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Cpt Blackthorne

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Posts posted by Cpt Blackthorne

  1. Welcome back friend! I knew it couldn't be just taking a bresk. Gla it was just a move.

    Ty mate, I was jonesin' bad for NA...especially at a time the diplo was added :/


    I was unaware such a place existed.  Did you click your heels 3 times to get back?

    Funny thing is that I had no idea a place like that existed either. heh. and i wish all it would've taken was 3 heel click....actually took 5 days to hike back to reality....heh


    Fixed that for you as Nyrtle wasn't part of UNKN but he was WATCH.  There are still members in US that are in that clan.  UNKN kinda has died out it seems and I switched to BLACK.  Prob can say you got a good bit of catching up on things in the last month that have happen.

    TY mate, I don't know wth I was thinking...I must've been drunk. Still am shocked about UNKN and the others before that left to go black. But anywho...as long as our server starts to ha ve a better balance between nations, I'm happy.

  2. Where has blakthorne been ? Havent seen him on lately....is he covert ?

    Think he went swede?

    He's still an american player, it's totally reasonable to suspect that he may just be tired of the game. Happens to everyone now and again.

    Sorry mates, but over the last month I had moved to a place that had no inet except crappy dial-up. I am now back to the living and will be keeping this post up to date again. I have edited the OP with the shocking news UNKN. :/ But, ty for noticing my absence :)

  3. Nothing has changed in this regard. If you got tagged alone by an enemy fleet, your chances of surviving were already close to nil. Determined defender means nothing in this scenario.

    Yes, things have changed dramatically. With this change, the gankee now cannot survive long enough to prevent boarding. Before the change, I was ganked by a rat Trinc who had 2 Trinc escorts. I, in a Trinc with no escorts, was able to sink one of his escorts. Then after using my final sail repair, I was able to prevent him from boarding me with DD long enough to almost kill his crew and kill him. I had a chance. It was indeed close. All I needed to do was kill him.

    But now, there is no chance in hell. They slow you by having their fleet ships demast you. Then with gold hammocks and other gold boarding upgrades and the officer perks, they need only take your stern to nothing with one broadside and voila, you're boarded and killing in one click.


    Why should there be a magical force field preventing a player from boarding someone else in nearly any situation?

    Why do ppl call this magic? What is so magical about telling your crew to cut the damn boarding ropes and hooks? 

    • Like 1
  4. Honest questions to all those ppl who complained and are now rejoicing about Determined Defender:

    do you run with fleet ships?

    do you run in a gank group?

    do you run gold boarding perks?

    do you cap traders?

    about how long did it seriously take you to gank a newb's ship before DD was nerfed? 5 minutes? 7 minutes?


    and what now can a player do when facing a gank fleet alone? or even facing one enemy alone who runs fleet ships and gold boarding upgrades? They cannot sail away to escape, because sails always get wrecked within 1 minute of facing 3+ enemy, and then the Area Control kicks in.


    Now, why would devs listen to a select few wwwwaaayyyyy OP gankers crying about this perk who ruin this game for newbs? Please, for the love of God, stop catering this game to these 1 shot 1 kill wot lovers. Kanay had it right...30% is the least you should've lowered it to.

    • Like 3
  5. Yah some of the folks I know only get on weekends or a little every other day when they can.  Some of us have jobs, kids and other games we play.  


    168 hours?  Are you smoking crack or something?  Most folks have a 40-50 hour job.  Which would mean 4 weeks even if your on every day for most of the day, but since most of us have jobs it's more like we might be own 2-4 hours a day at most.  So lets say 2 hours.  Just to be nice I'll say 6 days a week when it's prob more like 4-6.  Than you figure that is about 12 hours a week.  Which would put you around 14 weeks.   That is 3-4 months of play before you can even vote.  Most of the players haven't even been on that long.  I do think they should be Captain or above as a marker as to when they can vote.   Maybe a little lower, but not just every midshipman out there.


     I also think there shouldn't be alts from the same player in two different nations on the same server either.

    It was just a number to prevent those who love to nation-hop and will indeed do so to throw votes. What if they just make it so that you have to already be a part of that nation before voting begins? Or put a week long lock on votes if you've recently changed nations?

  6. First, Jeheil....I think I will log into the PvP1 server simply to track you down and keelhaul you for mentioning an excess of bottles, as I am going on 5 days of nothing, not even a cork. heh. :)


    You do more than enough already. Im not savy enough to do it.

    I appreciate that. I could indeed use some help on our PvP2 thread, tho. Just giving your POV in a brief write-up will help plenty. Even helping spread the word of the post to your 'nation' and encourage them to post their fleet/clan info. I see a lot of ? marks for the pirates. :)

  7. Great suggestions all the way around. Paying gold, or goods, or ships/whatever is a good idea. To put you back in the king's good graces, so to speak.


    I also like the idea of Letters of Marque, so long as you can't change nations too often.

