue.  I load up the Gros Venture with all the gold and silver that I captured.  I log out of the game from the battle screen.  4 minutes later, 10 minutes later, or an hour or more later I come back and I am all of a sudden teleported to La Tortue out of danger where I can then use the delivery system to move the goods?


    Or say Pirates post a blockade around Charleston.  To get past the blockade, I just have to get out of eye sight of the pirates, log out, and I am magically teleported into charleston with a hold full of goods?  Now if I wanted to use the teleport option, I'd have to destroy my goods.  But instead, I can just log out of the game and 10 minutes later come back and be teleported?



    Also, what the players in the "tribunal" describe isn't an exploit and or an abuse.  There is no way to tell for sure if someone is logging out to 1. avoid combat, 2. to pre-stage a battle, 3. because they have to do real life stuff, or 4. if they have to go to the bathroom of all things.

    I certainly see those new exploits that could come of an auto tele when disconnect. But perhaps we need to weigh which exploit is worse? Btw, if an entire nation needs to log off to go to the bathroom at the exact same time at the exact same location by the exact same premonition to defend a future PB, then I'd say these people could make millions with a tv show of their own. :D

    Maaybe the teleport should be automatic to the point of origin? Anyway, it is rather annoying to see 10 ppl guarding a port and right in the middle of planting the flag, 10 more ppl just appear and it blows your BP and flag planting is interrupted.

    I really don't know how this rumor started, but this simply did not happen. The British first rate fleet left from Haiti en route to Puerto Escondido, and no ships saw us most of the way there. However, ask the players known as [sORRY] Commodore Clay and [CAZA] EL LOCO, as they both saw the British fleet approaching the coast of Cuba. 


    We also had very good wind the whole way from Haiti, so much so that even we were surprised we made it there in the time that we did.


    I don't mean to start a rage-fest, but false accusations of exploits are a bit annoying.


    Also, the misuse of Tribunal is also disruptive.

    I'm not pointing any fingers, especially at you, as I play on PvP2. But this happens on our server just before PBs.

  11. We now have a Specific Forum dedicated to our Naval Action fleet.

    Read up about Total Oblivion and fill out the Recruitment Form to join

    the ranks flying the most respected flag in America!



    New recruits are offered a 300,000 gold sign-up bonus to help them obtain an outpost

    in Key West. Once you have ranked to 2nd Lt, we offer exceptional Rattlesnakes,

    at rank 1st Lt, we offer exeptional Mercurys; both to be used in our Fleet Missions

    and shallow Port Battles. The exceptional USS Constitution is offered to our

    top performers in our wars against our enemies.

    The primary requirements are that you accept the

    provide your labor hours, and participate in our fleet's battles.


    Keep watch for our video intro coming soon!

  12. This suggestion is in reference to some posts about enemy disconnecting to hide then choosing to reconnect at specific times, such as in front of a port battle when a spy informs your enemy of your planned attack.




    I've suggested this before: Set a disconnect timer that after about 3-4 minutes of being offline you are automatically teleported to your nation's nearest port or the nearest Free Port. Maybe the 4 minutes needs adjusted, but this seems to happen way too often. I understand the devs have the Invulnerable/Cannot Attack times, but this does not prevent them from entering PBs that have longer open times than PvP battles.

    There is no reason this cannot be fixed to punish those who purposely hide by disconnect.

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