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Everything posted by Jesters-Ink

  1. Wow, thanks for the response, looks like this is place holder data then, but so looking forward to trying her.
  2. Bucentaure <---Was she introduced in the last patch, I saw her name on a wreck I got from my first bottle? She is a fine looking ship, well done to the person who recreated her.
  3. And an option open to all, so about as even as you can get wouldn't you say?
  4. If they are not gold have at least 4 slots then they already are a last resort. And lets face it, they are only letting us cap up to 5th or 4th rates, so if you are high or maxed rank, you aint not gonna be sailing a cap ship anyway. I like to cap and I like to keep and sell or bust it up for parts, having no choice is . . . . not cricket.
  5. I think up to and including purple was fine, after all, we all strive for that perfect ship, I know I did. It was historic to cap, only those who did not strike soon enough were sank, plus I think its one of the most fun parts of the game.
  6. Thx delaine, a mate has just confirmed your findings too, so I guess it won't be today. FD Frontier Developments uses the same format, Tuesday is usually the "aim for day" but that is classed as the absolute soonest it will be ready. The normal is for it to fall in "that week" incorporating the date given, not guaranteed on that date. But looking forward to it all the same.
  7. I guess if it is still down at 10am, we are getting the new content.
  8. I think they used sprites (in NTW) not 3D animated models for the men, at least that my understanding.
  9. The Pavel is a world eater. Not going to give anything away, but its the ship most of our clan want to graduate to. At least they do once they see what we can do with her. Make her better by all means, best all rounder in game.
  10. Be good if we could have an in port option to send goods/ships to other port locations for a reasonable fee?
  11. To me, this IS game-play. To sail and fight, sail and fight, sail and fight, even when you type it, it looks repetitive. It would be cool to have some "immersion", a flavour of another time, another era. At the moment, the game seems a little bit same ol same old, but with the proposed content, it's starting to sound like something people can really get their teeth into.
  12. Love the sound of this, although it probably suits us PvE players more than the PvP ers. I think we should be able to press from captured ships and we should be able to really over crew our ships, obviously at the cost of more food required. Ships that lose a lot of crew in a fight should "strike" without needing to be boarded. (or at least strike if the hear your pipes sound up). Might have to depend on if they have lost mast/s and or guns too. Are there going to be "grades" of crew, some better than others, will we be able to gain crew XP ie, improve their skills in gunnery and or sail trim/ship speed/rate of turn? A crew that has been around and seen more action, done more sailing, be better at their jobs. Crews that eat well perform better too? There are so many cool management/benefit options available . . . . So looking forward to this update. Disregard each idea if already mentioned.
  13. I see the "I just wana blow stuff" side too, but lets see shall we, done well, it could add to the game.
  14. Love this idea, and really love the closing statement, do it right or don't bother.
  15. You guys (Devs) should check out the old Sid Meiers Pirates. It was a cool little game back in its day, also with a need for food supplies. It worked quite well too, but it wasn't a one off buy, you had to buy enough food for the duration of your trip. This was also offset by the size of your crew. More crew = more food needed. Crew used to mutiny if you spent too long at sea too, as well as lack of food. Was quite cool feature making you manage your time at sea, rather than just sail direct A to B. It also had storms that reduced your ships sailing capabilities too, due to sail and hull damage. Bit shitty by today's standards, but it had a lot of the simple little features that made it interesting and they solved the problems of everyone maxing out the game quickly then not playing any more. Please disregard as necessary.
  16. Can you make it easier to enter ports, it is so damn frustrating at the moment trying to get in those last few (mm)? Don't show the mouse arrow when using the spyglass in OW. Don't show mouse arrow when HUD is disabled, makes for nicer screenshots.
  17. I like the idea of ship customisation to a degree. I would love to be able to name my ship. You could have a limited range of names to choose from or a name generator with limitations. People love being able to personalise their stuff, even if it it restricted, I know I do. Maybe a limited range of selectable paints for each ship. Even black and white, yellow and white or all black would be a start. I prefer the idea of ship class rather than 20 x Victory or Constitution sailing around. I see plenty of untouchable fleets sailing around the open world, like 6xVics, 6xBellonas and so on, are there any plans to have more realistic numbers such as 1xVic, 2xPavel, 4x3rds and some support ships, much more realistic. Again, these fleets would look far more believable if they were listed by class not by name. Please disregard if these points have already been mentioned and forgive my noobieness. On the smuggler flag option, why is this limited to being set in port? Be realistic to be able to pick n choose when and what flag to fly, like in real life?
  18. Lol so I broke her up for no reason, I learn Thanks guys.
  19. Is this new, I was sure my 3rd had 5 when purchased?
  20. Built a gold Connie yesterday, went to teleport in her to capital, but something screwed up, it didn't teleport. I docked and checked timer to see it was back to 3hrs, so I thought I'd try again later. This morning I was going to teleport in ship again, but noticed the connie had lost 1 durability. She has not even seen a ship let alone been in battle, she was built for craft XP. A bit disappointed I broke her up for a rebuild. Sailed from English to Charlie for trade, by chance checked my other ships, my 3rd rate has lost 2 durability (never been lost in battle). Has the durability pirate been sneaking into port over night? Not f11'd it yet, but will if advised, I don't see that I have any proof.
  21. A few fair points raised for both sides, what ever is decided, it's still a great game.
  22. Last book of any interest I read was Trafalgar by Roy Adkins. A very interesting biographical account from many points of view and well worth your time if you are interested in this sort of thing.
  23. Got to pick you up on this, artist used a lot of liberties back in those days, shame photography wasn't around (1800s), I bet it would have shown a very different side. The only chance an "artist" would have had of seeing said ships back then would have been in port (more than likely freshly painted). Captains did have decks swabbed regularly but I cant see much being provisioned for "paint" at sea, "oh Roger, get yourself over the side with a line and paint the sides dear chap, the ship is looking a bit dirty". Yeah ok. We have had the very same conversation about WWI WWII aircraft skins, people saying they were kept very clean and tidy, you should see how much oil and filth those engines kick out after just 20 minutes worth of flight and yes I know its apples and pairs, but these ships were at sea for months, not minutes . Its the DEVs call, but personally, I was thinking the very same thing the other day whilst on a long trip over to the other side of the map. This ship would be a bit of a filth pit after that long at sea. The elements have a very forceful way of imposing on all things. I would love to see it in game, would it break the game, nah.
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