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Cpt Blackthorne

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Posts posted by Cpt Blackthorne

  1. Have you both tested this with NPC ships as your fleet? It would narrow the dev's search as to where to search the coding. It could be that these commands are not associating with only player created ships.

    Also, try testing this with one ship you crafted and one NPC and pay attention to which follows the proper commands and which do not. 

    Another place coding could be screwed up is when we send to fleet and it tells us to remove cannon. Maybe player crafted ships are missing the coding to select cannon automatically.

  2. You suggested a very peculiar set of officers: Quartermaster was a petty officer and not really important. Surgeon and carpenter is not the same thing at all.  I think your source isn't really reliable, here's a better one:https://www.historicnavalfiction.com/general-hnf-info/naval-facts/ranks-duties

    TY and I agree, however my link is from 1600s and related to positions aboard pirate ships. I did not intend for these to be exact, but simply to show how these perks could apply to different officers in the hopes of quelling the cries from people claiming that multiple officers would be too OP.

    On the link you provided, we cannot confuse/mix actual in game player ranks with the officer positions. So, the officers we'd be hiring are warrant officers and trying to match these perks with them.

    Something else I was thinking, perhaps some of the regular upgrades should actually be changed over to officer perks, i.e. Pellew's Sights moved to Master Gunner, Rum Rations would be good for the Quartermaster/Master, Grenade Supplements and Muskets & Pistols moved to Marine Officer (suggested by Reorx above), Steel Toolbox and Extra Pump moved to Carpenter....possibly.

    Who knows? But thank you both for the suggestions and help. Keep it coming.


    So perhaps let's create a list of Officers that we can hire, and then try to match all the current perks (and maybe current upgrades) to these officers as I attempted in the op. If there currently is no perk or not enough perks for suggested officers, try to come up with good perk ideas for them. TY mates.

  3. Pirates

    NASTY (No Allegiance, Save To Yourself)

    All we need is a free port, and the smuggler option. We have no sympathy for nations that need more than this.

    We attack any targets of opportunity. We may defend or attack a port if convenient, otherwise it is no concern to us.

    If PvP2 merges, we frankly don't care, we will start over and continue to make gold and kill targets of opportunity.

    We are PIRATE and act as such.

    TY for your info, about how many active?

  4. Please consider my vision below when answering these questions. This is based on RL officer positions and their duties aboard ships of the age of sail. This link provides a very simple explanation of such duties: http://www.thepirateking.com/historical/ship_roles.htm

    TY for your time.


    • I envision there being a list of officers to choose from, say 8-10 different officer types, but being limited to choose only 3.
    • For each of those 3 officer chosen, there would be a list of perks to choose from that are related only to that officer's position.
    • From that list, we would be able to choose only 3 perks.
    • Each perk would have different rank levels, possibly based on the upgrade levels (i.e. Basic Officer, Common Officer, Fine Officer, etc, however instead of calling them basic, common, they'd be called their rank, either a rank name or number).
    • I also see Economy perks not being associated to our ship officers.

    With this in mind, I will provide a possible layout for a few officer types:


    Step one: hire a max of 3 (maybe more) officers from the list below:

    • Ship's Master - Senior warrant officer: Appointed by Admiralty, responsible for navigational, sail, rope and hold maintenance
    • Boatswain - Standing Officer: Appointed by Admiralty, they're in charge of rigging, cables, anchors, and boats
    • Master Gunner - Standing Officer: Appointed by Ordinance Board, Responsible for maintenance of guns and magazine/powder access
    • Carpenter - Standing Officer: Appointed by Navy Board, Responsible for maintenance of hull and mast during battle
    • Surgeon - Standing Officer: Appointed by Navy Board, Responsible for sick and injured and dispensing of medicine
    • Rigging Master - Responsible for all things related to sails
    • Sailing Master - Responsible for navigation of ship's course
    • Marine Officer - In charge of marines on board
    • Shipwright - Land Officer in charge of a ship builds
    • Purser/Econ Officer - Standing Officer: Appointed by Admiralty, responsible for ship supplies and consumables
    • Economy Officer? - Provides connections to Admiralty and responsible for crafting and resource buildings
    • Master & Commander (maybe to command larger fleet ships??)
    • Other Officer (need suggestions with a list of perks for them)


    Step two: select 3 perks for each officer you hired


    Ship's Master - on ship at all times

    List of perks to choose from (3 max):

    • Coward
    • Press Gang
    • Area Control
    • Light Ship Master
    • Frigate Master
    • Line Ship Master

    Boatswain - on ship at all times

    Again choose only 3:

    • Pump Inventor
    • Storage Master
    • Thrifty
    • Trimming Expert
    • Rigging Specialist
    • ?

