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Johnny Rotten

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Everything posted by Johnny Rotten

  1. Just to be clear, are pirates considered a nation by the devs?
  2. Pretty sure this used to be the case with pirate frigates a long while back, only pirates being able to craft them. The result was that hardly any pirates sailed them and all the other nations sailed them around mortimer town.
  3. Yes, I have reinstalled, then tried reinstalling and deleting the regedit and the AppData/LocalLow before running the game.
  4. Quick update : I have tried editing Screenmanager Resolution Height/Width to my desired resolution in regedit and it works for a split second on the server selection screen, before jumping back to the 1280x720 resolution. It seems the game is forcing me into that resolution for some reason. I have tried locking the permissions to read only but it has no effect and reverts to the lower resolution again
  5. Drivers are up to date. Monitor is connected through HDMI as was previous monitor which it was working correctly on, nothing has changed other than plugging in the new monitor.
  6. Sorry, still the same. It doesn't change the issue.
  7. Hi I did try that fix, no luck, the game is still stuck with one resolution option. I tried it a second time to be sure and it makes no difference.
  8. I have recently got a new monitor and my resolution is stuck on 1280x720. It is the only resolution available in the options. My desktop resolution is 1920x1080 and other games run with that resolution just fine. Is there any way to force the client to run in 1080? (i have recently sent a report)
  9. Test it out with 2 of you, put a normal mission chest in your cargo and undock, you will have the deadmans chest flag on your ship
  10. Yes i reported with F11 with the chest in my cargo.
  11. I tagged a trader with the deadmans chest flag on it, but it was only a mission chest when i inspected the cargo. It gave me a mission chest reward too! Heres a screenshot of the deadmans flag on my ship after i got back to port.
  12. There was 2 questions in there, are you saying that we have a ship ingame which no one will ever see again? The notes were given as a reward for reporting exploits and game breaking bugs, it's not out of order to get clarity on wether or not that reward carries on over to release seen as it was a one time thing (unlike pods/connie refit which were given out for testing). you don't think it's a good idea to have the permits drop either?
  13. Will testers who were gifted a note for Santa cecilia be gives another one after release? if not, will we be able to craft them via rng permits?
  14. Will those testers rewarded with a santa cecilia note be gifted with another after release? If not, will the permit/note be a RNG drop in chests?
  15. Just sail into the wind. It's a cutter. In fact, pretty much every ship smaller than the rat will outrun it into the wind.
  16. As was said earlier, I think book wipe will just lead to vets going after the newbies to get hold of their lost books again. Maybe it's a bit of an oversight on devs part (seen as Pvp missions have highest chance of dropping them afaik). I have no issue with Xp/craft/knowledge wipe though. Either way, congrats on setting a release date. I'm looking forward to population increase, hopefully hitting levels before the 1st wipe. I think all the gripes about the game will soon be forgotten when you don't have to sail an hour to find a battle in OW. See you all after release!
  17. I can't speak for other clans/nations but BLACK will attack anyone - even at kpr. The most fun battles I've had is sinking non-Brits around Jamaica, we patrol your waters for you in essence.
  18. Have you not heard? Apparently 2v1 is ganking xD
  19. I had to endure it from both the nats and my fellow pirates back before the first wipe. It didn't stop me playing.
  20. I can't count how many times we've tagged an enemy, only for them to ask for a 1v1, or to get salty because i run away once their reinforcements arrive. Its a sandbox game, just because we're in battle doesn't mean one of us is going to sink. If you happen to get caught when sailing alone, its not a gank - you are just unlucky.
  21. AI are awful to have on your side, i'd rather have players who can rep/tack through the wind. Adding AI like this will just give the attackers thee upper hand...
  22. I have suggested before on other topics about this. Originally I thought Nassau as a permanent capital for pirates and then the new nations spawning at Mortimer (which would be a neutral port), leaving Inagua open to RVR and a nice freeport in the center of the map. Then of course you have the issue of it being close to another freeport - La Tortue. You could open up MT for RVR i suppose and have the new nations spawn where they are currently. Or, if you had Shroud Cay as the Pirate capital (neutral), and start the new nations at La Tortue, making it harder to be a pirate than a new nation due to lack of access to a deepwater capital. If we are talking about using current mechanics, I personally like the idea of differentiating the Pirates from the new nations on the basis of wether or not their capital is deepwater, obviously the hardcore pirate choice being to not have a deepwater capital, and the new nations having a deepwater capital somewhere. This reinforces the point that pirates traditionally sailed light ships, and the new nations had access to SOLs, and makes it slightly more hardcore to be a pirate over a new nation. It's a start, anyway! 😉
  23. I think we have gone off topic a bit here. Ive made an illustration to show what I mean...
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