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Posts posted by Thonys

  1. well that's not the only issue

    screeners for a port battle get nothing 

    грохоты для порта боя получают ничего

    nothing at all

    nikkes nada, Niente, nothing , ничего

    the only thing they got is crew cost and damage repair bills .....ремонт повреждений счета


  2. aging by experience and knowledge is good

    aging from a sailor, to an admiral, and then to a regular sailor again, is not very commendable

    people can make a very bad decision for the game when that happens.

    what i rather like to see is when you age in the game you have the ability to have a real fleet in your command, and not only 2 ships in fleet,

    more officiers,

    tax reduction

    more influence in voting 

    better sailors

    better ships (lower ranks did not sail a victory )

    every rank has his own designated vessel and can not sail at/with under crew

  3. well yesterday 07-02-17 there was a freeze for all the ships in the OW for about 3-4  seconds 

    and after that, the game catched up ,and we saw a 1-second speedboat  > to the original time position in the OW map. (calculated after 4 seconds in 1/2 second)

    the game server just was running normal it seemed, but the connection to the server had a freeze or disconnection for 3-4 seconds that happened 2 times within a minute 

    after that it was running normal again.

    it seemed a regional host data connection issue from our point of view


  4. 9 minutes ago, Twig said:

    That expects more player ingame - As far as i see the situation at the moment, it is hard to even get 25 players for a normal pb at everytime. Thus "More players - more fights" seems not realistic. It would be more like: more player less fights.


    this scenario does not have to affect the main capital port battle win condition ( for having less players in the field)

    -* conditions for the pb in general, if there is no regional fight it does do nothing to the point system at the capital port PB, they  have to fight and do it on their own.

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  5. port battles have now a schedule at 48 hours (-2hours) reduce that to 24 hours (-2hours)


    benefit ;

    certain player have more benefit from it and don't have to wait (more flow in the game)

    some players will return faster (player base)

    more action. (more attraction)

    more flexibility for players to participate in a battle (more content)

    less agenda work (waiting time )


    • Like 1
  6. Hello captains and DEV s

    in Addition to the port battle here we have to fight at a capital 25 vs 25

    perhaps it is possible to have a regional fight at one of the other regional ports as well 

    in this case at regional port battle to break the region governmental assistance 

    therefore introducing a regional battle 12 vs 12 at a port 2 ports away from the capital city


    Goal; help the capital fight (with a new point box D in the overall point system) in the PB battle screen , > with gives a (lets say 15% additional) points when there is a victory at the regional port by the attackers

    conditions for the pb in general, if there is no regional fight it does do nothing to the point system at the capital port PB, they have to fight and do it on their own.

    also when the regional port is won by the defenders the point system gives a regional bonus of 10%( in de D new box )to the overall system so the attackers in screen can also see they lost the regional tension ,But that does not mean they lose the war, and can still win the capital port battle and the region


    benefits :

     for the captains who did not raise tension and can not come to the capital port battle.


    the screen fleet can when there in nothing to do, when the main fleet is in the pb go to that regional harbor (full pb at capital) and have good use of their participation effort.

    more tactical behavior to the game for nations to attack a whole region and a capital

    lesser experienced captains can participate in a PB

    more players to the battle  fields. 

    more battles at the same time 

    less tension to servers and graphical conditions for hardware (framerate) because of the split players amount.

    no grief from  player base because players are left out of the big battle.


    the more the better











  7. the natural behavior of the rotation of the earth (day or night)

    some time i am at the water i  can not sense the night ...(its just to bright at night)

    perhaps it is possible when during night time to balance the light in the game a little more darker( lets say bright full moon stand)  to become more darker then during  the day time

    just to give the feeling it is night with bright full moon 

    possible benefits more sense of the day time or night time

    more sneaky action on the water (sneak in a port )

    also lights off at ships with the (L key) just to follow a ship ( so you do not notice a ship directly, vise Versa )

    of cause it does not have to be black and you can t see nothing

    but just a little more nightly sense of feeling

    that also give the opportunity to have nightly(looking) port battles.

    or battles  started in the morning  and stops in the late evening (time-related battles by historical behavior)





    • Like 2
  8. well for a  first step for this scenario (how to do it;

      to load for example only the upper deck ( F3) with grape 

    when selecting the cannon load section just push  F3 and select the grape in the cannon loading screen (F3+3)(F3+mouse selection on grape)

    if you want to load chain in the middle deck go to the cannon section by pushing 5 de cannon selection will show up when you see that, push F2 and select chain in the cannon ammo selection

    and so on for the lower deck select what you want to load 

    it does nt have to be difficult


    perhaps a other suggestion (perhaps for a other thread ) added to this on 

    when having marines on board they can be active for the swiffle cannons (max distance 30 meters and only for damage to crew)


    for green 2 swiffle cannons at a side (begins at small frigate class 5 rate)

    for bleu 3 swillfe cannons at a side  ( begins at 4 t rate )

    for purple 4 swiffle cannons at a side  (begins at 3 rate)

    for yellow 5 swiffle cannons at a side ( begins at 2 and first rate)

    the are loaded only grape

    See this as (little)bonus damage to crew  if you have the marines on board and 

    ps:  to give example when sailing a first rate with green marines you have 2 swiffle cannons on that ship 

    when sailing a 4 rate with gold marines it has 3 swiffle cannons on a side

    when sailing 6 rate you have one swiffle gun at the back a side  there wont be needed marines as well 

    when sailing a 7 rate  no swiffle guns even when marines on board


    there  fore the marines on board when (not boarding) in battle have given use 

    the missing swiffle guns are added to the ship

    damage ration, is 1 to 5 max crew on a broad fired in close range max distance within 30 meters ,damage to sails and upperdeck








  9. well ....how much do you need for a Dutch ship

    because i ain't gone pay for any other foreign floating piece of pine tree

    i am sick already with sea sickness and grounded for that


    i have no trouble at all buying a premium blueprint to raise (option) fund for the ship of choice ;) 

    > and also premium paint schemes would be great (in this game atm i dont even have one :((


    • Like 2
  10. 40 minutes ago, Ravern said:

    that's quite a list.

    shame you didn't mention anything where it would removing them would actually improve the quality of the game for everyone or even yourself.


    removing bugs are always an improvement on itself 

    (mmm yes a bug atm, it is nothing historical or useful  so i consider it a bug)

    ----- just food for thought:..... in the year 1800 they did not have AI robots ------

                           only mechanical clocks and watches working(rabota) with a spring.... capies..

  11. well the thing is i see no use for is  AI-driven Battleships in OW (there are already epic events)

    the cargo fleet can stay

    reason :

    *they are always  to big to attack (and even do not attack you as an enemy)

    *they are in the way at PB (tagged in, and counted as well)

    *they are to big for a single ship to attack (ai 3000 br vs  player 120br )

    *they are everywhere they can be, for example: in the vicinity of a ow fort or tower what makes no sense (the fort is not attacking in ow) and the ai fleet is even not attacking other enemys it just makes no sense 

    *because i HATE AI driven things ( @i love them in missions btw)

    *they have no use as a escorte ,they are to slow moving and also stear the other way ,so no use for that to.

    * if you see an enemy fleet it always looks like this : 6 victorys 6 pavel 6 bellona 6 santismo 6 nukes or whatever,,       you get my point.!!


    ps:...The cargo AI vessel can stay ...








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