    Ty mate, and about changing nations, I'd suggest it be only after a certain number of hours are actively played for that nation. Maybe 2 weeks worth of hours? 336 hrs? Maybe a full months worth of hours? 672? Unknown, but they should be counted only if active.

  8. There's no reason we on PvP2 cannot follow this format and have our own tournament. I would assume admins would also provide gifts there as well :D hint hint hint


    Edit: Also to the OP, would be good for you to add to the OP the updated restriction on BR and other rules. Also, add the list of teams there? :) Would be helpful.

  9. 14 hrs per week is too much. Freezes out more casual players.

    True indeed. So instead of making it a per week requirement just make it a certain amount of active time in current nation before you can switch nations or vote. 168 hours in a week. So say your character has to be in current nation for at least 168 active hours before you can change a nation or vote.


    Ok so if Pirates are not a nation and can't do port battles what happens to my resource farms? How do I make money and gather materials?

    I want to play the game and enjoy all aspects and craft but am feeling like I am being pushed to re-roll a nation.

    If this is implemented I would like to see the devs give all nations a free re-roll so players can join smaller nations or leave Pirates.

    Good call. So, considering a Pirate will have no nation, and therefore no ports, I feel they should be able to set up OPs and building in any nation's ports except capitals?? If pirates want to run operations out of Beaufort, then it is up to the US to expel them from that port by continually attacking pirates around there in hopes that they leave. But I do hope Pirates can be allowed in PBs, able to join either nation in that port.

    Say Pirates are friendly with Brits and are inhabiting a Brit owned port free of charge. Then say Spain attacks that port; Pirates should be allowed to defend that port considering it is home to some pirates.

  10. Along the same lines as Sully's last post, will there be a mechanism for pirate amnesties? That is, will people that have left the national flock, for instance by attacking an allied nation, ever be given a chance to come back?

    Granted, you can just reset your account right now, but will there be any mechanism in-game for this?

    There definitely needs to be an in-game system to allow easy nation swapping, but it needs to be an application process put to vote by the new nation's citizens and it must require that you have been in your current nation for at least a set period of time. I think it must also require that you do some sort of good deed for the nation that you are intending to defect to. Perhaps you must capture a port for that new nation or you must pay in gold and in goods? Who knows, but yes to in-game Letters of Marque, but also yes to requirements that will prevent nation hopping every day or even every week.


    Why should active crafters, or PVEers for that matter, get excluded from political decision making?

    They plunked down money the same as anyone else did. They should be full participants in politics.

    It is good to see that clan influence has been watered down.

    This is why I think the voting system should develop into a points per vote system.If PvP'ers are killing enemy ships and or taking enemy ports, then what weight can we have for the crafter? Maybe they need to donate to a national treasury? Maybe there should be a national traders market that is separate from the full market, and everything you sell on the nation only market will count? Who knows, but yes, all should be able to vote.

    • Like 2
  11. I'm just saying alts can easily reach those conditions and potentially rig a vote.

    But, do we leave it completely open so that all alts can rig votes or only those very few who plays alts regularly? There is no option at all that will curb 100% of rigging votes. So it is better to curb at least 70% of the vote rigging. I second the motion to prevent votes to those who play a percentage of time in one nation. I would say on average ppl play 2 hours a day. 2 x 7 = 14 hrs. What is wrong with limiting the ability to vote to those who play in one nation at least 14 hrs per week?

    Ad to this the player's necessity to be of a higher rank to vote. Most alts are not higher than rank 3 or 4, because they use them for labor hours more than PvP. If people have alts of a high enough rank and with enough hours, then all I can say is that they need a life, follow the advice in game, "You need to find yourself a girl", or whatever it says. hehe

  12. no

    both nations must be a top choice for each other - but because the voting lasts for a week and you get multiple votes you will be able to put votes to make the second choice a first choice


    basically - only 1 alliance per week.

    I am still confused. Are you saying we can have only 1 ally at a time? I believe all this is creating are truce alliances rather than actual alliances. But willing to give it a test.

  13. Bart, Nice work. I'm liking the map, altho, where are the capitals? When the game first begins all ports are open/neutral ports, save for the capitals of each nation and the free towns. Also, provide a free port or two along Portugal coast line. It's a long sail from Gibraltar to La Palis. Other than that, I can see a great potential. Also, would be great to have these two maps link up, one huge seamless map....yes please.

  14. I find these discussions kind of funny, when I take a trader snow and sail all of an hour in a direction to a port most people rarely go to and sell tobacco for around 125-200 per unit, I can easily make bank and sail back with something that will sell in the home ports or that I just want.


    People seem to be afraid of travel and transport, yes it is boring, but it isn't exactly a taxing thing to do.   I usually do that and watch something on Netflix or play Gems Of War while on these long trips.  And this is on the US PvP 2 server. 

    Isn't backy selling for 700?

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