    Master Gunner - on ship at all times

    Choose only 3:

    • Double Charge
    • Double Shot
    • Prepared
    • Mortar Officer
    • Carronade Master
    • ?

    Carpenter Officer - on ship at all times

    Choose only 3:

    • Expert Carpenter
    • Emergency Master
    • Expert Surgeon
    • Light Shipmaster
    • Frigate Shipmaster
    • Line Shipmaster

    Surgeon - on ship at all time

    Choose only 3:

    • ?
    • ?
    • ?
    • ?
    • ?
    • ?

    Rigging Master - on ship at all times

    Choose only 3:

    • ?
    • ?
    • ?
    • ?
    • ?
    • ?

    Sailing Master - on ship at all times

    Choose only 3:

    • ?
    • ?
    • ?
    • ?
    • ?
    • ?

    Marine Officer - on ship at all times

    Choose only 3:

    • ?
    • ?
    • ?
    • ?
    • ?
    • ?

    Shipwright - never on ship

    Choose only 3:

    • ?
    • ?
    • ?
    • ?
    • ?
    • ?

    Purser/Econ Officer - never on ship

    Choose only 3:

    • Admiralty Connections
    • Overseer
    • Royal Shipbuilder
    • Foreman
    • Gifted
    • FIsher

    Economy Officer ?

    • ?
    • ?
    • ?
    • ?
    • ?
    • ?

    Master & Commander ?

    • ?
    • ?
    • ?
    • ?
    • ?
    • ?


    These are just some suggestions. So, there would be maybe 8 to 10 total officers to choose from. You can choose only 3 (4 or 5) officers. Each officer would have a list of 5 or 6 perks to choose from. You can choose only 2 or 3 perks from that list for each officer. Each perk would have an XP level that gains his perk gradually allowing that perk to work at the percentage of that perk based on usage of that officer. I.e. Area Control level 1 would work at say 100m, level 2 would work at 200m, level 3 at 300m, etc. That officer's rank level would increase a certain percentage each time this perk is used. Trimming Expert level 1 would help a -1% heel, level 2 a -2% heel, etc. This officer's rank level would increase each time it is used (meaning if you sail in a straight line all the time, it wouldn't increase). Etc, etc, etc for each officer.


    This would allow for multiple officer combinations with multiple officer perks with multiple perk rank levels. The different combinations would provide a wide range of possibilities from player to player.


    Please feel free to take the poll and make any suggestions in your comments. TY

    • Like 8

    REWARD: 200k

    Your IGN: MolonLabe13966

    Bounty's Nation: Pirate

    Bounty's [ClanTag] IGN: [sORRY] Lord Vicious

    Last Known Port: Mortimer

    Reason: Obvious

    Any Additional Info: Sink or cap him in a PB is an additional 50k, capture him and he had a bottle on him: 50k. 


    I believe Vic plays on PvP1...but good choice. :)

  6. Did this ever transpire?  Was it successuful, or indefinitely postponed?


    And on the same note wasn't there supposed to be a PVP2 race?  I lost track of it but don't remember seeing it happen.

    Unfortunately, war kept this from happening..and seems like it will be postponed indefinitely due to such.

  7. The open world in NA is too beautiful to have the Home (free) camera turned off.  Would it be possible to have all-but-your-own ships/fleets be *invisible* when the Home camera is toggled on?  (to solve the problem of people looking around corners for ships)

    Nice compromise...

  8. teams mutually matching ships and pick a fun location to fight in ow its secret cept to the two teams. and maybe a judge? id b so down to stream fights from a basic cutter or something with free cam.

    If not live stream, at least record and post on youtube, will be cool to watch.

  9. It's rather sad to know that there are only two age of sail ships still in service for adventures. I hope to hear from people who have done these adventure, volunteered on them, or work on them in some manner.

  10. Has anyone been on an age of sail adventure, either working on it, volunteering, or paid for the adventure? It has always been on my bucket list, and I am unsure of how to get on a volunteering mission, as there is no way I'll be able to afford another $7-9,000 vacation that these seem to cost.

    Below are a couple videos that I found interesting. The first is of the tour guide from Spain who says she does a 6 month volunteer on this old ship that sails around the world making stops at many ports. Sadly, she mentions that US citizens cannot volunteer for either of those ES ships, because you have to be a ES citizen to work under the ES flag. So hopefully someone here knows of an American age of sail ship we can volunteer for?? The second video is of a RU ship and their crew, kind of a video blog. Enjoy mates, and hope to hear of your adventures at sea on one of these ships.


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